Friday, April 20, 2007

Small Bathroom With Builtinshower

Scorta all'orsetto Knut dopo le minacce di morte

There is no limit to human folly if it comes to threatening death to be a tender and helpless as the white bear has become the star of the Berlin zoo. The baby was, in fact, the subject of a threatening letter arrived by fax to the direction of the zoo in Berlin: "Knut ist tot - Donnerstag Mittag" (Knut is dead - Thursday at noon.)

were therefore reinforced security measures around the puppy, "police escort for Knut," said the Bild headline referring to the incredible threat world's most famous polar bear. So far had been sufficient the presence of five security men, have now become 15. Knut
recently was forced to after the visits of the veterinary dental problems in growth that had forced him to leave sooner than expected outside of the court and retire to rest in his cage. The doctors put him in sixth with a course of antibiotics.


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