France has opened its archives to the public on the phenomena of unidentified flying objects sightings. To confirm the report Jacques Patenet, director of the Study Group for information on UFOs and the National Centre for Space Studies (CNES). On the website of the French will be available for consultation on the 1600 documented 400 cases in France from the '50s, a period when just begin '"fever" of the sightings a bit 'all over the world (what is considered the first sighting dates back to June 24, 1947). Every sighting, according to what is explained by the director of the center, will be accompanied by photos, police reports and witnesses. For obvious reasons, the identity of persons will be kept confidential. France is still the only country in the world seems to be persuaded of the usefulness of global openness on UFOs. The United States, after years of closure, have opted for partial opening: If the information is released to caso.C 'is then not only those who have decided to release information designated as confidential so far but also to react. It 's the case of Russia. Valery Uvarov, director of the UFO study at the Academy of National Security of the Russian Federation, reveals that these unidentified flying objects often become the cause of plane crash. "Think about the recent case of Ukrainian military aircraft crashed to the ground in Lviv during an air show," said the ufologist. "Some claim that the incident is closely related to the appearance of UFOs in the vicinity of the plane and usually in these cases begin to break down all equipment. And on the film on the incident have been immortalized colon blacks close to the plane then crashed, "said the expert. In Crimea are also not rare phenomena. Is there a place in as unidentified flying objects are spotted with impressive regularity, dozens, every day. The same Russian Defense Ministry had published secret documents in which the UFO had been referred to as "targets of extraterrestrial origin." At the moment you can still use the term "unidentified flying objects" but says Uvarov, is now a bit 'of time "were all those identified." Now governments around the planet should understand that reveal how much they know is vital importance for everyone. To some experts, in fact, providing this information on UFOs, you could do something to save our world. With the technology of the aliens For example, you could fight global warming. To support this thesis is the 83enne Paul Hellyer, former Defense Minister of Canada. "We need to convince governments of the world to say what they know - the old politician said in an interview with Canadian newspaper 'Citizen'- . Many of us believe that they know a lot, and many of us are convinced that what they might be enough to save the planet. " Hellyer has asked Ottawa, Washington and other Western governments to disclose the extraterrestrial technologies, obtained and studied by the Americans after the alleged crash of 1947 in Roswell, New Mexico, a Ufo.Secondo former Canadian defense minister, what has been learned about technologies of other civilizations of the area lies the answer to all the global climate emergency. Not only that, Hellyer said that aliens have the technology to eliminate fossil fuels within a single generation.
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