Forget the Tropic of Capricorn
Direttamente dal diario Vista:Giovedì 24 settembre 2009 h 12.34
Tagliare i ponti con le persone non è mai stato il mio forte.
Ci sono dosi di insicurezza e rimpianto perfettamente bilanciate with a desire for change and disappointment.
You must have the strength to say in the face of a person because of your choices, your out of your life to want to keep for an indefinite period which can go up to the third party of your degree in psychotherapy or the birth of your sixth grandchild.
How do you put you put it .. the fact is that there is a lot to see again.
How to silence the guilt that has allowed you to forgive this person each time a pun you part?
How to forget your boring, but no less important than others, routine? How
renounce the support of a person who always there for you no matter what happens?
you reached the point of no return where a civil parting the thing that would sell a kidney, but the temptation of a scene in which holliwodiana throw all his stuff from the terrace you have been toying with the ego so many times since you considered the idea of \u200b\u200breturning singles, who now also your Smurf plush electric blue really knows how it will all end.
the evening when you must decide what to prepare for dinner you'll find yourself sad unpack boxes of disposable gherkins in vinegar poached in a lemon-yellow liquid that you hope with all my heart is a reflection of boiled corn floating in lazy circles on it similar to craters on the Moon , the only difference being that the planet in question is not dark green as your poor dinner table.
Lying down gives you your last cigarette of the day .. there will be no one waiting for planning terrorist attacks under the quilt to your virtue worthy of the most heinous crime, which will annoy the smell of smoke emanating from your skin.
On the balcony you will see happy couples, quarrelsome, serene, with children, and I looked at her polemic, wondering where you were wrong, because now you're alone and not with the former on duty to talk about politics, watching a movie, to count hours, minutes, seconds that separate you from dawn to travel to and from the consequent detachment in their jobs, or just to school.
Going to the sea there will be no one to wake you up making you credere che una mareggiata improvvisa ha portato via tutte le vostre cose, perfino le chiavi di casa e la tua carta di credito..affermazioni alle quali avrai pronta risposta..un'onda non può rubare..un'onda no,ti risponderà, ma il vostro vecchio e cleptomane vicino di ombrellone si, quindi gambe in spalle e corrigli dietro, anche se ha l'atrite c'è il rischio che non si fermi da solo.
D'ora in avanti non ci sarà più nessuno da rassicurare in caso di impellente e potente crisi di gelosia sollevata dal giovin passante di turno.
Che gusto c'è a cacciare se poi ti tocca anche cucinare la preda?
Poi però incontrerai un sorriso nuovo, qualcuno che saprà guardarti in modo differente, che ti farà sentire only for who you are and what you can claim .. and then your heart will melt again.
There will be immersed to the neck .. until you leave or you will be left.
I think being left in general is better.
You only have to worry about your pain, you have no guilt, and after having toured the hairdresser and the analyst are you ready for another adventure.
I mean, the tears come to an end, and freed my eyes from the patina of dullness that had covered them from the moment I accepted the engagement ring, are now free to look beyond the horizon to see a that before the sun was visible only Southern Hemisphere.
Unfortunately, I have always felt a Tropico del Capricorno, quindi tutto questo per me ancora non può valere.
Perchè a me non viene il desiderio di lasciare una persona quando ormai è da tanto che va avanti una storia e si è sommersi dai problemi.
Io ho il desiderio di fuga insito nel DNA..
Quando ancora non ci si conosce bene, quando tutto va a gonfie vele, quando c'è ancora il desiderio della conquista, quando la persona dall'altra parte è affascinante e riesce a comprendere anche solo una millesima parte di me, parte gelosamente nascosta ad intere generazioni di amanti.
Ecco, è in quel momento che io scappo..fuggo a gambe levate..e non mi fermo più..perfettamente consapevole che qualcosa sia già irreparabilmente rotto e che spetti I put an end ... as required by the etiquette followed by a useless bastard "Sorry is not your fault"
What the hell .. if not mine, if not yours .. is it?
Let's blame the Tropic .. and we all happier single, unfulfilled, curious, but tremendously happy and with an uncontrollable desire to live.
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