Thursday, February 25, 2010

Used Paddle Boats Florida

A poem learned by heart, always!

that became my lesson ...

" He or she who becomes the slave of,
repeating every day the same itineraries,
who does not change the make or color of clothing,
nothing ventured,
does not talk to Who does not know.
He or she who shuns passion, who just wants
black on white, dotting the
rather than a set of emotions;
emotions that make your eyes glimmer,
quelle che fanno di uno sbaglio un sorriso,
quelle che fanno battere il cuore
davanti agli errori ed ai sentimenti!
Lentamente muore chi non capovolge il tavolo,
chi è infelice sul lavoro,
chi non rischia la certezza per l’incertezza,
chi rinuncia ad inseguire un sogno,
chi non si permette almeno una volta di fuggire ai consigli sensati.
Lentamente muore chi non viaggia,
chi non legge,
chi non ascolta musica,
chi non trova grazia e pace in sè stesso.
He or she who destroys the pride,
who does not accept help,
who passes his days complaining of his misfortune.
Dies slowly he who abandons a project before starting it,
who does not ask questions on subjects he does not know
who does not answer when asked something he knows.
We avoid death in small doses,
reminding oneself that being alive requires an effort
far greater than the simple act of breathing!
Only a burning patience will lead to the achievement of
una splendida felicità. "


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