Manifesto deep hatred
15 Ottobre 2010 h 19.00
[Canzone di sottofondo I’m yours..giusto per stare allegri!]
Mancano tre giorni al 18, mesiversario della rottura e ne sono passati 2 da quello ufficiale.
Ho mezz’ora di tempo, alle 20.00 devo essere al campo.
Mi ha appena detto che la nuova fiamma non gradisce il nostro continuare a sentirci.
Fuori sono comprensiva, dentro mi sento morire.
Sento una rabbia che non ho mai provato, è tutta indirizzata verso lei, la sfalda-coppie a tradimento di relazioni consolidate (ndr oserei dire non abbastanza visto il finale).
E’ la classica tipa insicura dentro che se la pulls out, sucking inside that plays to people attending the alternative that does not suit.
Three times we went.
E 'enough to do damage.
and continues to do with his fears of adolescence.
I never tire of repeating that history will die with the deception created by fraud, that karma can see, and shall punish.
If the punishment will be to live a relationship with the fear of betrayal: that is fine.
would be a good punishment of retaliation, a wonderful revenge for us or would-be cuckolded.
For you my dear did you start playing with fire even with your mail as disinterested as a fish in the mood for spider bites, and the fact that you've got who you wanted does not mean "safe."
And me?
saw your character think of a reason to stay in potermene panciolle watching you mess it up with your own hands.
Well, I will continue to hate you with all my strength in every spare moment, but you will not let my fault.
'm not like you my small subtle infiltration.
I hope I get to throw me ... do not try anything .. Volter page.
would be ideal, I get rid of a heavy weight.
Unfortunately we do not remove it all with a red gum and blue, so long as I am obliged to try what I feel trapped in this limbo so uncomfortable, I will find my hobby invective in the mandate, as a good woman who is evil.
think that bad luck, eh?
Anzianotti was busy, and is now jobless, and now it was clear worried as never before, was sweet and acid is now .. all thanks to you.
are intellectually ready for a single combat record.
Writing relaxes me, keeps my ph stable, making basic alternated with moments highly corrosive and harmful to the protagonists of my stories. You'll always be insignificant
a front row seat, a hint hidden subliminal that it will send a link to your vile person and I will cause moments of diabolical laughter.
mental torture someone has never been so enjoyable.
I only regret that you never read what I write because your loveable completion will not want to disturb the precarious balance your psycho-physical model of seventeen confessing that there is someone who is plotting behind your back.
Not to mention that is not my prerogative to spend time in a direct dialogue (written or engineers) with you. In a nutshell
remain my own, evil, innocent outburst.
for you. The young
poor wretch, who that night would have made the world a favor by sitting at home.
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