Sunday, November 21, 2010

Alternative For Racktables

"This Love" Jacques Prevert

This love This love So violent

So fragile So tender So hopeless

This love
beautiful as the day
And as bad as the time when the weather is bad

This love so true This love so beautiful

So happy So joyous And so mocking

trembling with fear as a child in the dark And so sure of himself

As a quiet man in the middle of the night
This love that frightened the other What made them talk

What made them turn pale
Why we love spying spiavamo
Persecuted killed wounded walked denied
Because we forgot we killed persecuted wounded walked denied forgotten
This love Uncut
still so alive And all
E 'E
your' My
E 'was what was this thing
And always new
that has never changed as a plant
trembling like a bird
Warm and alive as the summer
We can both go and return

We can remember back to sleep and then wake
suffer aging

still asleep Dreaming death
Waking up smiling and laughing

and rejuvenate our love is there
stubborn as a donkey as the desire to live

Cruel as memory
Fool regrets
as soft as the memory
cold as marble As beautiful as the day

Fragile as a child smiling

He looks at us and speaks to us without a word And I trembling
And listening

cry Cry for you Cry for me

I beg for you to me for all those who love you are loved and

Yes I will cry for you for me and all other
I do not know

Stop where you are
Where have you been other times

Stop Do not move Do not go

We who loved
We will not forget you have forgotten

We did not have that you do not let the earth become
Although far more
And no matter where
Give us a sign of life
Much later at the edge of a wood in the forest
Arise immediately
Tendici la mano
E salvaci.


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