Monday, November 30, 2009

How To Design A Bmx Bike

recap: the clouds are white.

A new taste ...
This time we blow up first ...
I have already burned too many times ...
Insipidus brodaglia...
Nessun palato apprezzerà mai te.
Altro cucchiaio.
Scende giù.
A fatica.


e il 6?
Andiamo avanti...
Manca qualcosa,
ma sembra non importarmi molto,
ci sarà un motivo o forse me ne renderò conto solo più tardi,
come sempre?


No cosa?


Saturday, November 28, 2009

Killler Presentation Skills Ted

I hope it is evidence of poor quality: Never stay on the sidewalks

"Spero che tu non abbia visto nulla di quello che io avrei voluto tanto mostrarti!"
"Spero che quando capirai even just a little 'of what I feel you'll be away from me, from not being able to remember "
" I hope one day you'll see this situation through my eyes but you will not understand why "
" I hope that my hope does not is wasted "

TRANSIT HAZARD, "cried his mother colombo little ones.
But no one heard, preferred to all others.
Night appeared darker than ever.
roofs sniffed a quick time.
The geraniums balcony already savored the unexpected water.
But nothing happened.
Silence surprised everyone.
Guest side.


--- The best way to be wrong is to believe that the mistake is a goal.
Better silence, despite everything.


Miniature Toy Bicycle

Usually I leave the door open.

Should I change my mind.
I avoid what I could believe that that door is basically closed.

You! Skip down !!!!( laughing between clenched teeth)

Should I think about it and wonder "'s all so real?"
devised a way to avoid what could make me believe that door might seem someone close.

Useless! Useless! No one can attend to your walk on yourself. (Silent but sincere)

Should I worry about everything I need and leave me to my best nightmare.
enhance my awakening and tasteless chewing the arrogance of those who kicks the door, always there, open.

Here we come! You may facilitate all ... but I know that ultimately you want it! (Ambiguous tone and ringing)

Should I fear my advice, appreciate the criticism of those changes turn back on itself and to rust my every word.
I exaggerate when I say that everything is allowed only if I close my eyes and I also realize che quella porta è chiusa?

Non puoi cadere più in basso, se non riesci a vederlo e continui a guardare in cielo.

Horney And Pregnant And Single

. (No) (Better),

(Ma in fin dei conti
non è necessario andar sempre a capo per iniziare una frase nuova,
basta anche una nuova parola nello stesso periodo, seguita da una virgola per considerarla "novità"
un nuovo rigo, sarebbe inutile in molti casi, tanto spazio vuoto, inutilizzato,
sprecato rimane ancora lì da riempire,
e dovrei pensare già al prossimo rigo
...sarebbe solo un'illusione...)

Monday, November 23, 2009

Alternative Medicine For Pcos

Il fronte del testamento biologico

The PDL toward a compromise, the prevailing view of the decision on a case by case. "
December 16, 2006: a court in Rome rejected the request by the lawyers of Piergiorgio Welby to end-zealous' treatment by declaring it "inadmissible" because of the lack of legislation on this matter.
December 20, 2006 23 hours: the same Welby taking leave of his family and friends gathered at his bedside and listening to Bob Dylan has asked to be sedated and that he had disconnected the respirator. At 23:45 he died. For his act, the Vicariate of Rome did not grant the Welby function in the religious ceremony. Cardinal Camillo Ruini said he had personally taken this decision because for the Church "suicide is inherently negative."
January 18, 1992: four in the morning a young man's car crashed into a wall near Lecco. It was Eluana (... continued)