09-03-2011 20:55
Gianni Moscherini ieri mattina è intervenuto sui temi di maggiore attualità. «L’assessore non ha gusto nell’arredare, ho già deciso di togliergli l’incarico riguardante largo Monsignor D’Ardia». Il primo cittadino ribadisce il suo no alla discarica and raised the parking fee and the new hospital
CIVITAVECCHIA - Various topics covered during the conference yesterday that the mayor Moscherini held for journalists in the city. From the parking to the blue dump Allumiere, touching on themes such as a new hospital (maybe the port) and the work that these days are taking place off of Ardia: "The commissioner - referring Mauro Campidonico - has no doubt in good taste patch, but the same can not be said of his taste in furnishing. Outspoken in criticizing the Mayor the work being done and that the Councillor does not reflect their expectations. "It a place where people once bought the paper, might stop reading - Moscherini continues - and it is precisely for this reason that the whole work had to be designed differently. This is a roundabout strategy for the beauty of the place. " And for this reason, the mayor also rejects the idea that it may be inserted inside a synthetic grass, as has been done on other roundabouts in Civitavecchia: "I am in bad taste - replies -. If the problem is the vandals who deface the decorum of the city, should take action against them "
And with these bitter announced that from now on he will lead the games. As regards the initial charge, the Mayor said he had submitted for the removal of the decrees dell'addetto the work, "take the initiative even if it was the duty of concerned citizens." Thorny issue also alleged to landfill Allumiere: "In the Region had been provided as a proposal to site the new landfill dell'Ortaccia Mountains. Why fall back on rather than Allumiere not accept that proposal? We - he continues - we do not need a landfill or the Farnese, much less in the military zone. " An area instead hopes to convert into a nature park where create attractive to tourists and citizens of the district: "We will ask the Minister of Defence and the Environment in the area to give us free loan for the construction of this project. "
Optimistic on parking charges, "We have also thought about providing residents of the bands do not pay. As for the other bands people - more - can choose from various types of subscription.
Finally, even touching the issue of health - which will be discussed more during a March 21 meeting with other mayors in the district: "We need to think of a new hospital and true and the transformation of existing ones (Bracciano, Civitavecchia and Tarquinia) in outpatients. " It points the finger at Vince Cacciaglia - President della fondazione Carici - che «spende milioni in un ospedale che fa acqua da tutte le parti».
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