"They made me walk barefoot on the brushwood, tied with wire to a friend who passed out after a few steps, and so I walked, dragging me behind. Then a voice cried in Slavic, "Alt." I looked down and saw: a deep crack in the ground, like a giant sinkhole. I was on the verge of foiba. Then it was clear it was time to die. "
is the story of a survivor. It is a story that every survivor could tell. It is the story of the appalling acts of violence against the general human perpetuated among the ranks of the left just as the right.
To be executioners this time Tito's partisans are: men who have experienced profound joy and pleasure by humiliating, torturing and killing men.
"He loves to make me eat pieces of paper and swallow stones. Then I fired a few shots in his ear. I'm afraid to jump, they sneer. "
And so begins the march to foiba: "The fate was sealed and had only one way to escape, throw in the pit before being hit by a bullet. I fell on a protruding tree. I saw nothing, the bodies tumbling upon me. I managed to free his hands from the wire and began to rise. Do not breathe anymore. Suddenly my fingers grab a piece of grass. I look better, have hair! So I can grab them and drag on the surface another man. The only Italian to have survived the sinkholes. His name was John, "Ninni" to his friends. "
Before the fascist concentration camps where an entire population is massacred, humiliated, tortured and finally killed. Then the partisans
Slavs, the war ended, shouting "revenge." They, too, torture, massacre, hungry and only after throwing in the cliffs about a thousand people: the "enemies of the people."
An act of violence that increasingly sees as victims predestined for a "perfect plan" - that of Marshal Tito - Catholic, fascist, liberal democrats, socialists, women, elderly and children.
Another bloodbath, often forgotten, unsung, unspoken or even worse "humiliated." As was the case in Turin, where the plaque dedicated to victims of Foibe was destroyed. Or as the Fioba Basovizza - a national monument site on the Carso - defaced by unknown with a black writing that says "No memory for the fascists of yesterday, no space for those of today."
A 'series of acts of vandalism against monuments and plaques that resemble the tragedy of sinkholes "that leaves a glimpse of what we do very little to "remember the tragedy," both in school and in everyday life.
"From the censorship of school violence on the gravestones draw as great bitterness." These are the harsh words of regret and reproach of the President of the Senate of the Pdl Maurizio Gasparri.
A reprimand that reaches from the Hill, where the President of the Republic Giorgio Napolitano said that it "is essential - in the words of the same Croatian President Turk - not to be born again" conflict of memories. " In each country - said the President of our Republic - it has a duty to cultivate their memories, not cancellare le tracce delle sofferenze subite dal proprio popolo. Il sacrificio delle generazioni che ci precedono non รจ stato versato invano se oggi possiamo insieme costruire un avvenire migliore per i nostri popoli e per l’Europa».
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