LARGO D’ARDIA . Dopo la rimozione di Campidonico dall’incarico di supervisore dei lavori il movimento bacchetta il Sindaco
L’assessore: «Avevo già deciso di mollare». Balloni: «Goccia dopo goccia l’acqua rischia di traboccare dal bicchiere»
CIVITAVECCHIA - Nonostante siano ormai giunti ai ferri corti con l’Amministrazione comunale e in particolar modo con il sindaco Gianni Moscherini, i rappresentanti più illustri del Polo Civico si dicono disposti a «un confronto con the First Citizen. " So, no confrontation, in spite of "drop by drop the water may overflow the glass," as stated by the City Council, Alvaro bales which has not lost a shot at high office in the city to remember that "we are not subjects of anyone. We are fair in the administration and would like loyalty from them. We do not accept any kind of offensive. " It also takes the opportunity to extend a few questions Moscherini: "The pole is something pleasing to the majority?". And again: "On March 3 the Province, which was to finance the multi awaits answers from the Mayor. But everything went silent and funding lost. At that time - continues bales - Moscherini fired someone? ". By focusing on the roundabout of Largo D'Ardia, president of the Civic Polo, Franco Castriota, has in defending the work of the Directorate of Maintenance, Mauro Campidonico, now removed from office: "His work has focused pedestrian circulation through the wider sidewalks and bollards bollards. Also - more - has reduced the rate of pollution, making the road smoother. " And it is the stakes that the commissioner dismissed from office joked: "Maybe Moscherini has not appreciated?". Campidonico made it clear who was himself to resign because of recent disagreements with the Mayor because of the material to be used for paving the area include the betonelle against basalt proposed by the Mayor that thanks to his position of power has won the challenge. "To pave the whole with the basalt has been invested from 80 to 90 000 EUR from the cut in another project." A change of course that does not make it but happy because the shopkeepers' Now must begin a new legal procedure. It will take at least a month. "
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