Thursday, April 19, 2007

How Come I Cant Find Canned Vodka


CASERTA - is scheduled for tomorrow, Friday, April 20, the first stage of the project "From local to global. The foreign presence in Terra di Lavoro. Sport, music and dance, sponsored by the provincial Sport and positive actions for young people. 9 am at the "Mattei and high school teaching of Caserta, in collaboration with the section of the Italian Federation of Caserta volleyball tournament volleyball involving Italian and foreign students, "to facilitate - the Provincial Councillor explains Michele Farina - the integration of pupils from Caserta and their foreign peers and among their families, making it easier and more intense relations between Caserta and ethnic groups of different origins and origin. " The objective of the initiative is the effective integration of fellow citizens, regardless of geopolitical origin, color, religion. In the province of Caserta, the presence of foreign students is about 14 per cent: "The choice of sport, music and dance as a unifying vehicle - stresses Farina - has proved a winning choice, given the participation of schools and the number of pupils participating in the project. " On April 28, from 9 am in the Auditorium of the Province in Via Cecco, will host the final event with performances by dance groups and ethnic music and the awarding of the volleyball teams, the presence of the Provincial Education Office director, Antonio De Angelis.


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