directly from the diary Vista (October 8, 2009 12:45 h)
infamous day in which nothing is quite important to be done and nothing is so obvious to be missed.
existential questions that take the place of the normal daily activities usually done on autopilot, trying to carve out the time to think.
And then to think about what?
the radio that transmits the same old music?
In case you have broken and fix it will cost more than its market value? A
all commitments declined, hatred of the people, closer to Reggiana?
should buy a cabinet to hide your weird thoughts .. skeletons feel so alone .. and because they can not grow mold dehumidifier because it is right that they too have their moment of glory.
not want to write a book, I want to give my signature on the sheet, mark and ruin blank page, knowing that nobody will read only intentionally but by accident.
rampant victimization seasoned by the knowledge that in less than half an hour I will be home free ..
Then I'll relax now .. the sun and stretch out the nerves after a liberating laughter will understand that nothing is as before, but nothing has ever been like now. Like money
drunk who has not had loved, happiness makes me a strano effetto.
Non che io non sia mai stata felice...sarebbe una castroneria..
Non mi sono mai riconosciuta però in questo stato,troppo impegnata a guardare oltre, a cercare un futuro che sotto sotto mi spaventava per la sua precisione e la sua ubicazione scomoda nel cassetto delle possibilità avverabili ma non raggiungibili.
Ora posso giocare con le parole, esprimere per una volta ciò che mi passa per la testa senza il timore di essere giudicata..sfido chiunque a ritenermi ancora normale.
Finirò ad assumere ansiolitici a colazione per combattere l'ansia da ingresso nel mondo, anti-depressivi a pranzo per non cadere nel tunnel del cibo..mi addormenterò con almeno due neuro-litici per scongiurare i brutti sogni..
Il my pillow smells of sunflowers that I will be massaging the hair every time I can finally fall asleep .. reminding me that I never sleep .. only sketch.
I'm going to fish for freshwater plimpli LoveGod Moon, because only a fool can not accompany another fool in affected brain.
I would sleep in a bathtub full of coins with lower value of the world .. one cent a penny .. .. .. a grozky a lek .. even a penny if I can persuade the Mint to sell one to a moderate price.
I noticed that the biological rhythm is our invention.
not sleep because if you need to get there, but only if your conscience allows you.
I recently found out.
E così ho capito perchè non ho dormito per un anno e da due settimane a questa parte passo la notte a leggere libri, tragedie e fumetti.
Il problema è che non sono un vampiro, quindi per quanto potrò acculturarmi sfruttando le ore notturne come Edward Cullen, arriverà il giorno in cui esploderò, e non ci sarà nessuna colla magica che potrà assemblare le mie povere membra straziate dalla ubris di voler superare madre natura.
Madre natura, grillo parlante, coscienza, angioletto sulla spalla..tanti nomi un'unica essenza..quella rompi palle che ogni volta che sbagli cerca di riportarti sulla retta via ..con conseguenti stati d'insonnia, abbassamento del livello di guardia nelle ore diurne, repentini sbalzi d'umore, tendency to hunt in the most unlikely situations, hypersensitivity to the presence of other forms of human life, rampant nervousness, memory size colander .. and I could go on endlessly, but I will stop here tonight because I did 5 and weigh circles.
And 'Saturday night .. the regular guys who are organizing to get out. I
after I organized attack on the trusted OpenOffice to write my memoirs.
Chiara! Memoirs of Hadrian? (Marguerite Yourcenar)! Blessed be Footman ..
I was reminded of something diabolical ahaha .. but if I had killed the first time I thought .. I would now already out of galeraaaa iihihi .. .. and become a famous sentence will be added weekly on my board .. just to remind you, my dear Clare .. we are like leaves hanging from a medlar tree .. any psychopath could choose for his sadistic projects .. and there would be no question of judging which takes him to desist.
Your trip I hid in the garage right .. if you want to escape.
Duty calls me .. there is plenty to rip out there .. unfortunately this is not your will instead get a reason ..!
Love, love
Santa devil, for the land Anzianotti
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