Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Fotos Grandes Russian Bare

There you ... and there they are ...

It is you who know me always, with whom I shared many experiences.
And it is you who claim to know, with a lot of superficiality and arrogance.
It is you who have come to know with which a moment of super invective because of snow due to the physiological condition of my callous meteoropathic receptor may be unspoken and a return to the old equilibrium.
And we do not know who you are by choice, why do you not find anything that hits me, I share the time, but nothing more.
It is you who I have gradually understood, stirred and appreciated.
And it is you that I make with the puns and allusions false.
It is you who are able to anticipate every potential ironic-my-idiotic sarcastic.
And it is you that those jokes you've never understood. There are
you who have put in my everyday life, in which silence is an alternative discourse, and relaxed, never embarrassment.
And it is you who pretend to steal my attention, my space with your empty talk.
It is you who have ideals, which in-depth things to hear your not to slide them without a trace.
And there you are referred to the consideration of the golden calf we do not care, but do not write it, I do not go well, I censor.
It is you who are not superficial, that at a Saturday evening at a friend's house is an opportunity and not a last resort for a weekend disorganized and landlocked clubbers.
And there you are among you, you always here with us. But we who? Must be an us? There
are you to where the study is important, but does not stop a vote, is a brick of that future that at all costs want to change.
And there you are to where the study is finished, you lose time, there is no point, go over tomorrow ... not today, come to us, with us, for us.
It is you who have clear ideas, but not actually named, and I like to do just that.
And there you are with the ideas that we make plans, strange paths, a theory, brood a lot. There you are
future judges, with your questionable morality that make me hope for the future.
And there you are, what future? One heart, one love?
It is you who despite the distance you are always near me.
And it is you that despite the proximity always managed to make me feel distant.
There For You you would have the right to say much, but say you need.
And it is you who do not have any right, but say a lot, too, is false.
It is you who judge you, but you do not.
And it is you who do not want opinions, but you are in the front row to give them. All seated, began my lesson.
It is you who will be the only ones who understand my twisted speech, and rightly so.
And there you are superior, even at the finish line, which will rise to almost anywhere near there, and it's better that way.
There you are, thankfully ...
And I thank you that you are.


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