Il previsto scudo spaziale anti-missile americano sarà in grado di coprire interamente anche l'Italia. Lo ha detto il generale Harry Trey Obering, direttore dell'agenzia americana per la difesa anti-missilistica.Come è noto, il proposto sistema antimissile americano will be installed in Poland (where there are up to ten interceptors) and the Czech Republic (where the radar equipment will be installed). "The proposed site in Poland will cover the whole of Italy - General Obering said in response to those who asked whether the system will also ensure the coverage of the country - will cover most of the south, we begin to lose coverage in countries such as Greece and Turkey of course. " American General has therefore sought to stress his response: "But it will cover the whole of Italy." Scheffer (NATO): Russia worried differences restanoAnche after today's meeting of the NATO-Russia Council are clear differences between Moscow and its allies on the consequences that the missile shield United States wants to achieve and for which they plan military installations in Poland and the Czech Republic said on Tuesday the NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, at the end of the meeting of senior officials was held at the alliance headquarters in Brussels. "Of course I can not say either conclude that we agree on every point," Scheffer said diplomatically. The number one said that NATO allies are convinced "that there are implications of the American system for the strategic balance, that ten interceptors can not have this effect. Russia, however, has made clear its concerns." Scheffer added that "the Russian Federation believes that there is a relationship between the installations in Poland and the Czech Republic and its strategic capabilities, a view that the allies and I do not share. "Finally, to complete the picture of the distance between NATO and Moscow, the former Dutch Foreign Minister has indicated that there is a clear division on the perceived missile threat: "There is a difference of opinion even on the threat from Iran, North Korea and elsewhere," he said. Scheffer, however , said that the alliance will continue its discussions with Russia: "We will continue to discuss in the meeting (of foreign ministers) in Oslo," with "full transparency" to "eliminate misunderstandings and fears." The number one alliance however, has stated he does not expect final decisions from the meeting in Oslo and the debate on the U.S. system, relations with Russia and any additional NATO defense systems will continue.
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