From Lav, the Anti-Vivisection League, part of an unconditional complaint against what it is today, one of the most heinous mass killings of marine mammals in the world: the seal hunt, legally authorized in Canada, there is a shocking video on the same site of Lav.
Like every year, in 2007 opened the new season of barbaric seal hunt, a true massacre of mammals marine. This hunt, however, criminal law, as the Department of Fisheries and Ocean Canada approved it: only in the last four years have been killed over one million three hundred thousand animals. There is an authorization for a definite proportion of animals that can kill: for 2007 is 270,000 seals. Moreover, because of climate change on Arctic pack ice has become extremely fragile puppies following the breakup of the ice fall into the water and, not knowing yet swim, they die affogati.Le teams of experts who are watching the hunt in the Gulf of San Lorenzo reported to Lav a dramatic situation, never recorded before: usually in areas where you could see thick gruppi di cuccioli adesso è il deserto, il silenzio: il ghiaccio frammentato in piccolissimi pezzi non è sufficiente per permettere alle piccole foche di sopravvivere. Molti esperti hanno lanciato l'allarme al Governo canadese, chiedendo la sospensione della caccia, dal momento che stimano che il tasso di mortalità, tra effetti della caccia e quelli delle condizioni climatiche, per i cuccioli si aggirerà tra l’80 e il 90%. Purtroppo i cuccioli di foca rappresentano anche le vittime preferite degli stessi cacciatori, sono infatti ancora più docili ed indifesi, quindi facile preda, e la loro pelliccia è più morbida. La caccia comporterà la barbara uccisione dei cuccioli che nascono nei primi del mese. Lo scorso anno, in only five days, March 25 to 30, hunters in the Gulf of San Lorenzo had already exceeded 1,000 animals of about the quantity for the killing of seal pups. About 5,600 seals per day (a total of 28,000 animals) were killed in gunfire, as ice conditions did not permit to hunters, except in exceptional cases, get the pack to kill the children with the traditional stick (hakapiks); many puppies, now dead, were recovered in water, where they had tried in vain to flee. A cruel death, terrible, therefore the one to which these animals are doomed, violent: a team of independent veterinarians failed to document an aspect of the macabre, inhuman. 42% seals that were able to analyze showed signs showing that they were skinned alive, another 40% is repeatedly struck, often to the head, before he died. For the Canadian government, however, these animals are killed in "humane manner". On the site of Lav can be really creepy to watch a video that portrays hunters in action, and the young pups on the pack: animals often do not run away even if the man with a stick in hand, running towards them and hits them , relentlessly, repeatedly.
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