Saturday, February 27, 2010

Where To Find The Cheapest Pontoon Furniture

the similarities ... Goodbye my lover

Love is like a map, it should be watered. If you do not
is watered, it dies.

Today I bought a map, and innaffierò every day.
So I remember the lesson to do in the future.

Phonetic Alphabet Tango

Did I disappoint you or abandoned?
I should feel guilty or let the judges
me look bad?
because I saw the end before we started
yes, I saw that you were blind
and I knew I had won, so
I took what was mine by eternal right Took your soul
may be over but will not stop there,
are here for you if you care you only have touched the
my heart you touched my soul
you changed my life and all my goals
and love is blind and I knew when
my heart was blinded by you
I kissed your lips and held
me your head
I shared with you your dreams and shared your bed
know you well, I know your smell
I added myself to your
are addicted to you

Goodbye my lover Goodbye my friend
six was the only one, the one for me

'm a dreamer but when I wake up,
you can not break my spirit
are my dreams you take with you
and since you're going away, remember me remember
us and what we were
I saw you cry, I've seen him smile
I looked for a little while I was sleeping
the father of your children
I would spend the rest of my life with you
know your fears and you know mine
we had our
doubts but now we're fine, and I love
swear it's true.
can not live without you

Goodbye my lover Goodbye my friend
you were the one, the one for me

and I still hold your hand in my
in mine, when I fell asleep and endure
my soul in time, while

I'm kneeling at your feet Goodbye my lover Goodbye my friend
you were the one, the one for me

I'm so hollow, baby, so empty
are so, so, so empty

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Used Paddle Boats Florida

A poem learned by heart, always!

that became my lesson ...

" He or she who becomes the slave of,
repeating every day the same itineraries,
who does not change the make or color of clothing,
nothing ventured,
does not talk to Who does not know.
He or she who shuns passion, who just wants
black on white, dotting the
rather than a set of emotions;
emotions that make your eyes glimmer,
quelle che fanno di uno sbaglio un sorriso,
quelle che fanno battere il cuore
davanti agli errori ed ai sentimenti!
Lentamente muore chi non capovolge il tavolo,
chi è infelice sul lavoro,
chi non rischia la certezza per l’incertezza,
chi rinuncia ad inseguire un sogno,
chi non si permette almeno una volta di fuggire ai consigli sensati.
Lentamente muore chi non viaggia,
chi non legge,
chi non ascolta musica,
chi non trova grazia e pace in sè stesso.
He or she who destroys the pride,
who does not accept help,
who passes his days complaining of his misfortune.
Dies slowly he who abandons a project before starting it,
who does not ask questions on subjects he does not know
who does not answer when asked something he knows.
We avoid death in small doses,
reminding oneself that being alive requires an effort
far greater than the simple act of breathing!
Only a burning patience will lead to the achievement of
una splendida felicità. "

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Anti Freeze Soul Silver

Anzianotti docet Snow in March!: There you are ... and they are here ...

Anzianotti docet!: There you are ... and they are here ...

Fotos Grandes Russian Bare

There you ... and there they are ...

It is you who know me always, with whom I shared many experiences.
And it is you who claim to know, with a lot of superficiality and arrogance.
It is you who have come to know with which a moment of super invective because of snow due to the physiological condition of my callous meteoropathic receptor may be unspoken and a return to the old equilibrium.
And we do not know who you are by choice, why do you not find anything that hits me, I share the time, but nothing more.
It is you who I have gradually understood, stirred and appreciated.
And it is you that I make with the puns and allusions false.
It is you who are able to anticipate every potential ironic-my-idiotic sarcastic.
And it is you that those jokes you've never understood. There are
you who have put in my everyday life, in which silence is an alternative discourse, and relaxed, never embarrassment.
And it is you who pretend to steal my attention, my space with your empty talk.
It is you who have ideals, which in-depth things to hear your not to slide them without a trace.
And there you are referred to the consideration of the golden calf we do not care, but do not write it, I do not go well, I censor.
It is you who are not superficial, that at a Saturday evening at a friend's house is an opportunity and not a last resort for a weekend disorganized and landlocked clubbers.
And there you are among you, you always here with us. But we who? Must be an us? There
are you to where the study is important, but does not stop a vote, is a brick of that future that at all costs want to change.
And there you are to where the study is finished, you lose time, there is no point, go over tomorrow ... not today, come to us, with us, for us.
It is you who have clear ideas, but not actually named, and I like to do just that.
And there you are with the ideas that we make plans, strange paths, a theory, brood a lot. There you are
future judges, with your questionable morality that make me hope for the future.
And there you are, what future? One heart, one love?
It is you who despite the distance you are always near me.
And it is you that despite the proximity always managed to make me feel distant.
There For You you would have the right to say much, but say you need.
And it is you who do not have any right, but say a lot, too, is false.
It is you who judge you, but you do not.
And it is you who do not want opinions, but you are in the front row to give them. All seated, began my lesson.
It is you who will be the only ones who understand my twisted speech, and rightly so.
And there you are superior, even at the finish line, which will rise to almost anywhere near there, and it's better that way.
There you are, thankfully ...
And I thank you that you are.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Gay Cruisy Areas In Mobile, Al

Anger: "Analysis and acceptance" [AA, Chapter 0]

Then you're serious .. let's see .. I'm always of the opinion that we need a shock treatment but .. tu non ne vuoi sapere..

E' formata da cinque fasi:

Sono 5 periodi da vivere in atteggiamento ascetico essenziali per la rinascita..altro che il monachesimo al quae ti eri data ultimamente..non porta a nulla se praticato senza aiuto di un medico e di un sano programma anonimo!

Bisogna toccare il fondo per risalire,immergersi nel letame..
Tu ti stai limitando a stare appesa ad una piccola protuberanza di parete posta sopra un letamaio a cielo aperto.
Sei offuscata dalle esalazioni..
Se ti ci butterai and instead call for help in a loud voice will be divided to recover sooner or later, when there are weather conditions and the right equipment.
But if you're there, hanging half way no one will fail to cheer you up .. there is no room for another person on that spur of rock and you are so clouded by the smoke that I could not see the many strings that you are given to rise.
're too down now .. not enough to say "I hit rock bottom, at least I can relax on a solid, comfortable though slimy and smelly, but not high enough to clearly see the sky and I hope I can climb alone on your own.
Do not say you do not come to save you .. do not know you're not there .. you cried enough .. if you can not hear you away .. with all the people passing by, how do you know that if you do not want him screaming his name?
E 'a pool built by you, and mental journeys there are always possible or at least desirable destinations.
call for help.
O will configure one of your many mental journeys on him or you'll have to choose one of the situations listed below.
1) shall remain where you are halfway to feeling sorry for himself and let the sauna with manure fumes.
Just remember that when you get out much and you'll smell talmentente changed so that it will be difficult
near you 2) you'll get dropped and things that sound the alarm "help person immersed in manure, turn on autopilot. "
The instinct of self-preservation always works when you least expect it, but diesel is more efficient and in extreme situations rather than the normal highway sloppy and uninspired.

This is the stage preceding the shock therapy, namely acceptance and external analysis of the problem.
If you do not pass the entrance exam is not part of the therapy.
's time to go back to sleep on the meadows of daisies .. enough manure!
Do not you agree?
.. Excellent is also among those who are in suspense .. but I will not feel a breath!
Course materials will be available on my website .. you can receive information from my assistant.
Yours sincerely Dr.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Panasonic Kx-a142es Delete Messages


directly from the diary Vista (October 8, 2009 12:45 h)

infamous day in which nothing is quite important to be done and nothing is so obvious to be missed.
existential questions that take the place of the normal daily activities usually done on autopilot, trying to carve out the time to think.
And then to think about what?
the radio that transmits the same old music?
In case you have broken and fix it will cost more than its market value? A
all commitments declined, hatred of the people, closer to Reggiana?
should buy a cabinet to hide your weird thoughts .. skeletons feel so alone .. and because they can not grow mold dehumidifier because it is right that they too have their moment of glory.
not want to write a book, I want to give my signature on the sheet, mark and ruin blank page, knowing that nobody will read only intentionally but by accident.
rampant victimization seasoned by the knowledge that in less than half an hour I will be home free ..
Then I'll relax now .. the sun and stretch out the nerves after a liberating laughter will understand that nothing is as before, but nothing has ever been like now. Like money
drunk who has not had loved, happiness makes me a strano effetto.
Non che io non sia mai stata felice...sarebbe una castroneria..
Non mi sono mai riconosciuta però in questo stato,troppo impegnata a guardare oltre, a cercare un futuro che sotto sotto mi spaventava per la sua precisione e la sua ubicazione scomoda nel cassetto delle possibilità avverabili ma non raggiungibili.
Ora posso giocare con le parole, esprimere per una volta ciò che mi passa per la testa senza il timore di essere giudicata..sfido chiunque a ritenermi ancora normale.
Finirò ad assumere ansiolitici a colazione per combattere l'ansia da ingresso nel mondo, anti-depressivi a pranzo per non cadere nel tunnel del cibo..mi addormenterò con almeno due neuro-litici per scongiurare i brutti sogni..
Il my pillow smells of sunflowers that I will be massaging the hair every time I can finally fall asleep .. reminding me that I never sleep .. only sketch.
I'm going to fish for freshwater plimpli LoveGod Moon, because only a fool can not accompany another fool in affected brain.
I would sleep in a bathtub full of coins with lower value of the world .. one cent a penny .. .. .. a grozky a lek .. even a penny if I can persuade the Mint to sell one to a moderate price.
I noticed that the biological rhythm is our invention.
not sleep because if you need to get there, but only if your conscience allows you.
I recently found out.
E così ho capito perchè non ho dormito per un anno e da due settimane a questa parte passo la notte a leggere libri, tragedie e fumetti.
Il problema è che non sono un vampiro, quindi per quanto potrò acculturarmi sfruttando le ore notturne come Edward Cullen, arriverà il giorno in cui esploderò, e non ci sarà nessuna colla magica che potrà assemblare le mie povere membra straziate dalla ubris di voler superare madre natura.
Madre natura, grillo parlante, coscienza, angioletto sulla spalla..tanti nomi un'unica essenza..quella rompi palle che ogni volta che sbagli cerca di riportarti sulla retta via ..con conseguenti stati d'insonnia, abbassamento del livello di guardia nelle ore diurne, repentini sbalzi d'umore, tendency to hunt in the most unlikely situations, hypersensitivity to the presence of other forms of human life, rampant nervousness, memory size colander .. and I could go on endlessly, but I will stop here tonight because I did 5 and weigh circles.
And 'Saturday night .. the regular guys who are organizing to get out. I
after I organized attack on the trusted OpenOffice to write my memoirs.
Chiara! Memoirs of Hadrian? (Marguerite Yourcenar)! Blessed be Footman ..
I was reminded of something diabolical ahaha .. but if I had killed the first time I thought .. I would now already out of galeraaaa iihihi .. .. and become a famous sentence will be added weekly on my board .. just to remind you, my dear Clare .. we are like leaves hanging from a medlar tree .. any psychopath could choose for his sadistic projects .. and there would be no question of judging which takes him to desist.
Your trip I hid in the garage right .. if you want to escape.
Duty calls me .. there is plenty to rip out there .. unfortunately this is not your will instead get a reason ..!
Love, love
Santa devil, for the land Anzianotti

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Dragonball Gt English Doujinshi

How to be able to wake up and want to sleep

directly from my electronic diary Vista (December 6, 2009, 06:14 h)

I sleep!
I sleep! I sleep!
I sleep.
I sleep .. I sleep ... I'm sleepy!
But I'm awake .. and .. dormooooooo sketch sketch .. but sleep does not come .. so .. I repeat sonoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.Banale. But
I just put 3 hours of sleep for free.
To avoid having to sleep standing up tomorrow when I will try to study.
To not have to sleep on a book by now knows the wrinkles of my old face.
order to understand in 10 minutes as a joke.
Pe do not smile vaguely.
Not having to risk ending up against a pole.
a miserable hour of sleep!
order to pull the plug.
To develop the facts of a day.
To avoid having to change the calendar sheet and discover that they left behind. O
too far.
half an hour.
I just have a small town half hour.
To be able to say, I am there.
To turn the alarm off in a state of half asleep.
a quarter!
okay too.
I want to sleep. I WANT TO SLEEP! I want to sleep.
is 6.
My grandmother is already up to say praise.
And I'm awake.
Watcher. Angry
sclerotic. With a principle of neurosis
already in the finishing straight.
I focus.
And the moment has already expired.
Cosa sono cinque minuti nel complesso di un'itera giornata lavorativa?
Una pausa per una sigaretta.
Una corsa veloce in bagno.
Voglio assopirmi nel letto con la stessa puntualità con cui lo faccio nelle ore di Cammarano.
Esattamente dopo una pagina e tre righe di appunti.
Prometto che mi sveglierò da sola.
Non coinvolgerò nessuno nel mio folle piano di riposo notturno.
A cosa serve una radio-sveglia nuova se non la si può spegnere?
Tomba a cieo aperto.
Sarcofago irriverente.
ungrateful and cold igloo.
container complex thoughts. I HATE YOU READ
look at me awake .. but not by hearing.
I complain .. but I do not listen.
sleep on the floor. YOU WILL SCRAP.
Mastrota You and you closed with me.
Old pile of blankets and sheets. Mixture
nefarious slats, feathers and pillows.
idle worker sleep ever. Infamous
I sleep. I'm sleepy. I'm sleepy.
colluding or colludes with insomnia.
were my last bastion. Fighter trusted.
I had secured at least three hours.
And now nothing.
I've never been so tired.

Evinrude 4hp Wont Go Into Gear


Creative Commons License
Anzianotti docet by Michelle Villucci is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 Italy License . Based on a work at .
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Nds Save File Pokemon Ranger

Good evening!

delirium are in full pre-exam .. that strange period when the shock d'umore sono all'ordine del giorno e stati di profonda disperazione si alternano a delirii di onnipotenza.
L'esame è giovedì conto alla rovescia è partito.
Da questo momento tutto quello che studierò non verrà assimilato per la troppa tensione e per il peso della consapevolezza di non sapere nulla e di aver cominciato troppo tardi a studiare.
Ho pensato allora di creare questo blog, figlioccio fortemente voluto, ma mai ancora concepito per mancanza di tempo..
Tempo..prezioso quanto bistrattato, troppo lento quando c'è l'impazienza, poco comprensivo quando c'è necessità.
Ho bisogno di tempo per studiare, ma non ne ho abbastanza, quindi mi ribello e per protesta perdo anche quel poco che I have and invest in questionable activities.
The blog is the last of these found.
I want to clarify that it is not only out of spite .. sooner or later .. i was born on the same spreadsheet that I have folders of Vista (which is damn!) Quiver in the drawer .. will be posted soon ..
ready to organize your blog.
As it happens a bit 'all I have expectations, rules and resources for this part of my youngest folly.
For those who do not know me start by saying that expect something normal is not recommended.
I write for me, then communicate it to others.
Every time I write I think of someone who can go by myself to my neighbor, the teacher on duty, long-time friend or to all of you who read.
will talk about anything and everything, because my interests are many.
Sometimes I will give my view of things, sometimes you will share what I do sometimes comment on political situations a little 'ambiguous.
I want to create something of my own.
not look for a link between things. There
Do not ask if they are normal.
I am not.
Read everything you want, try to grasp the irony that I will put in everything I write, quotes hidden (can range from Harry Potter to Seneca, by Heidi Wilde, do not be surprised about anything!) Who know so much crazy but if you understand the 'art', commented, interact, interact!
If you know me know that what I write is real life, but not necessarily must relate to you .. so little paranoia and go on .. nothing personal!
That said we are ready to go ..
Happy reading!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Frozen Embryo Transfer Success

Access ....

rendersi conto che è venuto il momento di tagliare...
rendersi conto che è venuto il momento di piangere...
rendersi conto che è venuto il momento di conteggiare gli errori...
rendersi conto che è venuto il momento di riflettere...

rendersi conto che era un amore forte...

è venuto il momento di guardare in avanti
è venuto il momento di tenere duro
è venuto il momento di ignorare i propri sentimenti
è venuto il momento di far soffrire his soul

realize that was a strong love ...

say this, it's over
say this, cry
say this, try to move forward

realize that was a strong love ...

be asking questions of why
be in doubt

realize that was a strong love ...
realize that she was the woman's life
realize that she has chosen you

love è bellissimo
l'amore è guerra
l'amore è darsi le proprie gioie
l'amore è condividere la propria vita con la compagna

rifletti, lascia il tuo tempo per le ferite, ricominci
deve essere questo il mio mantra...

...ciao Anna...