tra poco birraaaaaa :D
però ho visto il tg2 che parlava di una eruzione micidiale! Il Merapi , un vulcano, che si potrebbe benissimo definire "bastardo" perchè:
1) E' il vulcano al Mondo che ha generato il maggior numero (32) di nubi ardenti in tempi storici.
2) E' tra i più attivi vulcani del Mondo.
3) E' situato in una zona tra le più popolate al Mondo.
4) E' tra i più pericolosi al Mondo.
5) It 's the most active of Indonesia'.
And to think that the city of Yogyakarta , with a population of 3 million inhabitants, is only 25 km south of Merapi. In the event of a major eruption, about one million people are considered at risk, and some 70,000 in rural areas near the volcano are at highest risk.
The Merapi volcano, characterized by violent eruptions rather, for its high level of hazard is considered a "Decade Volcano" one of the less desirable 16 volcanoes in the world.
Because of frequent breakdowns is the Merapi volcano in the world that has generated more hot clouds. The activity of Merapi is characterized by eruptions lasting from one to five years, typically beginning with pyroclastic flows and follow with flips in the air to pyroclastic falling rain, still showing up with explosions and gas emissions at low pressure and follow up with dangerous peaks.
In the history of this volcano and Plinian eruptions are common Subplianiane, the study of the eruptive deposits go up that way for centuries have been very different. The volcano has been home to numerous small and large eruptions which have caused at least 13 deaths.
from 1548 were recorded 68 (! Sixty! ) of which 32 major eruptions have been accompanied by deadly hot clouds of which 12 have shed death among the population near the volcano.
So ... wow bad luck Indonesian sti ... suffer just all sorts of catastrophes ...
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