Thursday, October 29, 2009

Good Wished On Promotion

"The rest is your choice ... It's your choise."

Per fortuna esiste la Musica.
Mi anestetizza when I need it.
I can not feel pain, or
feel it in the right way, without thinking.
me away from me,
when all that is in me
becomes dangerous.

Gonna miss your ways
Your sin, your smell, your smile

Anxious An attempt to let you know

Dancing on the roof of Some cartoon showroom

But in an instant I'd give it all right back

So keep moving onward

Run through That open door

Consuming knowledge

Wormhole through times before

Can't you hear their voices crying?

Can't you hear their hearts breaking?

There is only so much we can do

Only so much can be shown to you

The rest is your choice

It's your choice...

When I close my eyes

I see two faces above me

One to my left, one to my right

I took you under, under my wing to shadow

It never did bother me to hide you from the light

So keep moving onward

Run through that open door

Consuming knowledge

Wormhole through times before

Can not you hear Their voices crying?

Their Hearts breaking Can not you hear?

There is only so much we can do

Only so much can be shown to you

The rest is your choice

It's your choice ...

Each period must have its own soundtrack.
Everything becomes still more livable. The more hollow
useless ...
... like this.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Commercials On Tourism

Obvious ... Consistency =

Instinct coward. Need
I'll always ...
... I always surprise you. The weakness

My mouth is silent and sometimes I'm sorry.

I'm alive ...
... I need
I want, I want
to be convinced.

Please do not extinguish,

want to have a reason to smile,
to speak, to think
want to continue, despite
to be myself. Easily

piegaibile ,
insecure of my first thought,

coward and unable to let me know,

make everyone understand that I need it.