Saturday, March 12, 2011

Flatbed Scanners Upside Down

"Explain how did the company discharging coal

CIVITAVECCHIA - Although late, comes the response from the City Council, Alvaro bales, against Mr Luciani who invited him to leave his post as Director at the City Council: "I do not know what they are, at the time , the basic convictions that animate the political Luciani - Balloni said in a statement - but certainly the baggage of intolerance that is the door following heavy, and there is inside of everything but democracy, the pursuit of dialogue and civil confrontation the interests of the citizens and workers in particular. "
Concerning the crux of the matter, the controversy created around the ferry service of Railway Councillor Luciani calls to say "the city why the Service has finally disappeared while he was president of the Transport Commission to Pisa. Why did you decide to attack - continued - on the crisis of the port only after the removal of Ciani, blaming the policy until the day before when he had shared everything that was in the harbor. "
Balloni continues touched another raw nerve: "Give then a help to the citizens, given its extensive knowledge of port issues, figure out how to unload the coal to the North Tower, who dumps him, how did the company that makes the 'operation, with which there was the contract award. "
Finally Calls Luciani "before thinking about imposing exile to others" think "about where he should go, or qualuno near him."


Guerrini," The forest Enel I turn to the Prosecutor "

CIVITAVECCHIA - not like the part of the Democratic Party''and''Another city councilor, Marco Guerrini, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe mayor Gianni Moscherini to move 40 acres of forest Enel''' 'to Allumiere: "There really surprised to stay, because we're still talking about location when the work should already be over for years." Work, the statement said, that "Enel deve alla città quale risarcimento per la riconversione a carbone di Tvn». Inoltre, a causa delle mancate risposte da parte dell’Amministrazione, la componente del Pd, con annesso Consigliere, ha dichiarato di volersi rivolgere «direttamente alla Magistratura per verificare se dietro queste palesi inadempienze possono riscontrarsi responsabilità di carattere penale».

Friday, March 11, 2011

Sample Letter, Transfer Telephone Line

Work on the Virgin Mary, the Mayor removes Campidonico

09-03-2011 20:55
Gianni Moscherini ieri mattina è intervenuto sui temi di maggiore attualità. «L’assessore non ha gusto nell’arredare, ho già deciso di togliergli l’incarico riguardante largo Monsignor D’Ardia». Il primo cittadino ribadisce il suo no alla discarica and raised the parking fee and the new hospital


CIVITAVECCHIA - Various topics covered during the conference yesterday that the mayor Moscherini held for journalists in the city. From the parking to the blue dump Allumiere, touching on themes such as a new hospital (maybe the port) and the work that these days are taking place off of Ardia: "The commissioner - referring Mauro Campidonico - has no doubt in good taste patch, but the same can not be said of his taste in furnishing. Outspoken in criticizing the Mayor the work being done and that the Councillor does not reflect their expectations. "It a place where people once bought the paper, might stop reading - Moscherini continues - and it is precisely for this reason that the whole work had to be designed differently. This is a roundabout strategy for the beauty of the place. " And for this reason, the mayor also rejects the idea that it may be inserted inside a synthetic grass, as has been done on other roundabouts in Civitavecchia: "I am in bad taste - replies -. If the problem is the vandals who deface the decorum of the city, should take action against them "
And with these bitter announced that from now on he will lead the games. As regards the initial charge, the Mayor said he had submitted for the removal of the decrees dell'addetto the work, "take the initiative even if it was the duty of concerned citizens." Thorny issue also alleged to landfill Allumiere: "In the Region had been provided as a proposal to site the new landfill dell'Ortaccia Mountains. Why fall back on rather than Allumiere not accept that proposal? We - he continues - we do not need a landfill or the Farnese, much less in the military zone. " An area instead hopes to convert into a nature park where create attractive to tourists and citizens of the district: "We will ask the Minister of Defence and the Environment in the area to give us free loan for the construction of this project. "
Optimistic on parking charges, "We have also thought about providing residents of the bands do not pay. As for the other bands people - more - can choose from various types of subscription.
Finally, even touching the issue of health - which will be discussed more during a March 21 meeting with other mayors in the district: "We need to think of a new hospital and true and the transformation of existing ones (Bracciano, Civitavecchia and Tarquinia) in outpatients. " It points the finger at Vince Cacciaglia - President della fondazione Carici - che «spende milioni in un ospedale che fa acqua da tutte le parti».

Floating Boat Main Cinna

The Polo civic avoids confrontation: we are not subjects to the theater with''Children

LARGO D’ARDIA . Dopo la rimozione di Campidonico dall’incarico di supervisore dei lavori il movimento bacchetta il Sindaco
L’assessore: «Avevo già deciso di mollare». Balloni: «Goccia dopo goccia l’acqua rischia di traboccare dal bicchiere»

CIVITAVECCHIA - Nonostante siano ormai giunti ai ferri corti con l’Amministrazione comunale e in particolar modo con il sindaco Gianni Moscherini, i rappresentanti più illustri del Polo Civico si dicono disposti a «un confronto con the First Citizen. " So, no confrontation, in spite of "drop by drop the water may overflow the glass," as stated by the City Council, Alvaro bales which has not lost a shot at high office in the city to remember that "we are not subjects of anyone. We are fair in the administration and would like loyalty from them. We do not accept any kind of offensive. " It also takes the opportunity to extend a few questions Moscherini: "The pole is something pleasing to the majority?". And again: "On March 3 the Province, which was to finance the multi awaits answers from the Mayor. But everything went silent and funding lost. At that time - continues bales - Moscherini fired someone? ". By focusing on the roundabout of Largo D'Ardia, president of the Civic Polo, Franco Castriota, has in defending the work of the Directorate of Maintenance, Mauro Campidonico, now removed from office: "His work has focused pedestrian circulation through the wider sidewalks and bollards bollards. Also - more - has reduced the rate of pollution, making the road smoother. " And it is the stakes that the commissioner dismissed from office joked: "Maybe Moscherini has not appreciated?". Campidonico made it clear who was himself to resign because of recent disagreements with the Mayor because of the material to be used for paving the area include the betonelle against basalt proposed by the Mayor that thanks to his position of power has won the challenge. "To pave the whole with the basalt has been invested from 80 to 90 000 EUR from the cut in another project." A change of course that does not make it but happy because the shopkeepers' Now must begin a new legal procedure. It will take at least a month. "

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Inform National Insurance Card Name Change

Love is a verb not a noun ... and revelations Revelations

Love is not a relationship. 'S love connects two people. But there is a relationship. The report concluded something is a noun has come to the conclusion, the honeymoon is over. Now there is no joy, no enthusiasm, now all over.

You can keep it alive just to keep faith with your promises. You can keep it alive because it is convenient and comfortable, pamper! You can keep it alive because you do not have nothin 'else to do. You can keep it alive because if you tore it down, you creeresti a 'multitude of complications.

The report is something complete, finished, to complete. Love is never a relationship, love is a continuous relationship between two beings: it is always a river that flows without end. Love knows no conclusions: the honeymoon begins and never ends. It's not like a story that has a definite beginning and at some point come to an end: it is a continuous phenomenon. Lovers end, the amorecontinua; is a continuity: it is a verb not a noun.

Why the man down to one report, the beauty of being in contact with each other? Why such a hurry? Because a deal is uncertain situation, while the report provides a safe, a certainty. Relate to others is the only meeting between two strangers who can be together if only for one night and could say goodbye the next morning ... who knows what might happen tomorrow? And we all have a fear that having to make the match safe and predictable. We want the future is in keeping with our ideas, not allow it to take its course. That's why immediately reduce every verb to noun.

you fall in love with a woman or a man and immediately began to think of marriage. Want to turn love into a legal contract. Why? Because the law gets in the way of love? La legge si intromette perchè in realtà l’amore non c’è. E’ solo una fantasia, e tu sai che la fantasia sparirà; vuoi stabilizzarla prima che sparisca, prima che scompaia vuoi fare qualcosa che renda impossibile la separazione.

In un mondo migliore, con persone più meditative, con più bagliori di illuminazione diffusi sulla Terra, la gente amerà, amerà moltissimo, ma l’amore rimarrà un relazionarsi tra due esseri umani e non diventerà mai una relazione. Non sto affermando che il loro amore sarà solo momentaneo; anzi, in questo caso, con ogni probabilità il loro amore andrà più in profondità del vostro, avrà un intimità higher, and will encompass more poetry will be closer to God In that case there would be every possibility that their love lasts a lot longer than last hours of your so-called relationship, but love is not guaranteed by law, the court or the police.

Its interior will be guaranteed and we will be a commitment from the heart, there will be a silent communication. If you're happy with someone you wish that your happiness increases more and more, and if rejoice intimacy with someone, you want to explore this more and more intimacy. And there are some flowers that bloom of love after a long intimacy. There are also seasonal flowers: bloom in six weeks, and after another six wither and disappear forever. There are few flowers that take years to reach flowering, others that employ many people. The longer the time spent is more than the love goes deep.

... Forget about the relationship and learning to relate to another being. When you enter a relationship, you begin to take it for granted, you and your partner will give for granted: this destroys all love affairs. The woman thinks to know the man and the man thinks he knows the woman in reality neither of them knows each other. It 's impossible: the other remains a mystery. And take it for granted the other is to insult, disrespect.

ungrateful if you really think you know your wife. How can you know the woman? How can you know man? Are evolving beings, not things. The woman you met yesterday and today is no more. A lot of water has flowed into the Ganges: the woman is another, is a totally different person. Log egg in contact with her, start over, do not take for granted.

And you, in the morning, look at the face of the man with whom did you sleep last night. It is no longer the same person, there have been many changes in him, the point of being incalculable. Questa è la differenza tra una persona e una cosa. L’arredamento nella camera è immutato ma l’uomo e la donna non sono gli stessi. Continua a esplorare, comincia da capo. Questo è ciò che intendo quando dico di relazionarsi all’altro, di essere in contatto con lui.

Relazionarsi all’altro significa che ricominci sempre da capo, tenti continuamente di familiarizzare con lui. Ancora e di nuovo vi presentate, continuate a scoprirvi a vicenda, tentate di vedere tutte le sfaccettature della personalità altrui. Cerchi continuamente di penetrare sempre più in profondità nei regni interiori dell’altro, nei recessi più intimi del suo essere. Tenti di svelare il mistero that can not be revealed.

This is the joy of love: the exploration of consciousness. And if you come into contact with each other and do not reduce this relate to a relationship, the more you will become a mirror. As you explore it, even subconsciously explore yourself. While going in depth in the other and you know his feelings, his thoughts, his deepest emotions, your even know. Each lover becomes the mirror of the beloved, in this case, love becomes a meditation. ... How much time has passed since the last time you were "eye to eye" with your wife? Or how much time has passed the last time you looked at your husband? Perhaps the years have passed! Who looks at his wife? Take for granted to get to know. What can you see more? Are you more interested in the matter for a person you know: conscious the entire topography of her body, know your reactions, you know everything that has happened between you happen again. It 's a cycle that repeats itself continuously.

Not so, in reality it is not. Nothing is repeated, ever, everything is renewed every day. Your eyes are just as they get older, and your ability to incorporate aging, is your mirror that dusts and become incapable to reflect each other.

To this I say to you comes into contact with another, related to him, stay constantly on their honeymoon. Continue to seek and investigate the other one being to find new ways to love, to find new ways of being together. Each person is an incredible mystery, infinity, infinite and inexhaustible, so that it is not possible to say one day: "Now I know." At most you could say: "I did my best, but the mystery remains a misteroDi fact, most know each other and the other becomes more mysterious. In this case, love is a constant adventure.

“Con te o senza di te” di Osho

Monday, March 7, 2011

Poptropica How To Have Guns

Peter and the Wolf''

CIVITAVECCHIA - A battery instead of percussion, wind instruments with more space and movement. They are the new ingredients for the staging of''Peter and the Wolf,''fairy tale by Sergei Prokofiev, in which 800 children attend primary schools and kindergartens in Civitavecchia. "Thanks to the cooperation of the cultural''Allegro''in Rome, the city wants to try to attract young people to the theater," said Councillor for Culture, Gino Pomace. And to allow even the most disadvantaged the opportunity to get to the theater to witness the representation of the tale, for the occasion will have a surprise ending, the Assessor will donate to 40 their tickets who has personally purchased.

Make A Rabbit Water Feeder

try to extort money to a younger, stopped by Ps

TARQUINIA. The investigators of the police led by Riccardo Bartoli intervened after the complaint lodged by the parents of the victim. The young man was barricaded in the house for fear of encountering the two thugs, respectively 30 and 23 years ended in the network of police officers who have reported on the loose

'If you do not pay you to fill a bruising!''. This is the threat that a seventeen year old living in Tarquinia, had received from his two older boys, one 30 and the other has 23 and both live in the same city of the victim. As often happens in such circumstances, the boy frightened by threats, to avoid the two extortionists, had barricaded himself in home by giving up his circle of friends and any activities during leisure time: a prisoner in your own home. But even that prison is not enough to ward off the two villains, were able to penetrate into the house of the unfortunate through Facebook, the social network in vogue at the moment, thanks to which they continued to threaten from a distance. The boy - a submissive nature, and that until then had held itself to the abuses suffered by about two months now - exhausted could not hold back the tears in the presence of their parents, telling it the reason for his' captivity. Alarmed by the story of his son, the couple decided to go to the Commissioner of Tarquinia, denouncing the incident and immediately putting an end to the misadventure of his son. At that point, investigators added vicequestrore Riccardo Bartoli, gathering the necessary evidence, could not help but report on bail two adults. Now I'm in the course of investigations to determine whether in addition to the request for money (EUR 100) technically qualifies as an attempted extortion, in the past have succeeded in making themselves responsible for extortion consumed.

Is There A Poem For When You Give A Plant

The Province dusts off the old crafts

CIVITAVECCHIA - ''art, passion, and after ... everything else''to bring new life to forgotten crafts, helping young people in difficult situations, and the disabled to find a road which could lead them to a different future. These are some of the reasons that convinced the president of the gutters'',''George D'Andrea, the head teacher of the Comprehensive Galice''Ennio,''Francesca Subrizi, and Alderman to the Province, Rita Stella to promote the project presented this morning to the shipyards Buca di Nero''''snc: "Since the last carpenter in the area, I feel compelled to find a way to pass this job to the next generation," said the president 's Association, Giorgio D'Andrea. A project that aspires to the rebirth of an ancient craft, Civitavecchia and founding father of the city that hides within itself the primordial roots of his being. But not only that: a project that wants to expand and modernize the school, "in a time of great change," must be able to open up to other possibilities in order to "provide diverse opportunities for their children futuro». È quanto dichiarato dall’assessore Rita Stella, durante la presentazione del progetto.
In quel cantiere, rimesso in sesto in anni di fatica e grazie a tanta buona volontà, i ragazzi delle classi seconde e terze del ‘‘Galice’’, potranno cimentarsi nella costruzione e restauro di vere e proprie imbarcazioni: «Alcuni volontari dell’associazione - ha dichiarato il dirigente scolastico dell’Istituto - impartiranno delle lezioni teoriche già a scuola; alcuni studenti invece avranno la possibilità di mettere direttamente in pratica quanto appreso, sia in orario scolastico che non, accompagnati da genitori e volontari. Si spera che in futuro - conclude il dirigente school - the initiative can be extended to other guys. "

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Is Milani's Boobs Real?

Written and broken stairs: when the center becomes off limits

degradation frightened tourists and residents who travel daily Garibaldi Avenue and neighboring streets. A stone's throw from the monument dedicated to those who died a homeless man living in a cardboard box for days exposed to the elements. Yet it is a road used frequently by advisers and assessors.

CIVITAVECCHIA - a box of medium size plate located at the foot of the Heroes' Square, home to a homeless person who unexpectedly decided to make that place his home.
lives there, undisturbed (because it is virtually impossible to approach, especially when sleeping), shielding remedied with a duvet somewhere that certainly will not be able to protect him from the Siberian cold in these days made landfall on the peninsula. Or
salinity (such as near wide plebiscite) left at the mercy of time without any maintenance problems and making the dangerous ascent or descent, even the most agile with unintended consequences.
And if the absence of the administration in such cases is being felt all the more reason you see the long harbor where Gramsci big "liven up" the walls recently pulled a shiny (just to hide the signs of degradation that hit Civitavecchia), the shutters of shops and any other surface available to how many - to himself with a sheet of paper to jot down, but certainly bear markers - they need to take notes. continues

Borderline Urine Test

"Welcoming patients of the hospital district in danger of Sao Paulo collapse "

CIVITAVECCHIA - Reduction of ASL, and conversion of hospitals in other places (to identify better) and cuts in beds (about 2000) in hospitals that are not covered by the reform initiated by the Regional Health Renata Polverini . This is the subject covered in the first debate in Civitavecchia Ecology of Freedom Left.
Among those intended to capitulate there are hospitals and to Bracciano Monterotondo . continues

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favism, auditors issued an order to protect the health

CIVITAVECCHIA - It 's the order of the February 24 trade union, on the proposal of the Environment, to define the areas to be dedicated to the cultivation of beans. Well-established scientific results have shown that favism is determined by genetic alteration, with the result of the rupture of red blood cells and consequent hemolytic crisis. continues

How Long Can The Parallel Cable Be?

Arsenic in water, MDC Lazio:" The bills must be reduced "

CIVITAVECCHIA - High levels of arsenic in the waters of Civitavecchia and Uncollected bills in recent years. Topics include the Fifth Standing Council Committee Environment and cooperation among the peoples of the Region of Lazio, which was attended Councillor for Environment and Sustainable Development, Marco Mattei, along with consumer groups and environmental and environmental manager for MDC Lazio, Massimiliano Astarita.

Civitavecchia, in fact, is one of those territories who have not in the high levels of arsenic, the same rise seen being served Aqueduct "Middle Tyrrhenian Sea" which has its sources in the Viterbo.

This situation could be resolved through an immediate encounter-confrontation between the Mayor and the voluntary sector, claiming - as well as discounts on bills for those families affected by this issue - "the approval of the necessary work, including water riser even in the absence of finanziamenti regionali, rinunciando magari ad altri lavori meno indispensabili".

Tech Deck Trucks Colored

Days forgotten memory

Ventisette gennaio : una data che anno dopo anno suscita sempre meno interesse e ricordi nell’animo e nei pensieri di noi tutti. Una data, un numero che non ci dice niente.
Perché non stiamo parlando del primo maggio o del 25 aprile. Ecco si: il 25 aprile, il giorno della Liberazione. Una Liberazione conquistata con spargimento di sangue e dolore, soprattutto da parte di un popolo che un uomo decise di sterminare, gli ebrei.

Ventisette gennaio: il giorno della commemorazione. Un minuto di silenzio nelle scuole e nulla più in tutta la comunità Italian, but perhaps even worldwide. A commemoration remembered mostly through movies like Schindler's List, Life is Beautiful and The Boy in the Striped Pajamas and nothing more.

One day when the true stories, the stories of that generation - now almost disappeared - that the war and captivity have lived by himself, would resurface in the minds of everyone as if those events had been experienced by anyone .

But, nowadays, the new generation seems impassive in front of so much violence and bloodshed. "It 's history", "It is past!" Are phrases that often chase each other and do not allow us to dwell to examine with the eye of our consciousness to episodes that have marked the "death" of humanity.

Yes! Why destroy an entire population, not without respect for the "Race" but for "mankind" in method, is a symptom of the death of humanity, man as such.

An awareness that over time, perhaps because of the hectic pace of everyday life, due to increasing commitments and more important than in the past (going to the gym or the movies, the TV column do not miss a second the football team of the heart), an awareness that time is gone waning, to sleep in the depths of our consciousness until one day, someone or something, wake up and face re-emerge even stronger than before.

Because the stories of those men and women, innocent children at the time, sinners sinless, innocent of a criminal regime whose lust for power wanted them dead, their stories, those stories are perhaps the only that should be read, to learn, to understand, to make history. From the Soviet Gulag

to German concentration camps, extermination of an entire people as the Cambodians, the death of countless Jews, the genocide of the Incas and the Aztecs. These are perhaps the stories should be read to make history.

As the testimony of German Christmas: "I was born in Genoa on June 19, 1922. I am a Jewish family. My brothers, when the racial laws, were all three at the university in 1938 ... I - I was sixteen - I had to interrupt their studies. Then, with all the various vicissitudes of war, we displaced it with my mother and my grandmother in Saluzzo. Of my brothers, one went with the partisans, one was hidden in Turin and the other went to Switzerland. I was left alone with my mother and my grandmother.
One day while we were there in Saluzzo, I went down in the lobby of this small hotel where we were, and arrived SS two Italians. I hear they say "We have come to arrest a family of Jews."

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Chainging Name With National Insurance

Mi son reso conto
sono passato
attraverso un'esperienza
che mi ha segnato
e cambiato dentro

ho imparato tante cose belle e brutte
comprendo molto di più rispetto il passato
capisco di più gli amori degli altri
sorrido davanti i visi felici di persone innamorate
rido per come vedo l'innocenza dei bambini

è l'amore che ti fa questo.
e mi rendo conto che dare amore genera altro amore
e ti porta ad esser felice dentro.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Genetel Warts Bleeding Stool

Foibe, storia "sconosciuta"

"They made me walk barefoot on the brushwood, tied with wire to a friend who passed out after a few steps, and so I walked, dragging me behind. Then a voice cried in Slavic, "Alt." I looked down and saw: a deep crack in the ground, like a giant sinkhole. I was on the verge of foiba. Then it was clear it was time to die. "
is the story of a survivor. It is a story that every survivor could tell. It is the story of the appalling acts of violence against the general human perpetuated among the ranks of the left just as the right.

To be executioners this time Tito's partisans are: men who have experienced profound joy and pleasure by humiliating, torturing and killing men.

"He loves to make me eat pieces of paper and swallow stones. Then I fired a few shots in his ear. I'm afraid to jump, they sneer. "

And so begins the march to foiba: "The fate was sealed and had only one way to escape, throw in the pit before being hit by a bullet. I fell on a protruding tree. I saw nothing, the bodies tumbling upon me. I managed to free his hands from the wire and began to rise. Do not breathe anymore. Suddenly my fingers grab a piece of grass. I look better, have hair! So I can grab them and drag on the surface another man. The only Italian to have survived the sinkholes. His name was John, "Ninni" to his friends. "

Before the fascist concentration camps where an entire population is massacred, humiliated, tortured and finally killed. Then the partisans

Slavs, the war ended, shouting "revenge." They, too, torture, massacre, hungry and only after throwing in the cliffs about a thousand people: the "enemies of the people."

An act of violence that increasingly sees as victims predestined for a "perfect plan" - that of Marshal Tito - Catholic, fascist, liberal democrats, socialists, women, elderly and children.

Another bloodbath, often forgotten, unsung, unspoken or even worse "humiliated." As was the case in Turin, where the plaque dedicated to victims of Foibe was destroyed. Or as the Fioba Basovizza - a national monument site on the Carso - defaced by unknown with a black writing that says "No memory for the fascists of yesterday, no space for those of today."

A 'series of acts of vandalism against monuments and plaques that resemble the tragedy of sinkholes "that leaves a glimpse of what we do very little to "remember the tragedy," both in school and in everyday life.

"From the censorship of school violence on the gravestones draw as great bitterness." These are the harsh words of regret and reproach of the President of the Senate of the Pdl Maurizio Gasparri.

A reprimand that reaches from the Hill, where the President of the Republic Giorgio Napolitano said that it "is essential - in the words of the same Croatian President Turk - not to be born again" conflict of memories. " In each country - said the President of our Republic - it has a duty to cultivate their memories, not cancellare le tracce delle sofferenze subite dal proprio popolo. Il sacrificio delle generazioni che ci precedono non è stato versato invano se oggi possiamo insieme costruire un avvenire migliore per i nostri popoli e per l’Europa».