Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Tech Deck Trucks Colored

Days forgotten memory

Ventisette gennaio : una data che anno dopo anno suscita sempre meno interesse e ricordi nell’animo e nei pensieri di noi tutti. Una data, un numero che non ci dice niente.
Perché non stiamo parlando del primo maggio o del 25 aprile. Ecco si: il 25 aprile, il giorno della Liberazione. Una Liberazione conquistata con spargimento di sangue e dolore, soprattutto da parte di un popolo che un uomo decise di sterminare, gli ebrei.

Ventisette gennaio: il giorno della commemorazione. Un minuto di silenzio nelle scuole e nulla più in tutta la comunità Italian, but perhaps even worldwide. A commemoration remembered mostly through movies like Schindler's List, Life is Beautiful and The Boy in the Striped Pajamas and nothing more.

One day when the true stories, the stories of that generation - now almost disappeared - that the war and captivity have lived by himself, would resurface in the minds of everyone as if those events had been experienced by anyone .

But, nowadays, the new generation seems impassive in front of so much violence and bloodshed. "It 's history", "It is past!" Are phrases that often chase each other and do not allow us to dwell to examine with the eye of our consciousness to episodes that have marked the "death" of humanity.

Yes! Why destroy an entire population, not without respect for the "Race" but for "mankind" in method, is a symptom of the death of humanity, man as such.

An awareness that over time, perhaps because of the hectic pace of everyday life, due to increasing commitments and more important than in the past (going to the gym or the movies, the TV column do not miss a second the football team of the heart), an awareness that time is gone waning, to sleep in the depths of our consciousness until one day, someone or something, wake up and face re-emerge even stronger than before.

Because the stories of those men and women, innocent children at the time, sinners sinless, innocent of a criminal regime whose lust for power wanted them dead, their stories, those stories are perhaps the only that should be read, to learn, to understand, to make history. From the Soviet Gulag

to German concentration camps, extermination of an entire people as the Cambodians, the death of countless Jews, the genocide of the Incas and the Aztecs. These are perhaps the stories should be read to make history.

As the testimony of German Christmas: "I was born in Genoa on June 19, 1922. I am a Jewish family. My brothers, when the racial laws, were all three at the university in 1938 ... I - I was sixteen - I had to interrupt their studies. Then, with all the various vicissitudes of war, we displaced it with my mother and my grandmother in Saluzzo. Of my brothers, one went with the partisans, one was hidden in Turin and the other went to Switzerland. I was left alone with my mother and my grandmother.
One day while we were there in Saluzzo, I went down in the lobby of this small hotel where we were, and arrived SS two Italians. I hear they say "We have come to arrest a family of Jews."


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