PAVIA - From the "respect" and "Defense of life in all its phases" depends on "the quality of a truly human coexistence." It 's the new appeal for the protection of human life from conception until natural death pronounced by Benedict XVI in his address to the doctors and the sick of the Policlinico' San Matteo 'di Pavia. "The hospital is a place that we might somehow 'sacred' - the Pope said, speaking to doctors and patients of the clinic - where we experience the fragility of human nature, but also the enormous potential and resources of human and technology at the service of life. " "Human life! - Exclaimed Benedict XVI - This great gift, as it is explored, there remains a mystery." Stressing the quality of the hospital, known in Italy, "especially for some pioneering surgery," Pope Ratzinger said that "here you try to alleviate the suffering of people in an attempt to make a full recovery of health conditions, and very often, thanks to modern scientific discoveries, this is done. Here you will get results very encouraging. " "My fervent hope - then continued with his appeal to the protection of life - is that the necessary scientific and technological progress, is constantly accompanied by the awareness that together with the good of the patient, even those fundamental values, such as respect and defend life in all its phases, which provide the quality autenticamente umana di una convivenza".CHIESA SEMPRE VICINA A CHI SOFFRE Sempre la Chiesa "manifesta una speciale predilezione verso chi soffre, e non cessa di offrire ai malati l'aiuto necessario". E' quanto ha ribadito Benedetto XVI nel suo discorso ai medici e agli ammalati durante la visita al Policlinico 'San Matteo' di Pavia. "Nel programma della visita pastorale a Pavia - ha spiegato - non poteva mancare una sosta al Policlinico 'San Matteo' per incontrare voi, cari ammalati, che provenite non solo dalla provincia di Pavia ma da tutta l'Italia". "A ciascuno - ha affermato - esprimo la mia personale vicinanza e solidarietà, mentre abbraccio spiritualmente anche gli ammalati, i sofferenti e le persone in difficoltà che si trovano nella vostra Diocese and all those who take loving care. To all - concluded Benedict XVI - I would like to extend a word of encouragement and hope. "WELCOMES POPE BENEDICT XVI AND PATIENTS MOVED BOSSI He wanted to greet the sick Pope Benedict XVI, during his visit at the Policlinico San Matteo di Pavia, where he was greeted President of the Foundation Albert William, who made a short speech, and words, on behalf of the sick, Beltranetti Fausta, wife of former minister Giulio Tremonti. Al Pope, William won a signed copy of the Papal Bull in 1449 by Nicholas V that put the baby in the hospital "perpetual protection" of the Holy See. Fausta Beltranetti thanked the Holy Father's visit with that at all, "he infused inner strength and courage. "Then the Pope shook hands with representatives of doctors, nurses and patients, Tremonti, and fell from the stage set up inside the hospital to say goodbye to some sick people on wheelchairs. Leaving you is also confirmed by Northern League leader, Umberto Bossi, who was sitting with his family in the front row. "It 's been a great thrill - he said -. Bossi I was very moved, I did not expect. "It also spoke of feeling sick, some with tears in his eyes.
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