Sunday, April 22, 2007

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Papa: la conversione, cammino di tutta la vita

conversion as a way of life: from Pavia, a city particularly linked to the memory of St. Augustine, where he made a pastoral visit, Benedict XVI has indicated in its path followed by the holy journey that every Christian should take. Pomeriggoi arrived yesterday in the nearby Vigevano, the papal visit to Pavia began this morning at the Policlinico "San Matteo". "The hospital - said in a salute to doctors, patients and their families, gathered in the square inside the hospital - is a place that we might somehow 'sacred', where we experience the fragility of human nature, but also enormous potential and resources of human ingenuity and technology at the service of life. Human life! This great gift, as it is explored, there remains a mystery. " "My earnest hope - he added - is that the necessary scientific and technological progress, is constantly accompanied by the awareness that together with the good of the patient, even those basic values \u200b\u200blike respect and defend life in all its stages, on which depends the quality of a truly human coexistence. " "Always the Church - he concluded - following the example of his Lord, expresses a special fondness for those who suffer, and do not cease to offer the necessary help to the sick, aware of being called to demonstrate the love and concern of Christ toward them and for those who care for them. "

Leaving the Hospital, Benedict XVI went by car to the Borromeo Gardens dell'Almo College where he celebrated Mass in front of about 20 thousand people, in the morning, have occupied all available space.

's speech on the conversion was carried out by Benedict XVI is taking a cue from the words of Peter to the Sanhedrin of Jerusalem and the facts of Augustine.

Thus, Peter's words to suggest that the risen Jesus, "He leads to conversion - creates the space and opportunity to repent, to repent and start over. And he offers forgiveness of sins - leads us into right relationship with God. " "This brief catechesis Peter - he continued - not only apply to the Sanhedrin. It speaks to us all. Since Jesus, the Risen One, he lives today. And for all generations, for all men he is the 'head' above the street and the 'savior' that makes our lives. The two words 'conversion' and 'forgiveness of sins', corresponding to the titles of Christ 'head' and 'savior', are the key words of Peter's catechesis, words intended to move our hearts too. The path we must take - the path that Jesus tells us, is called 'conversion'. But what is it? What should I do? In every life conversion has its own form, because every man is something new and no one is merely a copy of another. But throughout history, the Lord has sent us models of conversion, looking at what we can find guidance. "

The examples, drawn from Benedict XVI, went by that Peter Paul, St. Augustine. For the latter, in particular, "you can see that the conversion was not a one time event but a just way."

"What was the essential aspect of this journey? Augustine, on the one hand, was the son of his time, deeply conditioned by the habits and passions prevalent then as well as by all the questions and problems of a young man. He lived like everyone else, and yet there was something special in him: he was always a person in research. He was never satisfied with life as it presented itself and how people lived. He was always tormented by the question of truth. "
"He wanted to find the truth. He wanted to be able to know what is man where it comes from the world where we ourselves, where are we and how can we find true life. He wanted to find the right life and not merely to live blindly, without meaning or goal. The passion for truth is the real key phrase of his life. And there is still a feature. Tutto ciò che non portava il nome di Cristo, non gli bastava”.

“Egli – ha detto ancora il Papa - ci racconta che, per il tramite della filosofia platonica, aveva appreso e riconosciuto che ‘in principio era il Verbo’ – il Logos, la ragione creatrice. Ma la filosofia non gli indicava alcuna via per raggiungerlo; questo Logos rimaneva lontano e intangibile. Solo nella fede della Chiesa trovò poi la seconda verità essenziale: il Verbo si è fatto carne. E così esso ci tocca, noi lo tocchiamo. All’umiltà dell’incarnazione di Dio deve corrispondere l’umiltà della nostra fede, che depone la superbia saccente e si china entrando a far parte della comunità the body of Christ with the Church and living alone can enter into communion concrete and bodily, with the living God. I need not say how all this concerns us: to remain seekers, not content with what we all say and do. Do not look away from the eternal God and Jesus Christ. Constantly learn the humility of faith in the Church Body of Jesus Christ. "

"Agostino - then highlighted the Pope - had learned a degree of humility - the humility to not only put great thought into his Church's faith, not only the humility of translating his great knowledge into the simplicity of ' ad, but also the humility to recognize that he himself and the entire pilgrim Church continually need the merciful goodness of a God who forgives, and we - he added - we become like Christ, the Perfect, to the greatest extent possible, when we become like him, people of mercy. In this time - he concluded - thank God for the great light that radiates from the wisdom and humility of Saint Augustine and pray the Lord to give to all of us, day by day, the necessary conversion and thus lead us toward the real life. "


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