cardboard boxes with a few things. And 'the little baggage for those leaving from their land. Few things that are worthless in front of their dignity. This framework is the starting point that opens the exhibition "The Journey of Hope. Mezzanone from Lampedusa to Borgo", sponsored by Caritas Village Mezzanone under the patronage of the Province of Foggia. After stopping in several towns of the province, will be open to Foggia auditorium of Santa Clara until Saturday, April 28. The author of these paintings is Kikoko, Togo 29. He now works on a farm in Lodi. But his journey was long, his country, around Europe and then in Italy, as documented by his works: scenes of everyday life in the villages, hard landing, as with that of Lampedusa, life-changing encounters, such as with the community of Hope House in Borgo Mezzanone, where last October he asked for refugee status and where you gained the idea of \u200b\u200bproposing this exhibition, which tells personal experience, that of Kikoko, which is emblematic of those who leave their homeland and struggling to integrate into another society. The exhibition is accompanied by some photographs and panels with a selection of poems, edited by two other guests Mezzanone, Saki and Omar. "To understand one's own culture is difficult - Kikoko says - but if the other wants to hear everything becomes easier." Basically we are saying the same Kikoko, and indicates one of his paintings: the shadow, the shadow of two children of the same color.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
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Rutelli: “Saremo alleati del Pse”
There was no tear striking as in oak, but there is some disagreement and some open wound. The assembly of the Margherita, in short, just hours before its conclusion, if it collects a compact identity of a party that intends to enter "a straight back" in the Democratic Party, at the same time brings out the different nuances and different souls grouped under the same roof.
One thing puts all agree that the international position of the Democratic Party, reiterated on several occasions by Francesco Rutelli. In short, says the president Dl, "never said that we are not going with the PES, I said rather than come into the PSE as of course we are allies of the Democratic Party, we are ready to be together with those who are part of the history of social democracy. " Thus, no association with the PES would like the Oak, but not a closing in the trunk. Position that the DS media with his cousins, who now makes a recommendation Arturo Parisi, namely to avoid "a repetition do any kind of quotas among the parties," which translated means avoiding the sharing of positions of power. A common concern also at Enrico Letta that without preamble, he warns: "We who come from Margherita to do number two." So, instead of doing the game with force Oak, it is preferable to "open up and mingle" on the outside. Maybe starting from the entrance of Marco Follini. And Bindi, in its wake, do not hesitate to propose "a Constituent Assembly open to all, where there is a first, second or third leg." Different, however, is the setting of Beppe Fioroni now defends his Catholicism, stating that it will not allow the Church "as is done in China or made in Eastern Europe, silences." In short, each defending its position. And in the background is the disappointment of Teodem, who feel neglected and abandoned by the party, and the new challenges triggered by surprise by Romano Prodi. That is, the race at Palazzo Chigi in the election of 2011, which could uncover a dangerous Pandora's box.

One thing puts all agree that the international position of the Democratic Party, reiterated on several occasions by Francesco Rutelli. In short, says the president Dl, "never said that we are not going with the PES, I said rather than come into the PSE as of course we are allies of the Democratic Party, we are ready to be together with those who are part of the history of social democracy. " Thus, no association with the PES would like the Oak, but not a closing in the trunk. Position that the DS media with his cousins, who now makes a recommendation Arturo Parisi, namely to avoid "a repetition do any kind of quotas among the parties," which translated means avoiding the sharing of positions of power. A common concern also at Enrico Letta that without preamble, he warns: "We who come from Margherita to do number two." So, instead of doing the game with force Oak, it is preferable to "open up and mingle" on the outside. Maybe starting from the entrance of Marco Follini. And Bindi, in its wake, do not hesitate to propose "a Constituent Assembly open to all, where there is a first, second or third leg." Different, however, is the setting of Beppe Fioroni now defends his Catholicism, stating that it will not allow the Church "as is done in China or made in Eastern Europe, silences." In short, each defending its position. And in the background is the disappointment of Teodem, who feel neglected and abandoned by the party, and the new challenges triggered by surprise by Romano Prodi. That is, the race at Palazzo Chigi in the election of 2011, which could uncover a dangerous Pandora's box.
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Bossi dice no a Berlusconi e boccia il partito unico
"Berlusconi can say whatever he wants, I'm not there to make a single party." So the leader of the Northern League, Umberto Bossi, has reiterated its 'no' to the project of uniting the center of which the former prime minister also spoke at the Congress of Democrats in recent days.
"The League is a party that has a history and we can not get rid of the story at some point just because it suits us and we are interested: you can not."

"The League is a party that has a history and we can not get rid of the story at some point just because it suits us and we are interested: you can not."
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PAVIA - From the "respect" and "Defense of life in all its phases" depends on "the quality of a truly human coexistence." It 's the new appeal for the protection of human life from conception until natural death pronounced by Benedict XVI in his address to the doctors and the sick of the Policlinico' San Matteo 'di Pavia. "The hospital is a place that we might somehow 'sacred' - the Pope said, speaking to doctors and patients of the clinic - where we experience the fragility of human nature, but also the enormous potential and resources of human and technology at the service of life. " "Human life! - Exclaimed Benedict XVI - This great gift, as it is explored, there remains a mystery." Stressing the quality of the hospital, known in Italy, "especially for some pioneering surgery," Pope Ratzinger said that "here you try to alleviate the suffering of people in an attempt to make a full recovery of health conditions, and very often, thanks to modern scientific discoveries, this is done. Here you will get results very encouraging. " "My fervent hope - then continued with his appeal to the protection of life - is that the necessary scientific and technological progress, is constantly accompanied by the awareness that together with the good of the patient, even those fundamental values, such as respect and defend life in all its phases, which provide the quality autenticamente umana di una convivenza".CHIESA SEMPRE VICINA A CHI SOFFRE Sempre la Chiesa "manifesta una speciale predilezione verso chi soffre, e non cessa di offrire ai malati l'aiuto necessario". E' quanto ha ribadito Benedetto XVI nel suo discorso ai medici e agli ammalati durante la visita al Policlinico 'San Matteo' di Pavia. "Nel programma della visita pastorale a Pavia - ha spiegato - non poteva mancare una sosta al Policlinico 'San Matteo' per incontrare voi, cari ammalati, che provenite non solo dalla provincia di Pavia ma da tutta l'Italia". "A ciascuno - ha affermato - esprimo la mia personale vicinanza e solidarietà, mentre abbraccio spiritualmente anche gli ammalati, i sofferenti e le persone in difficoltà che si trovano nella vostra Diocese and all those who take loving care. To all - concluded Benedict XVI - I would like to extend a word of encouragement and hope. "WELCOMES POPE BENEDICT XVI AND PATIENTS MOVED BOSSI He wanted to greet the sick Pope Benedict XVI, during his visit at the Policlinico San Matteo di Pavia, where he was greeted President of the Foundation Albert William, who made a short speech, and words, on behalf of the sick, Beltranetti Fausta, wife of former minister Giulio Tremonti. Al Pope, William won a signed copy of the Papal Bull in 1449 by Nicholas V that put the baby in the hospital "perpetual protection" of the Holy See. Fausta Beltranetti thanked the Holy Father's visit with that at all, "he infused inner strength and courage. "Then the Pope shook hands with representatives of doctors, nurses and patients, Tremonti, and fell from the stage set up inside the hospital to say goodbye to some sick people on wheelchairs. Leaving you is also confirmed by Northern League leader, Umberto Bossi, who was sitting with his family in the front row. "It 's been a great thrill - he said -. Bossi I was very moved, I did not expect. "It also spoke of feeling sick, some with tears in his eyes.
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Papa: la conversione, cammino di tutta la vita

conversion as a way of life: from Pavia, a city particularly linked to the memory of St. Augustine, where he made a pastoral visit, Benedict XVI has indicated in its path followed by the holy journey that every Christian should take. Pomeriggoi arrived yesterday in the nearby Vigevano, the papal visit to Pavia began this morning at the Policlinico "San Matteo". "The hospital - said in a salute to doctors, patients and their families, gathered in the square inside the hospital - is a place that we might somehow 'sacred', where we experience the fragility of human nature, but also enormous potential and resources of human ingenuity and technology at the service of life. Human life! This great gift, as it is explored, there remains a mystery. " "My earnest hope - he added - is that the necessary scientific and technological progress, is constantly accompanied by the awareness that together with the good of the patient, even those basic values \u200b\u200blike respect and defend life in all its stages, on which depends the quality of a truly human coexistence. " "Always the Church - he concluded - following the example of his Lord, expresses a special fondness for those who suffer, and do not cease to offer the necessary help to the sick, aware of being called to demonstrate the love and concern of Christ toward them and for those who care for them. "
Leaving the Hospital, Benedict XVI went by car to the Borromeo Gardens dell'Almo College where he celebrated Mass in front of about 20 thousand people, in the morning, have occupied all available space.
's speech on the conversion was carried out by Benedict XVI is taking a cue from the words of Peter to the Sanhedrin of Jerusalem and the facts of Augustine.
Thus, Peter's words to suggest that the risen Jesus, "He leads to conversion - creates the space and opportunity to repent, to repent and start over. And he offers forgiveness of sins - leads us into right relationship with God. " "This brief catechesis Peter - he continued - not only apply to the Sanhedrin. It speaks to us all. Since Jesus, the Risen One, he lives today. And for all generations, for all men he is the 'head' above the street and the 'savior' that makes our lives. The two words 'conversion' and 'forgiveness of sins', corresponding to the titles of Christ 'head' and 'savior', are the key words of Peter's catechesis, words intended to move our hearts too. The path we must take - the path that Jesus tells us, is called 'conversion'. But what is it? What should I do? In every life conversion has its own form, because every man is something new and no one is merely a copy of another. But throughout history, the Lord has sent us models of conversion, looking at what we can find guidance. "
The examples, drawn from Benedict XVI, went by that Peter Paul, St. Augustine. For the latter, in particular, "you can see that the conversion was not a one time event but a just way."
"What was the essential aspect of this journey? Augustine, on the one hand, was the son of his time, deeply conditioned by the habits and passions prevalent then as well as by all the questions and problems of a young man. He lived like everyone else, and yet there was something special in him: he was always a person in research. He was never satisfied with life as it presented itself and how people lived. He was always tormented by the question of truth. "
"He wanted to find the truth. He wanted to be able to know what is man where it comes from the world where we ourselves, where are we and how can we find true life. He wanted to find the right life and not merely to live blindly, without meaning or goal. The passion for truth is the real key phrase of his life. And there is still a feature. Tutto ciò che non portava il nome di Cristo, non gli bastava”.
“Egli – ha detto ancora il Papa - ci racconta che, per il tramite della filosofia platonica, aveva appreso e riconosciuto che ‘in principio era il Verbo’ – il Logos, la ragione creatrice. Ma la filosofia non gli indicava alcuna via per raggiungerlo; questo Logos rimaneva lontano e intangibile. Solo nella fede della Chiesa trovò poi la seconda verità essenziale: il Verbo si è fatto carne. E così esso ci tocca, noi lo tocchiamo. All’umiltà dell’incarnazione di Dio deve corrispondere l’umiltà della nostra fede, che depone la superbia saccente e si china entrando a far parte della comunità the body of Christ with the Church and living alone can enter into communion concrete and bodily, with the living God. I need not say how all this concerns us: to remain seekers, not content with what we all say and do. Do not look away from the eternal God and Jesus Christ. Constantly learn the humility of faith in the Church Body of Jesus Christ. "
"Agostino - then highlighted the Pope - had learned a degree of humility - the humility to not only put great thought into his Church's faith, not only the humility of translating his great knowledge into the simplicity of ' ad, but also the humility to recognize that he himself and the entire pilgrim Church continually need the merciful goodness of a God who forgives, and we - he added - we become like Christ, the Perfect, to the greatest extent possible, when we become like him, people of mercy. In this time - he concluded - thank God for the great light that radiates from the wisdom and humility of Saint Augustine and pray the Lord to give to all of us, day by day, the necessary conversion and thus lead us toward the real life. "
Leaving the Hospital, Benedict XVI went by car to the Borromeo Gardens dell'Almo College where he celebrated Mass in front of about 20 thousand people, in the morning, have occupied all available space.
's speech on the conversion was carried out by Benedict XVI is taking a cue from the words of Peter to the Sanhedrin of Jerusalem and the facts of Augustine.
Thus, Peter's words to suggest that the risen Jesus, "He leads to conversion - creates the space and opportunity to repent, to repent and start over. And he offers forgiveness of sins - leads us into right relationship with God. " "This brief catechesis Peter - he continued - not only apply to the Sanhedrin. It speaks to us all. Since Jesus, the Risen One, he lives today. And for all generations, for all men he is the 'head' above the street and the 'savior' that makes our lives. The two words 'conversion' and 'forgiveness of sins', corresponding to the titles of Christ 'head' and 'savior', are the key words of Peter's catechesis, words intended to move our hearts too. The path we must take - the path that Jesus tells us, is called 'conversion'. But what is it? What should I do? In every life conversion has its own form, because every man is something new and no one is merely a copy of another. But throughout history, the Lord has sent us models of conversion, looking at what we can find guidance. "
The examples, drawn from Benedict XVI, went by that Peter Paul, St. Augustine. For the latter, in particular, "you can see that the conversion was not a one time event but a just way."
"What was the essential aspect of this journey? Augustine, on the one hand, was the son of his time, deeply conditioned by the habits and passions prevalent then as well as by all the questions and problems of a young man. He lived like everyone else, and yet there was something special in him: he was always a person in research. He was never satisfied with life as it presented itself and how people lived. He was always tormented by the question of truth. "
"He wanted to find the truth. He wanted to be able to know what is man where it comes from the world where we ourselves, where are we and how can we find true life. He wanted to find the right life and not merely to live blindly, without meaning or goal. The passion for truth is the real key phrase of his life. And there is still a feature. Tutto ciò che non portava il nome di Cristo, non gli bastava”.
“Egli – ha detto ancora il Papa - ci racconta che, per il tramite della filosofia platonica, aveva appreso e riconosciuto che ‘in principio era il Verbo’ – il Logos, la ragione creatrice. Ma la filosofia non gli indicava alcuna via per raggiungerlo; questo Logos rimaneva lontano e intangibile. Solo nella fede della Chiesa trovò poi la seconda verità essenziale: il Verbo si è fatto carne. E così esso ci tocca, noi lo tocchiamo. All’umiltà dell’incarnazione di Dio deve corrispondere l’umiltà della nostra fede, che depone la superbia saccente e si china entrando a far parte della comunità the body of Christ with the Church and living alone can enter into communion concrete and bodily, with the living God. I need not say how all this concerns us: to remain seekers, not content with what we all say and do. Do not look away from the eternal God and Jesus Christ. Constantly learn the humility of faith in the Church Body of Jesus Christ. "
"Agostino - then highlighted the Pope - had learned a degree of humility - the humility to not only put great thought into his Church's faith, not only the humility of translating his great knowledge into the simplicity of ' ad, but also the humility to recognize that he himself and the entire pilgrim Church continually need the merciful goodness of a God who forgives, and we - he added - we become like Christ, the Perfect, to the greatest extent possible, when we become like him, people of mercy. In this time - he concluded - thank God for the great light that radiates from the wisdom and humility of Saint Augustine and pray the Lord to give to all of us, day by day, the necessary conversion and thus lead us toward the real life. "
Friday, April 20, 2007
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Piacenza: strip notturno per una ragazza davanti scuola
A dramatic striptease and 'took place last night in front of the high school Respighi, in the heart of Piacenza, where a girl described in his twenties, after taking off your clothes, posed for a bunch of boys who had photographs taken with mobile phones and small electronic devices. The scene is not 'gone unnoticed by several motorists passed around midnight in front of the high school, and some have called 112. From the operations center and 'have been sent a "gazelle" of the police, whose crew has just had time to see some "photographers" who were leaving with the girl running down the public walks. Other young people were seen running towards Genoa barrier. So '"the aspiring stripper and friends have vanished. The incident 'took place at around midnight in a place where many young people are used to find and Piacenza, where the passage of persons and vehicles at that time and 'still quite substantial. A 12 YEARS NAKED SHOW FOR A FEW COMPANIONS TO EURO - 12 years naked in front of classmates for two or three euro. The story of the girl who had developed a scale for sexy clothes off and be touched by their peers in middle school in jail, a village in the Savona, has no official confirmation at the time: in fact explain the police have no evidence yet. Even in the country, the leitmotif of the street is: 'we hope they are just rumors,''frames. History and 'also came to the ears of school managers, in community, social service offices and the police and all they set out with discretion to determine whether it is a real story or pre-adolescent fantasies. But if it were not so 'would in fact only the last episode that sees children, often very young stars of everyday stories of transgression. It does not take nearly a week, this time without the news media did not bring back their outcomes with adolescents as protagonists sometimes dramatic and distressing. Like the countless cases of bullying are often also included cell phones and posted on the Internet (and a few days ago the news of his father who took a fight because they had 5 kids shot in a porn movie with the daughter of 12 years as a player) or those of girls ages 11-13 who do Cubist discos and maybe asking € 100 for sex. The latter episode recounted in a book out these days 'I'm 12 years old and I do the Cubist' (ed. Bompiani) where Marida Pijola Lombardo tells the stories of ordinary transgression: the protagonists are young kids, "arid and fatuous, irresponsible and at the mercy of the pack. " E 'duty, therefore, as explained by Federico Bianchi Castelbianco, psychologists' evolutionary and psychotherapist, try to reflect on the causes or contributing factors that determine certain attitudes in the very young and seek with humility' tenacity and possible solutions to a social evil that threatens to degenerate more and more ': "It' s no use pretending to be surprised. It 'obvious that children look at us and maybe they imitate adults using a little 'fantasy. We are bad teachers. "So here we see our children today spend hours at the computer, to denigrate parents and teachers to have sex even at 11-12 years. Today we live in a civil context in which even the basic values \u200b\u200bfade away in favor of an exaggerated relativism, consumerism and hedonism of a wild, given that these companies 'appearance has raised the visibility of' value-even indispensable. But at the same time still observed the psychologist "would be a mistake to blame the families of the poor performance of children . Does it have the various institutions, to take place together, and together they act accordingly. Parents and schools should not be left alone to both support adeguato. Nel guidare il soggetto in crescita verso l'acquisizione della "ragione" e' importante l'azione educativa ed istruttiva della scuola che puo' essere esercitata solo mediante docenti preparati e motivati nello svolgimento della loro delicata professione.

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Tv: Mtv, un sondaggio sui giovani
MILANO, 20 APR - Per festeggiare i 10 anni, Mtv Italia ha commissionato un sondaggio sui giovani per vedere come sono cambiati nell'ultimo decennio. Tra i dati piu' significativi la loro ansia per il futuro (29% rispetto all'11% del '97) e il ritenere inaccettabili alcuni fenomeni come prostituzione, adozione da parte di genitori gay, aborto, immigrazione e omosessualita'. Questi ragazzi dai 14 ai 24 anni compongono la 'Me generation' and seek stability 'in the family, study and work.

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Scorta all'orsetto Knut dopo le minacce di morte
were therefore reinforced security measures around the puppy, "police escort for Knut," said the Bild headline referring to the incredible threat world's most famous polar bear. So far had been sufficient the presence of five security men, have now become 15. Knut
recently was forced to after the visits of the veterinary dental problems in growth that had forced him to leave sooner than expected outside of the court and retire to rest in his cage. The doctors put him in sixth with a course of antibiotics.

There is no limit to human folly if it comes to threatening death to be a tender and helpless as the white bear has become the star of the Berlin zoo. The baby was, in fact, the subject of a threatening letter arrived by fax to the direction of the zoo in Berlin: "Knut ist tot - Donnerstag Mittag" (Knut is dead - Thursday at noon.)

recently was forced to after the visits of the veterinary dental problems in growth that had forced him to leave sooner than expected outside of the court and retire to rest in his cage. The doctors put him in sixth with a course of antibiotics.
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Sul web si cercano consigli salute
ROMA, 19 APR - Internet is the 'doctor' preferred by surfers on the web: three out of four surfers on the Internet looking for health information. This was revealed by a study conducted by the research that private Millward Brown examined a sample of 800 Internet users. According to the survey, 78% of the 20 million Internet users in our country has tried at least once in the last year, information about diseases and drugs. In the lead to diseases more 'click weight problems and obesity' (32%).

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Continua la battaglia della Lav contro la caccia alle foche
From Lav, the Anti-Vivisection League, part of an unconditional complaint against what it is today, one of the most heinous mass killings of marine mammals in the world: the seal hunt, legally authorized in Canada, there is a shocking video on the same site of Lav.
Like every year, in 2007 opened the new season of barbaric seal hunt, a true massacre of mammals marine. This hunt, however, criminal law, as the Department of Fisheries and Ocean Canada approved it: only in the last four years have been killed over one million three hundred thousand animals. There is an authorization for a definite proportion of animals that can kill: for 2007 is 270,000 seals. Moreover, because of climate change on Arctic pack ice has become extremely fragile puppies following the breakup of the ice fall into the water and, not knowing yet swim, they die affogati.Le teams of experts who are watching the hunt in the Gulf of San Lorenzo reported to Lav a dramatic situation, never recorded before: usually in areas where you could see thick gruppi di cuccioli adesso è il deserto, il silenzio: il ghiaccio frammentato in piccolissimi pezzi non è sufficiente per permettere alle piccole foche di sopravvivere. Molti esperti hanno lanciato l'allarme al Governo canadese, chiedendo la sospensione della caccia, dal momento che stimano che il tasso di mortalità, tra effetti della caccia e quelli delle condizioni climatiche, per i cuccioli si aggirerà tra l’80 e il 90%. Purtroppo i cuccioli di foca rappresentano anche le vittime preferite degli stessi cacciatori, sono infatti ancora più docili ed indifesi, quindi facile preda, e la loro pelliccia è più morbida. La caccia comporterà la barbara uccisione dei cuccioli che nascono nei primi del mese. Lo scorso anno, in only five days, March 25 to 30, hunters in the Gulf of San Lorenzo had already exceeded 1,000 animals of about the quantity for the killing of seal pups. About 5,600 seals per day (a total of 28,000 animals) were killed in gunfire, as ice conditions did not permit to hunters, except in exceptional cases, get the pack to kill the children with the traditional stick (hakapiks); many puppies, now dead, were recovered in water, where they had tried in vain to flee. A cruel death, terrible, therefore the one to which these animals are doomed, violent: a team of independent veterinarians failed to document an aspect of the macabre, inhuman. 42% seals that were able to analyze showed signs showing that they were skinned alive, another 40% is repeatedly struck, often to the head, before he died. For the Canadian government, however, these animals are killed in "humane manner". On the site of Lav can be really creepy to watch a video that portrays hunters in action, and the young pups on the pack: animals often do not run away even if the man with a stick in hand, running towards them and hits them , relentlessly, repeatedly.

From Lav, the Anti-Vivisection League, part of an unconditional complaint against what it is today, one of the most heinous mass killings of marine mammals in the world: the seal hunt, legally authorized in Canada, there is a shocking video on the same site of Lav.
Like every year, in 2007 opened the new season of barbaric seal hunt, a true massacre of mammals marine. This hunt, however, criminal law, as the Department of Fisheries and Ocean Canada approved it: only in the last four years have been killed over one million three hundred thousand animals. There is an authorization for a definite proportion of animals that can kill: for 2007 is 270,000 seals. Moreover, because of climate change on Arctic pack ice has become extremely fragile puppies following the breakup of the ice fall into the water and, not knowing yet swim, they die affogati.Le teams of experts who are watching the hunt in the Gulf of San Lorenzo reported to Lav a dramatic situation, never recorded before: usually in areas where you could see thick gruppi di cuccioli adesso è il deserto, il silenzio: il ghiaccio frammentato in piccolissimi pezzi non è sufficiente per permettere alle piccole foche di sopravvivere. Molti esperti hanno lanciato l'allarme al Governo canadese, chiedendo la sospensione della caccia, dal momento che stimano che il tasso di mortalità, tra effetti della caccia e quelli delle condizioni climatiche, per i cuccioli si aggirerà tra l’80 e il 90%. Purtroppo i cuccioli di foca rappresentano anche le vittime preferite degli stessi cacciatori, sono infatti ancora più docili ed indifesi, quindi facile preda, e la loro pelliccia è più morbida. La caccia comporterà la barbara uccisione dei cuccioli che nascono nei primi del mese. Lo scorso anno, in only five days, March 25 to 30, hunters in the Gulf of San Lorenzo had already exceeded 1,000 animals of about the quantity for the killing of seal pups. About 5,600 seals per day (a total of 28,000 animals) were killed in gunfire, as ice conditions did not permit to hunters, except in exceptional cases, get the pack to kill the children with the traditional stick (hakapiks); many puppies, now dead, were recovered in water, where they had tried in vain to flee. A cruel death, terrible, therefore the one to which these animals are doomed, violent: a team of independent veterinarians failed to document an aspect of the macabre, inhuman. 42% seals that were able to analyze showed signs showing that they were skinned alive, another 40% is repeatedly struck, often to the head, before he died. For the Canadian government, however, these animals are killed in "humane manner". On the site of Lav can be really creepy to watch a video that portrays hunters in action, and the young pups on the pack: animals often do not run away even if the man with a stick in hand, running towards them and hits them , relentlessly, repeatedly.
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L'Uomo Ragno a passo di danza
meantime el May 4 debut on the screens Italians expected the "Spiderman 3", presented recently its world premiere in Tokyo. In Italy the film will have its world premiere on May 1 and meet the cast and filmmakers who have brought success to the first two adventures Ragno.In Man Spiderman 3 Peter Parker has finally achieved the balance between his devotion to his beloved MJ and his duties as a superhero. But when his suit suddenly changes, painted black and enhancing his powers, Peter turns, bringing out the dark, vengeful side of his personality ... Is forced to choose between power and love for the people he loves, fighting two formidable enemies, the Sandman and Venom.

The musical will be directed by Tony Award Julie Taymor with Bono and The Edge crearanno music and lyrics for the project, "says Marvel in a statement. Taymor won two Tony awards, a sort of Oscar for the theater, for his work on the Disney musical" The Lion King " . Marvel Studios, a unit of Marvel Entertainment, has not specified a date for the debut on Broadway, where for the first time there will be a show with one of his players, but rumors indicate how likely the output of the show in July of 2007. "We confident that this project will delight fans of Spider-Man and even a new audience, "said David Maisel, chairman of Marvel Studios.

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Le bestie più feroci i padroni, non i cani»

La piccola Alessia di nove mesi è stata brutalmente uccisa dai due rottweiler dei genitori. Ammazzata e soffocata nel giardino di casa. La casa di cui è probabile che i genitori andassero fieri della protezione dei due assassini con tanto di cartello che avvertiva: «Quest’area è difesa dai cani da guardia non avvicinatevi».
Parole che sembravan sottintendere, «altrimenti sono cavoli vostri!». E invece il pericolo non era per quelli fuori ma per quelli che stavano dentro. Mi domando quante saranno ancora le vittime che avrà sulla coscienza chi potrebbe evitare, attraverso una strict law, that such massacres happen. The Turkish minister said that "the ordinance on aggressive breeds is right, it's up to the owners watch anytime, anywhere on their animals."
But the minister has forgotten the most aggressive breed, which are not dogs but their owners. Proud to be defended by a wild beast at the slightest hint that it is ready to tear anyone. So to muzzle the dog in a public place, for it is as if the owner puts it to him ... "So what do I wear around the dog," says the disappointed owner, "if necessary can not bite at least one calf ...». So I find it rather naive
Ordinances mentioned by the minister. How many people respect her? And if you call a policeman to tell him that there is someone who goes around without a muzzle, not only him but also his dog, the policeman is only a mild reprimand to the two beasts without applying any kind of sanction. An ordinance useless, therefore, made for a people who did not pass the exams. The examinations of education, compliance, altruism, not only for animals but also towards their fellow humans.
So Mrs. Livia, she must put on the table and rewrite the ordinance in the right way for a people wrong. The alternatives are two: either outlawing aggressive breeds from the man and who should be in possesso di un cane pericoloso viene messo in galera per qualche anno o, se questo non è possibile, infliggere, oltre alla prigione, delle forti sanzioni naturalmente a seconda del reddito che uno ha: se il cane che provoca la tragedia è della Telecom, come multa dovrà cedere almeno il 30% delle azioni più la prigione. Ma soprattutto chi più di tutti deve essere punito è lo Stato che fa le leggi e non le mette in pratica.
Adriano Celentano
Parole che sembravan sottintendere, «altrimenti sono cavoli vostri!». E invece il pericolo non era per quelli fuori ma per quelli che stavano dentro. Mi domando quante saranno ancora le vittime che avrà sulla coscienza chi potrebbe evitare, attraverso una strict law, that such massacres happen. The Turkish minister said that "the ordinance on aggressive breeds is right, it's up to the owners watch anytime, anywhere on their animals."
But the minister has forgotten the most aggressive breed, which are not dogs but their owners. Proud to be defended by a wild beast at the slightest hint that it is ready to tear anyone. So to muzzle the dog in a public place, for it is as if the owner puts it to him ... "So what do I wear around the dog," says the disappointed owner, "if necessary can not bite at least one calf ...». So I find it rather naive
Ordinances mentioned by the minister. How many people respect her? And if you call a policeman to tell him that there is someone who goes around without a muzzle, not only him but also his dog, the policeman is only a mild reprimand to the two beasts without applying any kind of sanction. An ordinance useless, therefore, made for a people who did not pass the exams. The examinations of education, compliance, altruism, not only for animals but also towards their fellow humans.
So Mrs. Livia, she must put on the table and rewrite the ordinance in the right way for a people wrong. The alternatives are two: either outlawing aggressive breeds from the man and who should be in possesso di un cane pericoloso viene messo in galera per qualche anno o, se questo non è possibile, infliggere, oltre alla prigione, delle forti sanzioni naturalmente a seconda del reddito che uno ha: se il cane che provoca la tragedia è della Telecom, come multa dovrà cedere almeno il 30% delle azioni più la prigione. Ma soprattutto chi più di tutti deve essere punito è lo Stato che fa le leggi e non le mette in pratica.
Adriano Celentano
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«Macché scoop, ritoccate le foto a Villa Certosa»

Le foto non bastano. Per gonfiare un caso che non esiste e danneggiare l’immagine di Silvio Berlusconi ci vorrebbe una bella intervista. E così, da ieri mattina, il telefono di Angela Sozio non smette ringing instantly. A look for journalists who are the spur: "We'll pay you what you want, but you must tell us ...». Say what? What happened at Villa Certosa, Sardinian residence of former prime minister, during the Easter holidays. A story that illustrates better the pictures published by 'Today'. And Angela, one of five girls captured in pictures next to the leader of the CDL, speak without asking a penny with Alfonso Signorini on Radio Monte Carlo. It reveals the most innocent of the truth at Villa Certosa was "a meeting of young blue." With her and the other four girls captured by hidden 'other people were cleared from the readjustments of the photographers. "So Angela, who proudly claims to be "many years of activist Fi" and earn "a thousand Euros a month as any employee" for any participation in TV shows, accuses: "It's been a thing of very low level. Evidently not find another way to attack Berlusconi, a man who makes policy for the people, not to put money in his pockets. "
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Cogne, Franzoni: "Sarò in the courtroom to hear the verdict "

The Neverending Story ....
Turin, April 20 - "I'll be in court to hear the proceedings. It 'is important for them'," announces the microphones Franzoni pending the ruling of the Messenger of appeal. "The other time was different - he added - 'a particular day, I want to be there. "The appeal trial resumes today in maxiaula 6 of the Law Courts of Turin, with the replication of the Attorney General Victor Courses all'arringa Paola Savio. Already this evening could get the award even if the judge has five days to deposit it. And it 'again a huge crowd, with lots of numeretti to the above, to want to attend what could be the last act of Process of Appeals for the crime Cogne.La attorney general has received a three-page report by the police department of scientific investigations, that the prosecutor will use during the course of his speech. Nothing new material. Only a few answers di carattere accademico alle considerazioni espresse dallo specialista di fiducia della difesa, Carlo Torre.Arma del delitto - La difesa continua a sostenere che si tratti di un sabot da montagna, ma rumors dicono gli esperti dell'Arma sarebbero del parere che sia valida la tesi del pg: un corpo contundente dotato di manico come un pentolino di rame o un mestolo. I 3 possibili verdetti1. Conferma delal sentenza di primo grado - Se il collegio riterrà provata la responsabilità dell'imputata e non riterrà di concedere alcuna attenuante, si confermerà la pena a 30 anni di reclusione. Ancora una volta Annamaria Franzoni non andrà in carcere poichè potrà ricorrere in Cassazione.2. Riduzione della pena - Se alla Franzioni, pur ritenuta responsabile dell'omicidio del figlio, i giudici concederanno una o più attenuanti (le "generiche", o il "vizio parziale di mente", o entrambe), l'imputata avrà una proporzionale riduzione della pena. Anche in questo caso Annamaria Franzoni resterà libera in attesa del processo in Cassazione.3. Assoluzione - Se gli indizi a carico di Annamaria Franzoni saranno ritenuti non idonei per fondare un giudizio di responsabilità dell'imputata, la donna verrà assolta per non aver commesso il fatto; sarà emessa sentenza di assoluzione per non aver commesso il fatto anche se la prova della responsabilità di Annamaria Franzoni sarà ritenuta insufficiente o contraddittoria.
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If waking up in the morning for you to be a problem, do not worry. Someone has invented a new system to optimize the time, combining coffee and shower: a bar of soap with caffeine which helps those who use it to wake up. The soap, called Shower Shock, supplies caffeine equivalent to two cups of coffee per wash, as the substance is absorbed naturally through the skin, say the producers.
flavored with peppermint oil, each bar of soap is made to provide a stimulating shock within five minutes. A solution that could help chronic late risers out of the house awake, clean and toned in one fell swoop.
flavored with peppermint oil, each bar of soap is made to provide a stimulating shock within five minutes. A solution that could help chronic late risers out of the house awake, clean and toned in one fell swoop.
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Maradona will be 'admitted to a psychiatric hospital

Milan, April 19 - Diego Armando Maradona will `soon hospitalized in a psychiatric clinic soon. He said Alfredo Cahe, personal physician of the `` Pibe, Radio One, the second broadcaster spagnola.Sempre Cahe, Maradona would become aware of the seriousness of the situation after being hospitalized following a serious crisis linked to its abuse alcohol. 46 years, the 'Pibe' will enter the clinic Abril `where there would be doctors of his` confidence `. Meanwhile, Maradona better,` The analysis shows that the state of Diego is slowly normalizing ', assured Cahe
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Discovery molecule blocks HIV-

ROMA, 19 APR - German scientists have discovered in human blood una molecola che nei test di laboratorio blocca il virus dell'Aids.In pratica impedisce all'Hiv di infettare le cellule umane e moltiplicarsi. L'inibitore, isolato da Kirchhoff dell'Universita' di Ulm, dopo lo screening di moltissime proteine umane, si e' dimostrato efficace in provetta anche contro i ceppi virali resistenti ai farmaci oggi in uso. La proteina e' relativamente abbondante nel sangue.
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" U.S. missile shield will cover' the whole of Italy "

Il previsto scudo spaziale anti-missile americano sarà in grado di coprire interamente anche l'Italia. Lo ha detto il generale Harry Trey Obering, direttore dell'agenzia americana per la difesa anti-missilistica.Come è noto, il proposto sistema antimissile americano will be installed in Poland (where there are up to ten interceptors) and the Czech Republic (where the radar equipment will be installed). "The proposed site in Poland will cover the whole of Italy - General Obering said in response to those who asked whether the system will also ensure the coverage of the country - will cover most of the south, we begin to lose coverage in countries such as Greece and Turkey of course. " American General has therefore sought to stress his response: "But it will cover the whole of Italy." Scheffer (NATO): Russia worried differences restanoAnche after today's meeting of the NATO-Russia Council are clear differences between Moscow and its allies on the consequences that the missile shield United States wants to achieve and for which they plan military installations in Poland and the Czech Republic said on Tuesday the NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, at the end of the meeting of senior officials was held at the alliance headquarters in Brussels. "Of course I can not say either conclude that we agree on every point," Scheffer said diplomatically. The number one said that NATO allies are convinced "that there are implications of the American system for the strategic balance, that ten interceptors can not have this effect. Russia, however, has made clear its concerns." Scheffer added that "the Russian Federation believes that there is a relationship between the installations in Poland and the Czech Republic and its strategic capabilities, a view that the allies and I do not share. "Finally, to complete the picture of the distance between NATO and Moscow, the former Dutch Foreign Minister has indicated that there is a clear division on the perceived missile threat: "There is a difference of opinion even on the threat from Iran, North Korea and elsewhere," he said. Scheffer, however , said that the alliance will continue its discussions with Russia: "We will continue to discuss in the meeting (of foreign ministers) in Oslo," with "full transparency" to "eliminate misunderstandings and fears." The number one alliance however, has stated he does not expect final decisions from the meeting in Oslo and the debate on the U.S. system, relations with Russia and any additional NATO defense systems will continue.
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Ufo, France opens secret archives

France has opened its archives to the public on the phenomena of unidentified flying objects sightings. To confirm the report Jacques Patenet, director of the Study Group for information on UFOs and the National Centre for Space Studies (CNES). On the website of the French will be available for consultation on the 1600 documented 400 cases in France from the '50s, a period when just begin '"fever" of the sightings a bit 'all over the world (what is considered the first sighting dates back to June 24, 1947). Every sighting, according to what is explained by the director of the center, will be accompanied by photos, police reports and witnesses. For obvious reasons, the identity of persons will be kept confidential. France is still the only country in the world seems to be persuaded of the usefulness of global openness on UFOs. The United States, after years of closure, have opted for partial opening: If the information is released to caso.C 'is then not only those who have decided to release information designated as confidential so far but also to react. It 's the case of Russia. Valery Uvarov, director of the UFO study at the Academy of National Security of the Russian Federation, reveals that these unidentified flying objects often become the cause of plane crash. "Think about the recent case of Ukrainian military aircraft crashed to the ground in Lviv during an air show," said the ufologist. "Some claim that the incident is closely related to the appearance of UFOs in the vicinity of the plane and usually in these cases begin to break down all equipment. And on the film on the incident have been immortalized colon blacks close to the plane then crashed, "said the expert. In Crimea are also not rare phenomena. Is there a place in as unidentified flying objects are spotted with impressive regularity, dozens, every day. The same Russian Defense Ministry had published secret documents in which the UFO had been referred to as "targets of extraterrestrial origin." At the moment you can still use the term "unidentified flying objects" but says Uvarov, is now a bit 'of time "were all those identified." Now governments around the planet should understand that reveal how much they know is vital importance for everyone. To some experts, in fact, providing this information on UFOs, you could do something to save our world. With the technology of the aliens For example, you could fight global warming. To support this thesis is the 83enne Paul Hellyer, former Defense Minister of Canada. "We need to convince governments of the world to say what they know - the old politician said in an interview with Canadian newspaper 'Citizen'- . Many of us believe that they know a lot, and many of us are convinced that what they might be enough to save the planet. " Hellyer has asked Ottawa, Washington and other Western governments to disclose the extraterrestrial technologies, obtained and studied by the Americans after the alleged crash of 1947 in Roswell, New Mexico, a Ufo.Secondo former Canadian defense minister, what has been learned about technologies of other civilizations of the area lies the answer to all the global climate emergency. Not only that, Hellyer said that aliens have the technology to eliminate fossil fuels within a single generation.
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CASERTA - is scheduled for tomorrow, Friday, April 20, the first stage of the project "From local to global. The foreign presence in Terra di Lavoro. Sport, music and dance, sponsored by the provincial Sport and positive actions for young people. 9 am at the "Mattei and high school teaching of Caserta, in collaboration with the section of the Italian Federation of Caserta volleyball tournament volleyball involving Italian and foreign students, "to facilitate - the Provincial Councillor explains Michele Farina - the integration of pupils from Caserta and their foreign peers and among their families, making it easier and more intense relations between Caserta and ethnic groups of different origins and origin. " The objective of the initiative is the effective integration of fellow citizens, regardless of geopolitical origin, color, religion. In the province of Caserta, the presence of foreign students is about 14 per cent: "The choice of sport, music and dance as a unifying vehicle - stresses Farina - has proved a winning choice, given the participation of schools and the number of pupils participating in the project. " On April 28, from 9 am in the Auditorium of the Province in Via Cecco, will host the final event with performances by dance groups and ethnic music and the awarding of the volleyball teams, the presence of the Provincial Education Office director, Antonio De Angelis.
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Digital Home, Technology and Multimedia Home
MILAN HP and Intel have the Digital Home, an innovative space in which to touch new technologies for home and leisure. The Digital Home, yard Cordusio in Milan, designed by architect Simone Micheli and staged in collaboration with Iris, visitors have the opportunity to see a real digital home, where the PC becomes the center of the house itself and share digital content with various consumer electronics devices - such as televisions, stereo system and DVD player. The installation is in particular areas of the living room and bedroom, with the latest in the range HP PCs, notebooks, PDAs, digital imaging and printing devices, and Intel technologies that promote the new digital lifestyle at home and in motion, and allowed the PC to find its place in the living room. Featuring a modern and attractive components of the Digital Home lets you view a video, surf the Internet, play games, music, touch up a photo, integrating all these features into a single technology platform for live multimedia as and when we want. The Digital Home, the PC becomes the center of home entertainment and offers the freedom to create and capture a wide variety of multimedia content within the home, sharing in the network through any type of device. "The Digital Home is the new frontier of digital entertainment, where you just press a button to choose a movie or view your vacation photos, enjoy your MP3 collection or download new songs, play with friends or read your favorite blog» said Corrado Mason, Marketing Manager, HP Personal Systems Group SMB. "The new HP technologies allow multimedia content to live with complete freedom, without neglecting the aspect of design. Our products are distinguished by their sleek design and stylish and will suit any home. " "The technology is changing the way we live entertainment indoors and out. The growing availability of digital content like photos, videos, songs, movies, created in the users need to be able to enjoy and share them with ease. "
MILAN HP and Intel have the Digital Home, an innovative space in which to touch new technologies for home and leisure. The Digital Home, yard Cordusio in Milan, designed by architect Simone Micheli and staged in collaboration with Iris, visitors have the opportunity to see a real digital home, where the PC becomes the center of the house itself and share digital content with various consumer electronics devices - such as televisions, stereo system and DVD player. The installation is in particular areas of the living room and bedroom, with the latest in the range HP PCs, notebooks, PDAs, digital imaging and printing devices, and Intel technologies that promote the new digital lifestyle at home and in motion, and allowed the PC to find its place in the living room. Featuring a modern and attractive components of the Digital Home lets you view a video, surf the Internet, play games, music, touch up a photo, integrating all these features into a single technology platform for live multimedia as and when we want. The Digital Home, the PC becomes the center of home entertainment and offers the freedom to create and capture a wide variety of multimedia content within the home, sharing in the network through any type of device. "The Digital Home is the new frontier of digital entertainment, where you just press a button to choose a movie or view your vacation photos, enjoy your MP3 collection or download new songs, play with friends or read your favorite blog» said Corrado Mason, Marketing Manager, HP Personal Systems Group SMB. "The new HP technologies allow multimedia content to live with complete freedom, without neglecting the aspect of design. Our products are distinguished by their sleek design and stylish and will suit any home. " "The technology is changing the way we live entertainment indoors and out. The growing availability of digital content like photos, videos, songs, movies, created in the users need to be able to enjoy and share them with ease. "
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the city arrives in China for women
The initiative launched by the Office of Tourism for small distrettodi Shuangqiao increase the influx of tourists.
CHONGQING-The first city for women born in China. Even though it is - for now - just a tourist attraction. According to Chongqing Evening News newspaper reported on April 3, Chongqing is about to become the first Chinese city where the men will be dethroned from their role as breadwinners and where it will no longer be allowed to raise its voice. It seems the dream of all women or for men a bad joke, but the project was approved, even if for purely tourist purposes and not as a launch of an unlikely feminist movement.
PROJECT - The initiative does not cover the entire municipality of Chongqing, the largest and most populous municipality with the status of a province of China with a population of over 32 million inhabitants, but the small village of Longshui, which takes its name from the lake which is overlooked in the district of Shuangqiao, Chongqing Municipality.
The initiative launched by the Office of Tourism for small distrettodi Shuangqiao increase the influx of tourists.

"THE KINGDOM OF WOMEN" - The town of Longshui, as stated by the Director of Tourism of Shuangqiao Li Jigang, collecting little interest as a tourist destination and, enhance its appeal, it was decided to make a sort of fairground attraction. A sort of "women's land" which is active in three years, administered by a female mayor and female officials, where every man, mate, that her husband could bring only the clothes of an ordinary citizen subjected to a special status. A regulation for the men who staged mock trials, fines and penalties as bizarre publicly kneel on bunks and washing dishes in restaurant kitchens in the village to ask pardon for not having listened to the requests that were sent by their wives or partners, because - as stated in the sign that will be engraved on the outskirts of the city - "a woman never wrong, and the demands of a woman can not be rejected by a man! ".

IDEA-The director of tourism has also revealed how the idea for the city-woman was born as a joke thinking throughout the motto according to which "a woman can not be never say no. " From there was born a game, an outdoor game which will soon be charged over the entire surface of the new village: two square miles of land and houses under construction. Here you will reverse the usual roles: if a man will have to buy something, ask her, she not only allowed to buy, but also the courtesy to pay, because it is che amministrerà le finanze, è lei che nel territorio franco del villaggio «porterà i pantaloni». Una cosa ancora abbastanza insolita in Cina, un po' meno nel mondo occidentale.
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Physical activity is good for the mind

Tenersi in allenamento aiuta non solo a mantenere una buona condizione fisica ma anche a migliorare il proprio benessere psicologico . Solitamente ci si concentra solo sui miglioramenti del fisico in termini di chili persi e di massa muscolare acquisita, mentre si tende a non considerare i vantaggi per la salute mentale i quali possono essere talvolta più consistenti ed aiutare a trovare le motivazioni necessarie per continuare . Numerosi sono gli studi che sottolineano l’aumento di benessere mentale come conseguenza di un’attività fisica costante. In una presentazione all’American College of Sports Medicine’s in occasione dell’annuale Health and Fitness Summit & Exposition dello scorso marzo, Michael Brako ha affermato che i benefici psicologici dell’esercizio fisico sono altrettanto importanti, se non più importanti, rispetto a quelli fisici che ci si aspetta di ottenere. L’attività fisica, dunque, migliorerebbe la capacità di gestire lo stress e di prendere decisioni, e potenzierebbe inoltre la memoria a breve termine. Ridurrebbe anche l’ansia e aiuterebbe ad avere un sonno più regolare. In alcuni casi può aiutare a superare la depressione. Sicuramente increases self-esteem and social skills, improve your mood and perception of their appearance. Some studies link physical activity with better academic results for children and others argued that the psychological well-being also favored the achievement of better results on the physical plane. Ellen Langer, professor of psychology at Harvard Medical School confirms that physical activity is good, is having a significant impact on our health, and making us feel more alive. Although it is well to remember that you should never overdo it and impose their own limits by the rhythms far.
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arrested two baby rapists

Children and violence: a terrible combination, especially if the expense is an innocent creature. A girl of nine years, a resident of Lampedusa, was raped by a pack of seven minors aged between 11 and 14 years. The Public Prosecutor for Minors in Palermo has opened an investigation. The facts, it turns out, would take place before the Easter holiday in the court of the district Institute of the island of Lampedusa, where the victim and the attackers were studying, the day of Paschal says. The small would tell of the abuse to her parents lost no time have notified the authorities. The investigation of the case are still ongoing, but has already been ordered a medical examination on the little victim. The small local community incredulos and is concerned not only creates a sensation and distress the victim's age, but also that of his captors: seven giovannissimi, little more than children. Maximum restraint on the development and generality of those involved in the investigation by the Police officers involved. According to rumors, the herd would take advantage of a moment in which the child's classmates and teachers were absent for surround and abuse her. The parents of the child, immediately after submitting the complaint, contacted a lawyer for assistance in the case.
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Photo Today, Sozio defends

was a gathering of young people fi "
" I have never denied my faith for Forza Italy. I am an activist da tanti anni. Già altre volte ci son state foto e riprese di me e il presidente, ma questa volta non ho gradito quello che poi si è ricamato sopra". Angela Sozio, una delle cinque ragazze presente negli scatti con Berlusconi sul settimanale Oggi, ricostruisce così la sua presenza a Villa Certosa in Sardegna nel week end di Pasqua.
Intervistata da Alfonso Signorini su Radio Montecarlo, l'ex concorrente del Grande Fratello 3 ha raccontato che quella che si è tenuta a casa del leader della Casa delle Libertà era ''una riunione dei giovani di Forza Italia. Ci sono stati dei ritocchi da parte dei fotografi che hanno cancellato altre persone che erano con noi. E' stata una cosa di bassissimo livello. Io capisco che i giornalisti devono portare water to its mill. I realize that they can not attack a person as smart as the president that Berlusconi is a man who makes policy for the people and not put money in his pockets.'' On
that were held by the hand girl Pugliese said: "He is a gallant person, very hospitable. It is the clamor for Berlusconi, but if it was a poor man who gave all of Angela's hand, but also to other girls, no one would speak. They are all people who work for Forza Italy.''
Sozio addition to the newspaper Libero attempts to reconstruct all the components of the group. They are mentioned Camilla Ferranti, former tronista of Men and Women in General and actress From the Church aired soon on Channel 5, Flora Canto, she tronista former and currently employed in Rome as a family counselor, and Barabara, a Milanese pierre showgirl aunt Valentina Gioia. directly from the participants, however, have all denied that they had been guests of Berlusconi.
" I have never denied my faith for Forza Italy. I am an activist da tanti anni. Già altre volte ci son state foto e riprese di me e il presidente, ma questa volta non ho gradito quello che poi si è ricamato sopra". Angela Sozio, una delle cinque ragazze presente negli scatti con Berlusconi sul settimanale Oggi, ricostruisce così la sua presenza a Villa Certosa in Sardegna nel week end di Pasqua.
Intervistata da Alfonso Signorini su Radio Montecarlo, l'ex concorrente del Grande Fratello 3 ha raccontato che quella che si è tenuta a casa del leader della Casa delle Libertà era ''una riunione dei giovani di Forza Italia. Ci sono stati dei ritocchi da parte dei fotografi che hanno cancellato altre persone che erano con noi. E' stata una cosa di bassissimo livello. Io capisco che i giornalisti devono portare water to its mill. I realize that they can not attack a person as smart as the president that Berlusconi is a man who makes policy for the people and not put money in his pockets.'' On
that were held by the hand girl Pugliese said: "He is a gallant person, very hospitable. It is the clamor for Berlusconi, but if it was a poor man who gave all of Angela's hand, but also to other girls, no one would speak. They are all people who work for Forza Italy.''
Sozio addition to the newspaper Libero attempts to reconstruct all the components of the group. They are mentioned Camilla Ferranti, former tronista of Men and Women in General and actress From the Church aired soon on Channel 5, Flora Canto, she tronista former and currently employed in Rome as a family counselor, and Barabara, a Milanese pierre showgirl aunt Valentina Gioia. directly from the participants, however, have all denied that they had been guests of Berlusconi.
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