Friday, November 26, 2010

Ho Do I Charge My Cordlesstools With Solar

Perfection is no longer a trend.

27-Novembre-2010 h 00.56

Perdonare non significa essere deboli.
E' peggio il comportamento da finto stronzo che segue le regole del “così va il mondo”, “così fan tutti” e intanto si sente morire dentro.
Siamo umani.
Sbagliamo, facciamo del male, cediamo ad ogni tipo di istinto fregandocene di tutti.
Subiamo le stesse cose, il circolo è di quelli estremamente viziosi.
Siamo quasi in 7 miliardi nel mondo, ci sarà sempre la persona integerrima [ndr con questo aggettivo mi sono concessa un piccolo omaggio esplicito ad un'amica importante, spero possiate essere comprensivi e passare oltre la parentesi facendo finta di nulla] che ad un certo punto farà l'unico sbaglio della sua vita e lo farà magari a tue spese.
Considerando che incontrerai tante persone in varie fasi della tua e della loro esistenza..pretendere che sia sempre tutto perfetto anche per una sola giornata è molto pretenzioso.
Anzi, ti dirò di più,facendo un rapido calcolo delle probabilità l'idea di non soffrire mai per opera degli altri mi sembra abbastanza utopica.
Cosa cerchiamo per noi stessi, la perfezione?
Penso che la sofferenza, assieme a fiducia, entusiasmo ed immaginazione, sia uno di quegli elementi aggiuntivi che ti fa gioire dei successi.
Il bello stanca.
Il buono pure.
La perfezione è la noia personificata.
Cancella ogni brivido di imprevedibilità, di rischio, of feeling.
In the long run no longer meets, will lead to an addiction slowly and steadily towards what someone before you has said to be the right order of the world.
And there's more emotion that takes.
There is no activity that might cause your attention because you have lost any contact with the person you are and you could be.
You can not stay a day longer catalepsy in thinking about your obsession and his new spouse.
": Life if they make another!"
You can no longer be trusted.
"I told myself. How can you trust a person like that? "
You can no longer claim to want to stay home alone and goderti il dolce far niente.
“Asociale, perché sei arrabbiata?”
Non puoi più prendere il motore nel bel mezzo di un diluvio solo per incontrare qualcuno e stargli accanto almeno un'ora prima di tornare nella tua sede universitaria troppo lontana dal posto in cui si trova il tuo cuore.
“Hai vent'anni, goditi la tua giovinezza invece che farti ricoverare per una broncopolmonite!”
Non puoi più investire in te stesso per seguire le tue aspirazioni.
“Di sicuro è una truffa, ti porterò le arance in carcere.”
Non puoi più commuoverti sentendo una canzone che ti ricorda di voi.
“Basta con la compilation piena di musica fatta apposta per deprimersi, we are on holiday! "
You can no longer stay awake until five in the night immersed in your thoughts who just happens to always end up there, where there is no place for you.
"You look like a zombie, sleep, just thinking!"
You can no longer play any minimum signal as a victory.
"It 's an egotist, he thinks to himself, not you' Cause you've lost
Lost in the exact moment of perfection at this point that all seem to embody, I left her for another person.
Lost when you choose to dive into a new project and have received many do not.
Lost by chickens when you trusted who did not have or did you dream too and this has passed you at full speed without a chance to reply immediately.
not you suffer, you go over, meet new people, experience, distract you.
Abandon all, it's too far, to the appropriate standards.
Clear, reset.
You can not wait four years a person is sick.
We can not wait two months or six to create a future in perspective.
You can not trust one who has already disappointed once.
But we're kidding?
No ham in the eye.
not be raw.
not be cooked.
And at this point not even be granbiscotti!
It 's something only you and you feel that you can not express an inner satisfaction, a sense of fulfillment that does not allow you to bring him a grudge for more than a week, that makes you accept things that you thought you'd never been able to accept that fills you with positivity confident even those who do not deserve it.
In those moments you see what was worth what you lost and how that will be worth fighting win you back.
in my life I try real people who make mistakes, but when you apologize or forgive you do it with heart and show it in deeds.
know what to retrace their steps instead of going against yourself out of pride.
encourage you and give you confidence that they know when you need it. What
dreaming while knowing that they know what part the map is the reality.
not want to live at attention and see the rot and always regardless.
I want to say that I'm not jealous, distrustful or without verve even after many disappointments.
to say I have no regrets.
I want you heart and mind should not be synchronized on a monthly basis by an elusive expert for "perfection", I want to be part of the same circuit and chasing each other urging them to each other when one begins to lose ground and the ' much too far away.
I want healthy competition, evil plans, strategies to risiko, withdrawn Napoleonic victories unexpected and maybe even long term profits.
I want to think that a more one does not always make two, but that the result can change depending on the sign before each number.
I want to laugh for no reason and not be ashamed to do so.
I want to be able to make running and jumping to a local finishing then to dance the tarantella with a total stranger just because I know who has taken a step forward that I would never have expected.
in my life I want to continue believing in people, I believe in feelings, I will forgive those who think that if I can live up to the front.
All this brings me unnecessary suffering, doors in the face, cynicism?
But when you find yourself next to a real person and not just another "mastered" that our system We packaged in unit-dose packaging and disposable ... well in that case also mastered himself is chapeau, asking for an interview you and offers you a coffee to make peace ..
The fact that the target will be exploited for research purposes is totally irrelevant to the detail of our story.
He just wants to understand why you are so happy with imperfect and flawed as an individual!
does not want you, do not be alarmed, but update its fall-winter catalog to export all over the world "The perfect way of living" and all his followers to adapt to new market standards that seem to work better than previous ones.
He lost his lead and fraud. But that does not know
Imperfection is not a friend you can add to your contact list and that is advertised as does she, that can not be found by a search engine because personal and totally at the mercy of contingent facts in the life of every individual and certainly not on the front page all the newspapers that offer services of all kinds.
would be an exaggeration.
Well we like to suffer, but let us not just revealing tirarcele also the perfect geek ..!


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