ends when a love ... Post Quando finisce un amore si soffre, si soffre sempre…
Per esempio quando tu la ami ancora e lei non ti ama più …
Quella è una sofferenza cruda, spietata, che ti toglie il respiro, che ti lascia senza fiato e senza certezze… Soprattutto quando lo scopri…Già, ma quando lo scopri? Bè, lo scopri quando lei te lo dice. Sì, because she tells you, sooner or later I Said So, indeed, I must say, because you were just you insisting, "You owe me say, I'll have to say! If I have to say, tell me, okay? "... And so, by dint of insisting, she tells you:" I do not love you anymore "... What the fuck you came to mind to insist so much? Of course, I had guessed, but rather were pretty sure, pretty much already knew, but one thing is almost certain to be practically intuit already know ... And another thing is to hear it said so in the face: "I do not love you anymore" ... At that precise moment you are carrying a dense, excruciating pain, you're desperate, angry, you'll cry and cry, yes, it's the truth: you cry! It screams, noises, just really worthwhile, for a moment you see from the outside and yes, it's the truth: do you really sad ... Then she, perhaps puzzled by your reaction, perhaps to try to make it less painful to try to soften , says: "Listen, you know what is the truth? It's not that I love most is that ... is that maybe I never loved you "... Thank God wanted me to soften! ... "But as I've never loved you?" ... So, not only desperate, I feel cheated, betrayed and you're mad to give to her ... Then, again in an attempt to soften - You already know her well and know what it means to soften her - says, "No, you know what is the truth? It is not just that I never loved, is that ... is that maybe the beginning I loved you, but then ... "But how, perhaps?!" ... Ah, yes, perhaps it is always to soften the ... "But what does say at the beginning I loved you? Which means: the beginning? At the beginning in what sense? The first few days, the first few weeks, when? Sorry, but if you say that maybe you loved me at first, then you're also a liar, because if there is a time when you loved me is definitely not right at the beginning Like the top one, there is a passion, but Mica loves you, even at the beginning I loved you ... "Ah, you see?" makes her "So you, too I've never loved you ..." No, no, no, do not make me angry, do not turn over the omelette, we were not talking about the fact that I've never loved, but that thou hast loved me only at the beginning, which is an outright lie because you could not love me !"... By now you've reached the climax, you feel like you live in a nightmare and you lose any clarity ... Yes I have loved you from the start, I loved you even before you even know you, I loved you and I will love you forever, I swear ... io mi ammazzo!!!”... La carta del suicidio ha un effetto dirompente, ti sembra di aver fatto breccia, per un attimo sogni che lei ti dirà: “No amore mio, non è vero niente, io ti amo, scusa, scusa!”… E invece lei ti ammazza sul serio perché ti dice: “Sai qual è la verità? Che io ti ho amato, ma forse non ti ho mai amato… abbastanza”… Ecco, il “forse non ti ho mai amato abbastanza” è il top in fatto di ammorbidimento… “Ma come: abbastanza? Allora è questa l’unità di misura: abbastanza? L’amore si quantifica così, a dosi, a porzioni e rimanendo sul vago? Non lo sapevo! E’ come per le Recipes: I love to taste, enough? "... But the irony does not work in these cases, it softens a fuck, you're suffering, you are suffering because of him, that's the truth! Because she is immature, or maybe it is insensitive, or perhaps it is unable to love, maybe it's all three things put together, it is insensitive immature unable to love, who knows if there is an expression to sum up all these ... C 'is there ... It' s a bitch ...
a love ends when we suffer, we suffer forever ...
Even when you're on the other part: she still loves you and you do not love her more ...
And you tell her, I'll have to say ... Actually, you did not tell everything to, you even do anything because she had to tell you, you have often fantasized on the sentence you would have raised a tremendous weight when delivered spontaneously from her: "You know, do not love you anymore" ... But you can not tell you! Because she still loves you! And because he feels it, he understood, practically knows, insists that both you and tell him: "You tell me, if I have to say, tell me!" ... And you tell her ... But you're bad in telling him: "See, I no ... not that you do not I love ... more ... let's say that I loved the beginning too early ... I mean ... well, either ... I mean I'd love you if it was not ... well, I have loved you, but not enough ... or Perhaps, here ... I do not deserve you! "... And you rightly cries, screams, yells," Come: I do not deserve? Do you realize the disproportionate shit you said? "... Yes, I realize it ... Now you are suffering disproportionately ... But do you also suffer! Suffer to see how she is suffering more than you, is suffering a subtle, full of guilt, maybe it's a pain even worse than her ... Yes, because she - who has loved and still loves you - can hold on to that love can shield to do with it, even if that love is no longer paid a milestone for her ... But you're in disarray, you're desperate to understand why I had never loved her, or worse not to essertela deserved ... So you find immature, or perhaps insensitive, or perhaps incapable of love, perhaps all three things together, an immature, insensitive unable to love ... Too bad there is not one word to sum up all of this ... "There, there ... And you remember her:" You're an asshole! "...
When a love ends we suffer, we suffer forever ... Even when
you might not suffer for nothing ...
mean when love ends neither your fault nor her fault, when it simply runs out, end up exhausted, when exhausted, can be said? ... But above all we can say that love - as well as exhausting - to finish? E 'lawful to admit ...? You know how it happens, you feel defeated, contradicted yourself, but in short, fuck, it happens to end! ... And the absurdity is that you often can not even understand when exactly is over ... For example, if you think: "He's running out, easy che magari sia già finito, finito da tempo… E se vai indietro col pensiero per cercare di capire quando esattamente ha cominciato a finire - perché si sa che anche ogni fine ha un inizio – può pure capitarti di scoprire che probabilmente non è mai cominciato… Basterebbe ammetterlo, dichiararselo a vicenda!… E invece si soffre, forse se ne ha un po’ bisogno, occorre soffrire per darsi un senso… E ci si arrovella e ci si accusa l’un l’altro… “Perché tu, perché io”… Accuse, rivendicazioni, ricostruzioni, che sviliscono tutto… Ma perché, perché fare così?... Quanto sarebbe più bello, più giusto NON soffrire!... E piuttosto invece parlarsi, serenamente… Chiarire l’equivoco di fondo… Sorridenti…
“Bè, pazienza, credevamo fosse amore, invece niente… Amici come prima?... Anzi, dato che prima non eravamo affatto amici, facciamo: conoscenti come prima?… Che poi in fondo nemmeno ci conoscevamo… E allora: sconosciuti come prima!...”
Così ci si potrebbe ripresentare: “Piacere, salve, come va?”… E così chiacchierando, una parola via l’altra, ci si conoscerebbe, ci si troverebbe simpatici, ci si comincerebbe a piacere un po’, poi sempre di più, ci si innamorerebbe e… chissà… magari one day ...