Friday, November 26, 2010

Ho Do I Charge My Cordlesstools With Solar

Perfection is no longer a trend.

27-Novembre-2010 h 00.56

Perdonare non significa essere deboli.
E' peggio il comportamento da finto stronzo che segue le regole del “così va il mondo”, “così fan tutti” e intanto si sente morire dentro.
Siamo umani.
Sbagliamo, facciamo del male, cediamo ad ogni tipo di istinto fregandocene di tutti.
Subiamo le stesse cose, il circolo è di quelli estremamente viziosi.
Siamo quasi in 7 miliardi nel mondo, ci sarà sempre la persona integerrima [ndr con questo aggettivo mi sono concessa un piccolo omaggio esplicito ad un'amica importante, spero possiate essere comprensivi e passare oltre la parentesi facendo finta di nulla] che ad un certo punto farà l'unico sbaglio della sua vita e lo farà magari a tue spese.
Considerando che incontrerai tante persone in varie fasi della tua e della loro esistenza..pretendere che sia sempre tutto perfetto anche per una sola giornata è molto pretenzioso.
Anzi, ti dirò di più,facendo un rapido calcolo delle probabilità l'idea di non soffrire mai per opera degli altri mi sembra abbastanza utopica.
Cosa cerchiamo per noi stessi, la perfezione?
Penso che la sofferenza, assieme a fiducia, entusiasmo ed immaginazione, sia uno di quegli elementi aggiuntivi che ti fa gioire dei successi.
Il bello stanca.
Il buono pure.
La perfezione è la noia personificata.
Cancella ogni brivido di imprevedibilità, di rischio, of feeling.
In the long run no longer meets, will lead to an addiction slowly and steadily towards what someone before you has said to be the right order of the world.
And there's more emotion that takes.
There is no activity that might cause your attention because you have lost any contact with the person you are and you could be.
You can not stay a day longer catalepsy in thinking about your obsession and his new spouse.
": Life if they make another!"
You can no longer be trusted.
"I told myself. How can you trust a person like that? "
You can no longer claim to want to stay home alone and goderti il dolce far niente.
“Asociale, perché sei arrabbiata?”
Non puoi più prendere il motore nel bel mezzo di un diluvio solo per incontrare qualcuno e stargli accanto almeno un'ora prima di tornare nella tua sede universitaria troppo lontana dal posto in cui si trova il tuo cuore.
“Hai vent'anni, goditi la tua giovinezza invece che farti ricoverare per una broncopolmonite!”
Non puoi più investire in te stesso per seguire le tue aspirazioni.
“Di sicuro è una truffa, ti porterò le arance in carcere.”
Non puoi più commuoverti sentendo una canzone che ti ricorda di voi.
“Basta con la compilation piena di musica fatta apposta per deprimersi, we are on holiday! "
You can no longer stay awake until five in the night immersed in your thoughts who just happens to always end up there, where there is no place for you.
"You look like a zombie, sleep, just thinking!"
You can no longer play any minimum signal as a victory.
"It 's an egotist, he thinks to himself, not you' Cause you've lost
Lost in the exact moment of perfection at this point that all seem to embody, I left her for another person.
Lost when you choose to dive into a new project and have received many do not.
Lost by chickens when you trusted who did not have or did you dream too and this has passed you at full speed without a chance to reply immediately.
not you suffer, you go over, meet new people, experience, distract you.
Abandon all, it's too far, to the appropriate standards.
Clear, reset.
You can not wait four years a person is sick.
We can not wait two months or six to create a future in perspective.
You can not trust one who has already disappointed once.
But we're kidding?
No ham in the eye.
not be raw.
not be cooked.
And at this point not even be granbiscotti!
It 's something only you and you feel that you can not express an inner satisfaction, a sense of fulfillment that does not allow you to bring him a grudge for more than a week, that makes you accept things that you thought you'd never been able to accept that fills you with positivity confident even those who do not deserve it.
In those moments you see what was worth what you lost and how that will be worth fighting win you back.
in my life I try real people who make mistakes, but when you apologize or forgive you do it with heart and show it in deeds.
know what to retrace their steps instead of going against yourself out of pride.
encourage you and give you confidence that they know when you need it. What
dreaming while knowing that they know what part the map is the reality.
not want to live at attention and see the rot and always regardless.
I want to say that I'm not jealous, distrustful or without verve even after many disappointments.
to say I have no regrets.
I want you heart and mind should not be synchronized on a monthly basis by an elusive expert for "perfection", I want to be part of the same circuit and chasing each other urging them to each other when one begins to lose ground and the ' much too far away.
I want healthy competition, evil plans, strategies to risiko, withdrawn Napoleonic victories unexpected and maybe even long term profits.
I want to think that a more one does not always make two, but that the result can change depending on the sign before each number.
I want to laugh for no reason and not be ashamed to do so.
I want to be able to make running and jumping to a local finishing then to dance the tarantella with a total stranger just because I know who has taken a step forward that I would never have expected.
in my life I want to continue believing in people, I believe in feelings, I will forgive those who think that if I can live up to the front.
All this brings me unnecessary suffering, doors in the face, cynicism?
But when you find yourself next to a real person and not just another "mastered" that our system We packaged in unit-dose packaging and disposable ... well in that case also mastered himself is chapeau, asking for an interview you and offers you a coffee to make peace ..
The fact that the target will be exploited for research purposes is totally irrelevant to the detail of our story.
He just wants to understand why you are so happy with imperfect and flawed as an individual!
does not want you, do not be alarmed, but update its fall-winter catalog to export all over the world "The perfect way of living" and all his followers to adapt to new market standards that seem to work better than previous ones.
He lost his lead and fraud. But that does not know
Imperfection is not a friend you can add to your contact list and that is advertised as does she, that can not be found by a search engine because personal and totally at the mercy of contingent facts in the life of every individual and certainly not on the front page all the newspapers that offer services of all kinds.
would be an exaggeration.
Well we like to suffer, but let us not just revealing tirarcele also the perfect geek ..!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Alternative For Racktables

"This Love" Jacques Prevert

This love This love So violent

So fragile So tender So hopeless

This love
beautiful as the day
And as bad as the time when the weather is bad

This love so true This love so beautiful

So happy So joyous And so mocking

trembling with fear as a child in the dark And so sure of himself

As a quiet man in the middle of the night
This love that frightened the other What made them talk

What made them turn pale
Why we love spying spiavamo
Persecuted killed wounded walked denied
Because we forgot we killed persecuted wounded walked denied forgotten
This love Uncut
still so alive And all
E 'E
your' My
E 'was what was this thing
And always new
that has never changed as a plant
trembling like a bird
Warm and alive as the summer
We can both go and return

We can remember back to sleep and then wake
suffer aging

still asleep Dreaming death
Waking up smiling and laughing

and rejuvenate our love is there
stubborn as a donkey as the desire to live

Cruel as memory
Fool regrets
as soft as the memory
cold as marble As beautiful as the day

Fragile as a child smiling

He looks at us and speaks to us without a word And I trembling
And listening

cry Cry for you Cry for me

I beg for you to me for all those who love you are loved and

Yes I will cry for you for me and all other
I do not know

Stop where you are
Where have you been other times

Stop Do not move Do not go

We who loved
We will not forget you have forgotten

We did not have that you do not let the earth become
Although far more
And no matter where
Give us a sign of life
Much later at the edge of a wood in the forest
Arise immediately
Tendici la mano
E salvaci.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Does Chamomile Tea Give You Bad Dreams

Manifesto deep hatred

15 Ottobre 2010 h 19.00
[Canzone di sottofondo I’m yours..giusto per stare allegri!]

Mancano tre giorni al 18, mesiversario della rottura e ne sono passati 2 da quello ufficiale.
Ho mezz’ora di tempo, alle 20.00 devo essere al campo.
Mi ha appena detto che la nuova fiamma non gradisce il nostro continuare a sentirci.
Fuori sono comprensiva, dentro mi sento morire.
Sento una rabbia che non ho mai provato, è tutta indirizzata verso lei, la sfalda-coppie a tradimento di relazioni consolidate (ndr oserei dire non abbastanza visto il finale).
E’ la classica tipa insicura dentro che se la pulls out, sucking inside that plays to people attending the alternative that does not suit.
Three times we went.
E 'enough to do damage.
and continues to do with his fears of adolescence.
I never tire of repeating that history will die with the deception created by fraud, that karma can see, and shall punish.
If the punishment will be to live a relationship with the fear of betrayal: that is fine.
would be a good punishment of retaliation, a wonderful revenge for us or would-be cuckolded.
For you my dear did you start playing with fire even with your mail as disinterested as a fish in the mood for spider bites, and the fact that you've got who you wanted does not mean "safe."
And me?
saw your character think of a reason to stay in potermene panciolle watching you mess it up with your own hands.
Well, I will continue to hate you with all my strength in every spare moment, but you will not let my fault.
'm not like you my small subtle infiltration.
I hope I get to throw me ... do not try anything .. Volter page.
would be ideal, I get rid of a heavy weight.
Unfortunately we do not remove it all with a red gum and blue, so long as I am obliged to try what I feel trapped in this limbo so uncomfortable, I will find my hobby invective in the mandate, as a good woman who is evil.
think that bad luck, eh?
Anzianotti was busy, and is now jobless, and now it was clear worried as never before, was sweet and acid is now .. all thanks to you.
are intellectually ready for a single combat record.
Writing relaxes me, keeps my ph stable, making basic alternated with moments highly corrosive and harmful to the protagonists of my stories. You'll always be insignificant
a front row seat, a hint hidden subliminal that it will send a link to your vile person and I will cause moments of diabolical laughter.
mental torture someone has never been so enjoyable.
I only regret that you never read what I write because your loveable completion will not want to disturb the precarious balance your psycho-physical model of seventeen confessing that there is someone who is plotting behind your back.
Not to mention that is not my prerogative to spend time in a direct dialogue (written or engineers) with you. In a nutshell
remain my own, evil, innocent outburst.
for you. The young
poor wretch, who that night would have made the world a favor by sitting at home.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Swing Set For 1 Yr Old Twins

"Changes and contradictions" (8 months)

mixed with other colors and shades that you do not expect ever.
I see a green, a bit 'yellow, red ... I do not see the sky, but it should not be a problem for now.
I go on, breathlessly and drops of color that I anticipate my steps. All or almost equal.
walked faster, they are always on time. perfectly anticipate my every step.
I give up but I am fascinated. I watch every drop, its color, its nuances that change continuously .
Should I shake my head and the dullness of being involved in everything, let me "clean up" by these drops. Perhaps simply follow impressions let so many colors in different directions, walking from strangers, have something to show.
keep moving, steady rhythm.
Surrounded by colors do not even dare to extend his eyes.
I watch the drops on the floor.
Head down to much, but the thought makes me give up.
My feet are moving away from my sight.
I look, I focus, too many colors and I can not distinguish .
I stop suddenly and breath. Look
only one point, a fixed point in front of me that is not on the floor.
Red is the last I see nuance and beyond anything else. I close
eyes and try to imagine that I would like to see new colors. I can not, but I keep trying.
Here comes the rain, cold rain that takes you away every stain, every track, every firm footprint.
look at the sky and I'm happy moments, all those colors I was confused, mesmerized, left nothing in the face to everything that I could not and did not want to see. The first sensation I
curious. I do not consider it ever true.
WIND. Whispers
new sounds.
Other senses work. Old
mechanisms return to work.
Rust is spontaneous. The spontaneity is not always the solution.
No creaking, Useless illusions is not one you'd like to hear. Admit it!
not understand the other noises, but no squeaking.
The mechanism works ... it works!

Colors crowd my mind and every drop was only my wish that I was going to live.
A large drop in living color is under my feet. Now I stop, observing and I'm happy.
What color is it? But who cares!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Cytherea Dando Para O Mandingo

Soul destroyed

quando dicono che la vita riserva sempre sorprese...
... mai più veritiera questa affermazione ...
... sapere che la persona a cui vuoi tantissimo bene ti ha fatto una rivelazione che ti cambia tutta la vita.
ti fa capire che è finita, e ogni domanda mia ha trovato la sua risposta come una rivelazione in paradiso.
...mi rimane ancora il perchè del non ci siamo rimessi insieme, con tutte le mille giustificazioni del caso... ma ormai ha perso di significato anche questo.

rammarico, tristezza e soprattutto poca voglia di vivere son i sentimenti che provo ora
devo assolutamente chiudere questa pagina che mi ha già fatto molto ma molto male...
... le sorprese della vita non sono sempre belle.

E' la vita e si va avanti comunque.

Friday, July 16, 2010

What Is Pinkys Real Name

ends when a love ... Post

Quando finisce un amore si soffre, si soffre sempre…
Per esempio quando tu la ami ancora e lei non ti ama più
Quella è una sofferenza cruda, spietata, che ti toglie il respiro, che ti lascia senza fiato e senza certezze… Soprattutto quando lo scopri…Già, ma quando lo scopri? Bè, lo scopri quando lei te lo dice. Sì, because she tells you, sooner or later I Said So, indeed, I must say, because you were just you insisting, "You owe me say, I'll have to say! If I have to say, tell me, okay? "... And so, by dint of insisting, she tells you:" I do not love you anymore "... What the fuck you came to mind to insist so much? Of course, I had guessed, but rather were pretty sure, pretty much already knew, but one thing is almost certain to be practically intuit already know ... And another thing is to hear it said so in the face: "I do not love you anymore" ... At that precise moment you are carrying a dense, excruciating pain, you're desperate, angry, you'll cry and cry, yes, it's the truth: you cry! It screams, noises, just really worthwhile, for a moment you see from the outside and yes, it's the truth: do you really sad ... Then she, perhaps puzzled by your reaction, perhaps to try to make it less painful to try to soften , says: "Listen, you know what is the truth? It's not that I love most is that ... is that maybe I never loved you "... Thank God wanted me to soften! ... "But as I've never loved you?" ... So, not only desperate, I feel cheated, betrayed and you're mad to give to her ... Then, again in an attempt to soften - You already know her well and know what it means to soften her - says, "No, you know what is the truth? It is not just that I never loved, is that ... is that maybe the beginning I loved you, but then ... "But how, perhaps?!" ... Ah, yes, perhaps it is always to soften the ... "But what does say at the beginning I loved you? Which means: the beginning? At the beginning in what sense? The first few days, the first few weeks, when? Sorry, but if you say that maybe you loved me at first, then you're also a liar, because if there is a time when you loved me is definitely not right at the beginning Like the top one, there is a passion, but Mica loves you, even at the beginning I loved you ... "Ah, you see?" makes her "So you, too I've never loved you ..." No, no, no, do not make me angry, do not turn over the omelette, we were not talking about the fact that I've never loved, but that thou hast loved me only at the beginning, which is an outright lie because you could not love me !"... By now you've reached the climax, you feel like you live in a nightmare and you lose any clarity ... Yes I have loved you from the start, I loved you even before you even know you, I loved you and I will love you forever, I swear ... io mi ammazzo!!!”... La carta del suicidio ha un effetto dirompente, ti sembra di aver fatto breccia, per un attimo sogni che lei ti dirà: “No amore mio, non è vero niente, io ti amo, scusa, scusa!”… E invece lei ti ammazza sul serio perché ti dice: “Sai qual è la verità? Che io ti ho amato, ma forse non ti ho mai amato… abbastanza”… Ecco, il “forse non ti ho mai amato abbastanza” è il top in fatto di ammorbidimento… “Ma come: abbastanza? Allora è questa l’unità di misura: abbastanza? L’amore si quantifica così, a dosi, a porzioni e rimanendo sul vago? Non lo sapevo! E’ come per le Recipes: I love to taste, enough? "... But the irony does not work in these cases, it softens a fuck, you're suffering, you are suffering because of him, that's the truth! Because she is immature, or maybe it is insensitive, or perhaps it is unable to love, maybe it's all three things put together, it is insensitive immature unable to love, who knows if there is an expression to sum up all these ... C 'is there ... It' s a bitch ...

a love ends when we suffer, we suffer forever ...
Even when you're on the other part: she still loves you and you do not love her more ...
And you tell her, I'll have to say ... Actually, you did not tell everything to, you even do anything because she had to tell you, you have often fantasized on the sentence you would have raised a tremendous weight when delivered spontaneously from her: "You know, do not love you anymore" ... But you can not tell you! Because she still loves you! And because he feels it, he understood, practically knows, insists that both you and tell him: "You tell me, if I have to say, tell me!" ... And you tell her ... But you're bad in telling him: "See, I no ... not that you do not I love ... more ... let's say that I loved the beginning too early ... I mean ... well, either ... I mean I'd love you if it was not ... well, I have loved you, but not enough ... or Perhaps, here ... I do not deserve you! "... And you rightly cries, screams, yells," Come: I do not deserve? Do you realize the disproportionate shit you said? "... Yes, I realize it ... Now you are suffering disproportionately ... But do you also suffer! Suffer to see how she is suffering more than you, is suffering a subtle, full of guilt, maybe it's a pain even worse than her ... Yes, because she - who has loved and still loves you - can hold on to that love can shield to do with it, even if that love is no longer paid a milestone for her ... But you're in disarray, you're desperate to understand why I had never loved her, or worse not to essertela deserved ... So you find immature, or perhaps insensitive, or perhaps incapable of love, perhaps all three things together, an immature, insensitive unable to love ... Too bad there is not one word to sum up all of this ... "There, there ... And you remember her:" You're an asshole! "...

When a love ends we suffer, we suffer forever ... Even when
you might not suffer for nothing ...
mean when love ends neither your fault nor her fault, when it simply runs out, end up exhausted, when exhausted, can be said? ... But above all we can say that love - as well as exhausting - to finish? E 'lawful to admit ...? You know how it happens, you feel defeated, contradicted yourself, but in short, fuck, it happens to end! ... And the absurdity is that you often can not even understand when exactly is over ... For example, if you think: "He's running out, easy che magari sia già finito, finito da tempo… E se vai indietro col pensiero per cercare di capire quando esattamente ha cominciato a finire - perché si sa che anche ogni fine ha un inizio – può pure capitarti di scoprire che probabilmente non è mai cominciato… Basterebbe ammetterlo, dichiararselo a vicenda!… E invece si soffre, forse se ne ha un po’ bisogno, occorre soffrire per darsi un senso… E ci si arrovella e ci si accusa l’un l’altro… “Perché tu, perché io”… Accuse, rivendicazioni, ricostruzioni, che sviliscono tutto… Ma perché, perché fare così?... Quanto sarebbe più bello, più giusto NON soffrire!... E piuttosto invece parlarsi, serenamente… Chiarire l’equivoco di fondo… Sorridenti…
“Bè, pazienza, credevamo fosse amore, invece niente… Amici come prima?... Anzi, dato che prima non eravamo affatto amici, facciamo: conoscenti come prima?… Che poi in fondo nemmeno ci conoscevamo… E allora: sconosciuti come prima!...”
Così ci si potrebbe ripresentare: “Piacere, salve, come va?”… E così chiacchierando, una parola via l’altra, ci si conoscerebbe, ci si troverebbe simpatici, ci si comincerebbe a piacere un po’, poi sempre di più, ci si innamorerebbe e… chissà… magari one day ...

Friday, July 9, 2010

How Do You Clean Outside Of A Woodburner


Moto Shop
time shit
holidays not yet scheduled
tooth that hurts
unit that you plan
People who are waiting

Only Time is the judge of everything.

's Friday, time to escape: D

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Animal Welfare Act 2006 Objectives

There is too much free information, adeguiamoci the most advanced standards!

June 17, 2010 at 0:14
TV NEWS HAS NO was allowed to spread this news
Yesterday, the Senate approved the so-called security package (Dd.L. 733), among others, an amendment by Senator Gianpiero D'Alia (UDC) which is established by Article 50-bis: "Repression activity of apology or instigation to commit a crime carried out via the Internet", the next The week will arrive in the House as text article nr. 60. This senator
not even part of the majority to the Government ... which says a lot about the design of transversal alliances freedom-caste.
In practice according to this amendment were to ask if any citizen through a blog (or a profile on fb, or other network) to disobey or to instigate (cioè.. CRITICIZE ..??!) against a law that it deems unfair , providers will block the blog sito.Questo or measure may obscure the visibility of a site in Italy wherever he is, even if it is abroad, as long as the Minister of the Interior has issued a decree with the interruption of the blogger, and ordered the block providers of connectivity to the Internet. The task of filtering should be set within 24 hours; sentence for the provider, fines from 50,000 to 250,000 €.
For bloggers instead be imprisonment from 1 to 5 years plus a further penalty from 6 months to 5 years perl'istigazione disobedience of the laws of public order or hatred (!) Between social classes.
MORAL: This law can immediately clean up all the search engines from tutti i link scomodi per la Casta.In pratica sarà possibile bloccare in Italia (come in Iran, in Birmania e in Cina) Facebook, Youtube e la rete da tutti i blog che al momento rappresentano in Italia l'unica informazione non condizionata e/o censurata.
ITALIA: l'unico Paese al mondo in cui una media company (Mediaset) ha citato YouTube per danni chiedendo 500 milioni euro di risarcimento.
Con questa legge non sarà più necessario, nulla sarà più di ostacolo anche in termini PREVENTIVI.
Dopo la proposta di legge Cassinelli e l'istituzione di una commissione contro la pirateria digitale e multimediale che tra meno di 60 giorni dovrà presenterà al Parlamento un testo di legge su questa materia, questo emendamento the "security" in fact it makes explicit the government's plan to "normalize" with the laws of internet repression and the whole system of reports and information that so far could not dominate. While in the U.S.
Obama won the election thanks to the Internet, Italy is modeled on the China, Burma and Iran.
Today, the only media that have been bouncing this article the magazine "Computer Number" and Grillo's blog.
Let it run as much as possible to try to wake the sleeping consciences of Italians because where there is free information and right to criticize the "democracy" is an empty concept.

document released by the Coordination of Local Authorities for Peace and Human Rights Concerns

Monday, May 3, 2010

Istqb Paper January 2010

to see a face change without communicating emotions.
A principle of uncertainty, knowing that very often what is behind an expression is much more than a simple facial expression.
It 'nice to get lost in his thoughts, knowing that they will never be violated by anyone unless your person does not lend itself to be a channel of the flow of thoughts.
refer to, but will never be like you've lived.
A thought is a moment, and is invaluable for this.
Spaventa know that that is the same for the people around you.
Myriads of conjecture, prejudice, false hope, admiration, expectations .. fascinating as a shower of glass and transparent sharp, dangerous you continually pierce the surface, you realize the impact their presence only when a critical point, scratching your patina that seemed intact, remember that you are human, vulnerable.
In those moments you feel death and rebirth at the same time.
It 's the adrenaline rush you along, the signal that your body sends you. Alarm
are not alone.

A castle made up of my projects, without order, without a foundation of which preclude me want to see the flag on the flagpole without curing the moat, the gate, the stables, the servants.
A flag without significance that vorrebbe essere libera di rappresentare ciò per cui è stata progettata, non una costruzione che sente non appartenerle.
La certezza che a queste condizioni preferirebbe rimanere piegata nella cassapanca dei pizzi e dei merletti, chiusa nelle segrete aspettando che il feudo cambi volto, che sventoli anche il suo ideale,senza dover appoggiare una causa che non sente propria.

Vergogna nel non sapere accettare una presenza che si sacrifica ogni giorno nonostante le difficoltà, senza la quale non sarei nulla, che ha saputo mettere da parte i propri sentimenti, che con una scelta mi ha cambiato la vita.

Senso di colpa nel sentirmi parte di due anime e di due corpi uniti solo dai vestiti che ogni giorno indosso e che coprono una spaccatura stranamente invisibile agli occhi ma talmente profonda da creare un vuoto al suo interno quando le barriere crollano e riempirla di materiale effimero diventa faticosissimo.

Ipocrisia nel fingere che continuare così è bello.

Perplessità nel vedere che il tempo passa e ogni volta si ricomincia punto, spazio e a capo, un circolo vizioso che mi avvolge e rassicurandomi nelle sue forme infantili mi impedisce di crescere.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Colloidal Silver Glaucoma

Concerns Do not tell me things, ask me.

Direttamente dal diario Vista: 14 Settembre 2009 h 18.40

Non dirmi le cose , chiedimele.
Lei ancora non lo sa, ma ha creato una bella frase, quasi al livello di un aforisma orientale..
E pensare che fino a pochi mesi fa era solo un mezzo tappetto senza sbocco sul mare..
Segno che anche le piccole sorelle crescono..
Fortunatamente è troppo impegnata a fare le copertine per i libri nella maniera in cui le ho insegnato per poter individuare la mia posizione sonar e venirmi a scassare l'esistenza.
Avere la foto del ragazzetto a cui va dietro appiccicata alla finestra della camera è un po' inquietante..non è per tu sei tre volte meglio dell'A#######..cosa aspetti a farti avanti?
Che ti scenda l'invito dal cielo??
Se me ne sono accorta io che non ho radar di alcun tipo puoi farcela anche tu!
Ma vabbè aspetterà un altro anno scolastico ricco di sospiri e arrabbiature..è giusto così.
Mi dispiace dover partire,veramente.
Non vedrò le tue prime uscite, i tuoi mille modi per rispondere al parentado e risultare indenne all'ira materna, i tuoi favolosi calci alla fratellanza..quelli belli potenti che lasciano il segno solo nell'ego maschile..e dipingono di vivace soddisfazione una giornata destinata a rimanere grigia.
Come farò a scegliere i vestiti??
Ad abbinare gli accessori che puntualmente mi rubi e pazientemente mi concedi all'occorrenza??
Con chi condividerò il segreto del piercing galeotto?
Che gusto ci sarà ad essere insonne se non dovrò più preoccuparmi di svegliarti con i miei sbuffi impietosi e le cacce notturne alle zanzare??
A chi potrò dispensare i miei sage advice that only apply to you because I'm too superior to even listen to myself? Who
fregherò the nintendo ds?
Who will read all my private letters caused frequent attacks of bile enhanced by the knowledge that you will not understand what you read in a club, but that your goal is to let me know that I always keep under control?
Who will give the listless inept Somara not combine anything in life?
Who will do the math expressions with the formula of 4 for 4 €? About
protect parental fury when you will spend countless hours on the computer unable to delete the recent data? About
curse because I deleted VOLUNTARY everything on the computer, including thousands of photos that I wanted so much the result of pleasant and elaborate ambushes in local vegetation?
Who will laugh in the face to celebrate the discovery of an advanced program able to resurrect almost as new files you deleted previously?
Who can I look around the house with a half-empty jar of Nutella and a perfect line?
threaten you, scold you, you scream, we pursued, but I swear, I never could see that right now because I love you.
I do not have a fever .. it's just that I already know I'll miss you, will not be the same as before, that every weekend when I get home you'll be a bit ' più grande e diversa.
E' scioccante ..ho sempre voluto liberami di te, sorella scomoda..e invece mi ritrovo qui a cercare un modo per non perderti di vista, per seguirti quanto basta a non rovinare l'equilibrio ideale che abbiamo creato in questi anni.
Volevo eliminare una sorella, ora voglio custodire una sorellina.
Ora, piccolo demone, non ti approfittare della mia ritrovata sensibilità..stasera tocca a te lavare i piatti..c'è la finale di Miss Italia..ti scuoioooo!!

Friday, March 26, 2010

2010 Model Three Wheel Motorcycles

Forget the Tropic of Capricorn

Direttamente dal diario Vista:Giovedì 24 settembre 2009 h 12.34

Tagliare i ponti con le persone non è mai stato il mio forte.
Ci sono dosi di insicurezza e rimpianto perfettamente bilanciate with a desire for change and disappointment.
You must have the strength to say in the face of a person because of your choices, your out of your life to want to keep for an indefinite period which can go up to the third party of your degree in psychotherapy or the birth of your sixth grandchild.
How do you put you put it .. the fact is that there is a lot to see again.
How to silence the guilt that has allowed you to forgive this person each time a pun you part?
How to forget your boring, but no less important than others, routine? How
renounce the support of a person who always there for you no matter what happens?
you reached the point of no return where a civil parting the thing that would sell a kidney, but the temptation of a scene in which holliwodiana throw all his stuff from the terrace you have been toying with the ego so many times since you considered the idea of \u200b\u200breturning singles, who now also your Smurf plush electric blue really knows how it will all end.
the evening when you must decide what to prepare for dinner you'll find yourself sad unpack boxes of disposable gherkins in vinegar poached in a lemon-yellow liquid that you hope with all my heart is a reflection of boiled corn floating in lazy circles on it similar to craters on the Moon , the only difference being that the planet in question is not dark green as your poor dinner table.
Lying down gives you your last cigarette of the day .. there will be no one waiting for planning terrorist attacks under the quilt to your virtue worthy of the most heinous crime, which will annoy the smell of smoke emanating from your skin.
On the balcony you will see happy couples, quarrelsome, serene, with children, and I looked at her polemic, wondering where you were wrong, because now you're alone and not with the former on duty to talk about politics, watching a movie, to count hours, minutes, seconds that separate you from dawn to travel to and from the consequent detachment in their jobs, or just to school.
Going to the sea there will be no one to wake you up making you credere che una mareggiata improvvisa ha portato via tutte le vostre cose, perfino le chiavi di casa e la tua carta di credito..affermazioni alle quali avrai pronta risposta..un'onda non può rubare..un'onda no,ti risponderà, ma il vostro vecchio e cleptomane vicino di ombrellone si, quindi gambe in spalle e corrigli dietro, anche se ha l'atrite c'è il rischio che non si fermi da solo.
D'ora in avanti non ci sarà più nessuno da rassicurare in caso di impellente e potente crisi di gelosia sollevata dal giovin passante di turno.
Che gusto c'è a cacciare se poi ti tocca anche cucinare la preda?
Poi però incontrerai un sorriso nuovo, qualcuno che saprà guardarti in modo differente, che ti farà sentire only for who you are and what you can claim .. and then your heart will melt again.
There will be immersed to the neck .. until you leave or you will be left.
I think being left in general is better.
You only have to worry about your pain, you have no guilt, and after having toured the hairdresser and the analyst are you ready for another adventure.
I mean, the tears come to an end, and freed my eyes from the patina of dullness that had covered them from the moment I accepted the engagement ring, are now free to look beyond the horizon to see a that before the sun was visible only Southern Hemisphere.
Unfortunately, I have always felt a Tropico del Capricorno, quindi tutto questo per me ancora non può valere.
Perchè a me non viene il desiderio di lasciare una persona quando ormai è da tanto che va avanti una storia e si è sommersi dai problemi.
Io ho il desiderio di fuga insito nel DNA..
Quando ancora non ci si conosce bene, quando tutto va a gonfie vele, quando c'è ancora il desiderio della conquista, quando la persona dall'altra parte è affascinante e riesce a comprendere anche solo una millesima parte di me, parte gelosamente nascosta ad intere generazioni di amanti.
Ecco, è in quel momento che io scappo..fuggo a gambe levate..e non mi fermo più..perfettamente consapevole che qualcosa sia già irreparabilmente rotto e che spetti I put an end ... as required by the etiquette followed by a useless bastard "Sorry is not your fault"
What the hell .. if not mine, if not yours .. is it?
Let's blame the Tropic .. and we all happier single, unfulfilled, curious, but tremendously happy and with an uncontrollable desire to live.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Stiff Back And Swollen Neck

starting to think that my requests are heard every now and then.
I love the cold and rain.
The icy wind, the puddles, the smell of wet leaves.
The snow, however, is challenging. To appreciate
I was supposed to be on vacation. Closed
in some hut, with full days before, free to allow me to lie.
The snow in winter and the social and political life are squabbling lovers, but the snow in March has the same charm of a raw onion to peel: makes you cry and you know that you will digest in one way or another. The snow in March
involves many discomforts.
The first is the change of wardrobe.
when I was still under the parental tutoring in this period had already completed the change of the official season, with some heavier head left aside in the event of trip outside influences or unexpected (a rare event, extremely rare if not unknown).
With the appropriation of decision-making powers in the manner of clothing, in old age I could follow la mia temperatura corporea e girare in maglietta corta, anche se tutto il resto del mondo girava in doppio maglione.
Grande conquista.
Segue che il mio armadio non ha più stagioni, ma solo un termometro collegato al mio cervelletto.
E' il cervello che detta la temperatura non l'ambiente.
Se siete discepoli delle mie teorie lo saprete bene.
Metti una sciarpa che emana calore verso la parte bassa della nuca e potrai stare anche in costume in pieno inverno senza provare brividi.
L'unica pecca è che il cervelletto si occupa anche della sfera emozionale, quindi se siete depressi potrete arrivare ad andare a dormire con il pigiama invernale in piena estate...è successo... non preoccupatevi, non suderete, ma sarete derisi attend any disbeliever in your home.
The good thing is that your body will be hardened and there never ill.
believed to be insane and save money or live their lives in physical illness slaves of drugs that slowly erode your minds? Bivio
Back to main speech.
The second inconvenience of snow in March are the shoes.
If you are a student or commuter who makes the short week, you will never have a better pair of shoes or heavy rubber boots with you.
follows that every step is a potential slide, at best on a clean sheet of ice, in the worst half in swamp formed by melting snow, smog and waste.
Nel caso fortunato in cui si dovessero evitare le due tristi evenienze, i calzini e i pantaloni fradici fino allo stinco ti perseguiteranno comunque fino alla sera, fumando in luoghi caldi, formando piccole ma dolorose stalagmiti infra-ditali durante le lunghe attese dei mezzi pubblici.
Mezzi pubblici.
Terzo paragrafo dei disagi provocati dalla neve a Marzo.
Tutti concordi nell'elogiare la puntualità, la comodità e soprattutto l'efficienza di Trenitalia in tempi di pace, ci troviamo colti di sorpresa e in imbarazzo nel dover constatare i piccoli problemi che durante il maltempo possono verificarsi.
Dalla voce veritiera e soprattutto accomodante della signorina dei ritardi e delle scuse, veniamo informati,dopo ore di attesa che avanzano shown on scoreboards at intervals of 5 minutes for each track and their locomotive laggard, that our, our own beloved and long-awaited train was canceled.
But he left 4 hours ago from Milan?
E 'evaporated?
is not possible, it's too cold .. the laws of physics forbid it .. so where's the train '?
Mystery of the track, we welcome the night at the station, pending its relocation.
Put on a regional event that appears to shift freight from those lovely .. .. and you is the sock idea to climb it will seize you ... Plague!
addition to continuing to quietly freezing already put forward your lower appendages, because obviously the heating of the train is broken, you will be asked to pay a fine because your ticket is superior.
Ehhh?! Needless to explain mannikin

Yes you need to take to get quite a coincidence in time to an important business meeting and that your Eurostar has been lost in some woods or simply your life takes place outside of a station and want to go home in one way or another even losing money ... Those already paid the ticket, certainly not those of the fine or another ticket .. but the guy does not seem to understand ... even staring at you annoyed not understand your resistance before a "public official"
If you face a controller with the license media can (maybe) get to pay the price of the ticket without penalty region. But what do you
"Euro-trip" to the confrontation was a documentary!
upgraded to bus.
If you're in it you will be stuck in the mode bacon / fontina cheese (there are vegetarian readers!) Vacuum among other unfortunates like yourself who are fleeing the urban swamp to get to a dry place with the least expenditure of energy.
We were wrong. No one has
muscular effort due to be held suspended between the ticket validation machine and eighty-turn, provided you stick and bag will plant in the ribs at every traffic light, apologizing and asking how far it is well known to his fermata in via del disperso, numero infinito, interno irrazionale, integrato all'abitazione del custode con labirintite che è un bell'uomo di novantanni vedovo e...bla bla bla.[...] (vi risparmio la pezza!)
Nessuno pensa che le strade saranno ingorgate come non mai e che per percorrere i 200 metri che lo distanziano da casa ad una velocità compresa tra gli 0,1 e i 1,0 km/h ( con bufera a favore anche 10!) impiegherà una giornata lavorativa e che il motivetto che lo accompagnerà in questa Odissea sarà composto dal rumore dei clacson e dalle urla soavi dei vostri autorevoli constradini automobilisti.
Ora tu lo sai.
Se mai arriverai a casa e avrai la possibilità di restarci senza doverti recare in qualche altro luogo di pubblica disperazione (cfr Stazione) la tua giornata ne uscirà profondamente mutata.
Se sei fuori dall'autobus invece, e qui arriviamo alla fine del nostro trattato, la tua sorte è segnata senza possibilità di rinvio.
La non-velocità del mezzo urbano toccherà il suo picco (grazie ad una provvidenziale bufera a favore) ogni volta che l'autobus sarà collocato all'estremità della sopracitata putrida pozzanghera di neve liquefatta a base di smog e rifiuti urbani nella quale non sei appena caduto(solo perchè hai scelto di tua sponte l'opzione lastrone di ghiaccio), e la tua persona non potrà fuggire essendosi appena lasciata alle spalle il famigerato lastrone di ghiaccio (correrci sopra vorrebbe say, give a brother the hematoma that is growing by leaps and bounds on your lower back).
spring bath with an immediate reply is not very elegant, which will put an end to all your supposed to get out unscathed from the phenomenon of "Snow in March and will continue to have a small shred of social life.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Mega Moleman X Simpsons Game

New ways of thinking ..

See all alone I'm beautiful,
the smile that you print on your face after so long,
the decision to say "enough, today I want to be happy "
feel that now is the beginning of something

love life
know what to love life for what it offers
love life to give love to the next
love life to be at peace with themselves

day after day I suffer more and less
and rejoice more and more
this is called living

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Cytherea Dando Pro Mandingo

... fate

Heal your thoughts ... become your words.

Heal of your words ... become your actions.

Heal your actions ... become your habits.

Heal of your habits ... become your character.

Heal your character ... becomes your destiny.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Where To Find The Cheapest Pontoon Furniture

the similarities ... Goodbye my lover

Love is like a map, it should be watered. If you do not
is watered, it dies.

Today I bought a map, and innaffierò every day.
So I remember the lesson to do in the future.

Phonetic Alphabet Tango

Did I disappoint you or abandoned?
I should feel guilty or let the judges
me look bad?
because I saw the end before we started
yes, I saw that you were blind
and I knew I had won, so
I took what was mine by eternal right Took your soul
may be over but will not stop there,
are here for you if you care you only have touched the
my heart you touched my soul
you changed my life and all my goals
and love is blind and I knew when
my heart was blinded by you
I kissed your lips and held
me your head
I shared with you your dreams and shared your bed
know you well, I know your smell
I added myself to your
are addicted to you

Goodbye my lover Goodbye my friend
six was the only one, the one for me

'm a dreamer but when I wake up,
you can not break my spirit
are my dreams you take with you
and since you're going away, remember me remember
us and what we were
I saw you cry, I've seen him smile
I looked for a little while I was sleeping
the father of your children
I would spend the rest of my life with you
know your fears and you know mine
we had our
doubts but now we're fine, and I love
swear it's true.
can not live without you

Goodbye my lover Goodbye my friend
you were the one, the one for me

and I still hold your hand in my
in mine, when I fell asleep and endure
my soul in time, while

I'm kneeling at your feet Goodbye my lover Goodbye my friend
you were the one, the one for me

I'm so hollow, baby, so empty
are so, so, so empty

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Used Paddle Boats Florida

A poem learned by heart, always!

that became my lesson ...

" He or she who becomes the slave of,
repeating every day the same itineraries,
who does not change the make or color of clothing,
nothing ventured,
does not talk to Who does not know.
He or she who shuns passion, who just wants
black on white, dotting the
rather than a set of emotions;
emotions that make your eyes glimmer,
quelle che fanno di uno sbaglio un sorriso,
quelle che fanno battere il cuore
davanti agli errori ed ai sentimenti!
Lentamente muore chi non capovolge il tavolo,
chi è infelice sul lavoro,
chi non rischia la certezza per l’incertezza,
chi rinuncia ad inseguire un sogno,
chi non si permette almeno una volta di fuggire ai consigli sensati.
Lentamente muore chi non viaggia,
chi non legge,
chi non ascolta musica,
chi non trova grazia e pace in sè stesso.
He or she who destroys the pride,
who does not accept help,
who passes his days complaining of his misfortune.
Dies slowly he who abandons a project before starting it,
who does not ask questions on subjects he does not know
who does not answer when asked something he knows.
We avoid death in small doses,
reminding oneself that being alive requires an effort
far greater than the simple act of breathing!
Only a burning patience will lead to the achievement of
una splendida felicità. "

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Anti Freeze Soul Silver

Anzianotti docet Snow in March!: There you are ... and they are here ...

Anzianotti docet!: There you are ... and they are here ...

Fotos Grandes Russian Bare

There you ... and there they are ...

It is you who know me always, with whom I shared many experiences.
And it is you who claim to know, with a lot of superficiality and arrogance.
It is you who have come to know with which a moment of super invective because of snow due to the physiological condition of my callous meteoropathic receptor may be unspoken and a return to the old equilibrium.
And we do not know who you are by choice, why do you not find anything that hits me, I share the time, but nothing more.
It is you who I have gradually understood, stirred and appreciated.
And it is you that I make with the puns and allusions false.
It is you who are able to anticipate every potential ironic-my-idiotic sarcastic.
And it is you that those jokes you've never understood. There are
you who have put in my everyday life, in which silence is an alternative discourse, and relaxed, never embarrassment.
And it is you who pretend to steal my attention, my space with your empty talk.
It is you who have ideals, which in-depth things to hear your not to slide them without a trace.
And there you are referred to the consideration of the golden calf we do not care, but do not write it, I do not go well, I censor.
It is you who are not superficial, that at a Saturday evening at a friend's house is an opportunity and not a last resort for a weekend disorganized and landlocked clubbers.
And there you are among you, you always here with us. But we who? Must be an us? There
are you to where the study is important, but does not stop a vote, is a brick of that future that at all costs want to change.
And there you are to where the study is finished, you lose time, there is no point, go over tomorrow ... not today, come to us, with us, for us.
It is you who have clear ideas, but not actually named, and I like to do just that.
And there you are with the ideas that we make plans, strange paths, a theory, brood a lot. There you are
future judges, with your questionable morality that make me hope for the future.
And there you are, what future? One heart, one love?
It is you who despite the distance you are always near me.
And it is you that despite the proximity always managed to make me feel distant.
There For You you would have the right to say much, but say you need.
And it is you who do not have any right, but say a lot, too, is false.
It is you who judge you, but you do not.
And it is you who do not want opinions, but you are in the front row to give them. All seated, began my lesson.
It is you who will be the only ones who understand my twisted speech, and rightly so.
And there you are superior, even at the finish line, which will rise to almost anywhere near there, and it's better that way.
There you are, thankfully ...
And I thank you that you are.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Gay Cruisy Areas In Mobile, Al

Anger: "Analysis and acceptance" [AA, Chapter 0]

Then you're serious .. let's see .. I'm always of the opinion that we need a shock treatment but .. tu non ne vuoi sapere..

E' formata da cinque fasi:

Sono 5 periodi da vivere in atteggiamento ascetico essenziali per la rinascita..altro che il monachesimo al quae ti eri data ultimamente..non porta a nulla se praticato senza aiuto di un medico e di un sano programma anonimo!

Bisogna toccare il fondo per risalire,immergersi nel letame..
Tu ti stai limitando a stare appesa ad una piccola protuberanza di parete posta sopra un letamaio a cielo aperto.
Sei offuscata dalle esalazioni..
Se ti ci butterai and instead call for help in a loud voice will be divided to recover sooner or later, when there are weather conditions and the right equipment.
But if you're there, hanging half way no one will fail to cheer you up .. there is no room for another person on that spur of rock and you are so clouded by the smoke that I could not see the many strings that you are given to rise.
're too down now .. not enough to say "I hit rock bottom, at least I can relax on a solid, comfortable though slimy and smelly, but not high enough to clearly see the sky and I hope I can climb alone on your own.
Do not say you do not come to save you .. do not know you're not there .. you cried enough .. if you can not hear you away .. with all the people passing by, how do you know that if you do not want him screaming his name?
E 'a pool built by you, and mental journeys there are always possible or at least desirable destinations.
call for help.
O will configure one of your many mental journeys on him or you'll have to choose one of the situations listed below.
1) shall remain where you are halfway to feeling sorry for himself and let the sauna with manure fumes.
Just remember that when you get out much and you'll smell talmentente changed so that it will be difficult
near you 2) you'll get dropped and things that sound the alarm "help person immersed in manure, turn on autopilot. "
The instinct of self-preservation always works when you least expect it, but diesel is more efficient and in extreme situations rather than the normal highway sloppy and uninspired.

This is the stage preceding the shock therapy, namely acceptance and external analysis of the problem.
If you do not pass the entrance exam is not part of the therapy.
's time to go back to sleep on the meadows of daisies .. enough manure!
Do not you agree?
.. Excellent is also among those who are in suspense .. but I will not feel a breath!
Course materials will be available on my website .. you can receive information from my assistant.
Yours sincerely Dr.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Panasonic Kx-a142es Delete Messages


directly from the diary Vista (October 8, 2009 12:45 h)

infamous day in which nothing is quite important to be done and nothing is so obvious to be missed.
existential questions that take the place of the normal daily activities usually done on autopilot, trying to carve out the time to think.
And then to think about what?
the radio that transmits the same old music?
In case you have broken and fix it will cost more than its market value? A
all commitments declined, hatred of the people, closer to Reggiana?
should buy a cabinet to hide your weird thoughts .. skeletons feel so alone .. and because they can not grow mold dehumidifier because it is right that they too have their moment of glory.
not want to write a book, I want to give my signature on the sheet, mark and ruin blank page, knowing that nobody will read only intentionally but by accident.
rampant victimization seasoned by the knowledge that in less than half an hour I will be home free ..
Then I'll relax now .. the sun and stretch out the nerves after a liberating laughter will understand that nothing is as before, but nothing has ever been like now. Like money
drunk who has not had loved, happiness makes me a strano effetto.
Non che io non sia mai stata felice...sarebbe una castroneria..
Non mi sono mai riconosciuta però in questo stato,troppo impegnata a guardare oltre, a cercare un futuro che sotto sotto mi spaventava per la sua precisione e la sua ubicazione scomoda nel cassetto delle possibilità avverabili ma non raggiungibili.
Ora posso giocare con le parole, esprimere per una volta ciò che mi passa per la testa senza il timore di essere giudicata..sfido chiunque a ritenermi ancora normale.
Finirò ad assumere ansiolitici a colazione per combattere l'ansia da ingresso nel mondo, anti-depressivi a pranzo per non cadere nel tunnel del cibo..mi addormenterò con almeno due neuro-litici per scongiurare i brutti sogni..
Il my pillow smells of sunflowers that I will be massaging the hair every time I can finally fall asleep .. reminding me that I never sleep .. only sketch.
I'm going to fish for freshwater plimpli LoveGod Moon, because only a fool can not accompany another fool in affected brain.
I would sleep in a bathtub full of coins with lower value of the world .. one cent a penny .. .. .. a grozky a lek .. even a penny if I can persuade the Mint to sell one to a moderate price.
I noticed that the biological rhythm is our invention.
not sleep because if you need to get there, but only if your conscience allows you.
I recently found out.
E così ho capito perchè non ho dormito per un anno e da due settimane a questa parte passo la notte a leggere libri, tragedie e fumetti.
Il problema è che non sono un vampiro, quindi per quanto potrò acculturarmi sfruttando le ore notturne come Edward Cullen, arriverà il giorno in cui esploderò, e non ci sarà nessuna colla magica che potrà assemblare le mie povere membra straziate dalla ubris di voler superare madre natura.
Madre natura, grillo parlante, coscienza, angioletto sulla spalla..tanti nomi un'unica essenza..quella rompi palle che ogni volta che sbagli cerca di riportarti sulla retta via ..con conseguenti stati d'insonnia, abbassamento del livello di guardia nelle ore diurne, repentini sbalzi d'umore, tendency to hunt in the most unlikely situations, hypersensitivity to the presence of other forms of human life, rampant nervousness, memory size colander .. and I could go on endlessly, but I will stop here tonight because I did 5 and weigh circles.
And 'Saturday night .. the regular guys who are organizing to get out. I
after I organized attack on the trusted OpenOffice to write my memoirs.
Chiara! Memoirs of Hadrian? (Marguerite Yourcenar)! Blessed be Footman ..
I was reminded of something diabolical ahaha .. but if I had killed the first time I thought .. I would now already out of galeraaaa iihihi .. .. and become a famous sentence will be added weekly on my board .. just to remind you, my dear Clare .. we are like leaves hanging from a medlar tree .. any psychopath could choose for his sadistic projects .. and there would be no question of judging which takes him to desist.
Your trip I hid in the garage right .. if you want to escape.
Duty calls me .. there is plenty to rip out there .. unfortunately this is not your will instead get a reason ..!
Love, love
Santa devil, for the land Anzianotti

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Dragonball Gt English Doujinshi

How to be able to wake up and want to sleep

directly from my electronic diary Vista (December 6, 2009, 06:14 h)

I sleep!
I sleep! I sleep!
I sleep.
I sleep .. I sleep ... I'm sleepy!
But I'm awake .. and .. dormooooooo sketch sketch .. but sleep does not come .. so .. I repeat sonoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.Banale. But
I just put 3 hours of sleep for free.
To avoid having to sleep standing up tomorrow when I will try to study.
To not have to sleep on a book by now knows the wrinkles of my old face.
order to understand in 10 minutes as a joke.
Pe do not smile vaguely.
Not having to risk ending up against a pole.
a miserable hour of sleep!
order to pull the plug.
To develop the facts of a day.
To avoid having to change the calendar sheet and discover that they left behind. O
too far.
half an hour.
I just have a small town half hour.
To be able to say, I am there.
To turn the alarm off in a state of half asleep.
a quarter!
okay too.
I want to sleep. I WANT TO SLEEP! I want to sleep.
is 6.
My grandmother is already up to say praise.
And I'm awake.
Watcher. Angry
sclerotic. With a principle of neurosis
already in the finishing straight.
I focus.
And the moment has already expired.
Cosa sono cinque minuti nel complesso di un'itera giornata lavorativa?
Una pausa per una sigaretta.
Una corsa veloce in bagno.
Voglio assopirmi nel letto con la stessa puntualità con cui lo faccio nelle ore di Cammarano.
Esattamente dopo una pagina e tre righe di appunti.
Prometto che mi sveglierò da sola.
Non coinvolgerò nessuno nel mio folle piano di riposo notturno.
A cosa serve una radio-sveglia nuova se non la si può spegnere?
Tomba a cieo aperto.
Sarcofago irriverente.
ungrateful and cold igloo.
container complex thoughts. I HATE YOU READ
look at me awake .. but not by hearing.
I complain .. but I do not listen.
sleep on the floor. YOU WILL SCRAP.
Mastrota You and you closed with me.
Old pile of blankets and sheets. Mixture
nefarious slats, feathers and pillows.
idle worker sleep ever. Infamous
I sleep. I'm sleepy. I'm sleepy.
colluding or colludes with insomnia.
were my last bastion. Fighter trusted.
I had secured at least three hours.
And now nothing.
I've never been so tired.

Evinrude 4hp Wont Go Into Gear


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Nds Save File Pokemon Ranger

Good evening!

delirium are in full pre-exam .. that strange period when the shock d'umore sono all'ordine del giorno e stati di profonda disperazione si alternano a delirii di onnipotenza.
L'esame è giovedì conto alla rovescia è partito.
Da questo momento tutto quello che studierò non verrà assimilato per la troppa tensione e per il peso della consapevolezza di non sapere nulla e di aver cominciato troppo tardi a studiare.
Ho pensato allora di creare questo blog, figlioccio fortemente voluto, ma mai ancora concepito per mancanza di tempo..
Tempo..prezioso quanto bistrattato, troppo lento quando c'è l'impazienza, poco comprensivo quando c'è necessità.
Ho bisogno di tempo per studiare, ma non ne ho abbastanza, quindi mi ribello e per protesta perdo anche quel poco che I have and invest in questionable activities.
The blog is the last of these found.
I want to clarify that it is not only out of spite .. sooner or later .. i was born on the same spreadsheet that I have folders of Vista (which is damn!) Quiver in the drawer .. will be posted soon ..
ready to organize your blog.
As it happens a bit 'all I have expectations, rules and resources for this part of my youngest folly.
For those who do not know me start by saying that expect something normal is not recommended.
I write for me, then communicate it to others.
Every time I write I think of someone who can go by myself to my neighbor, the teacher on duty, long-time friend or to all of you who read.
will talk about anything and everything, because my interests are many.
Sometimes I will give my view of things, sometimes you will share what I do sometimes comment on political situations a little 'ambiguous.
I want to create something of my own.
not look for a link between things. There
Do not ask if they are normal.
I am not.
Read everything you want, try to grasp the irony that I will put in everything I write, quotes hidden (can range from Harry Potter to Seneca, by Heidi Wilde, do not be surprised about anything!) Who know so much crazy but if you understand the 'art', commented, interact, interact!
If you know me know that what I write is real life, but not necessarily must relate to you .. so little paranoia and go on .. nothing personal!
That said we are ready to go ..
Happy reading!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Frozen Embryo Transfer Success

Access ....

rendersi conto che è venuto il momento di tagliare...
rendersi conto che è venuto il momento di piangere...
rendersi conto che è venuto il momento di conteggiare gli errori...
rendersi conto che è venuto il momento di riflettere...

rendersi conto che era un amore forte...

è venuto il momento di guardare in avanti
è venuto il momento di tenere duro
è venuto il momento di ignorare i propri sentimenti
è venuto il momento di far soffrire his soul

realize that was a strong love ...

say this, it's over
say this, cry
say this, try to move forward

realize that was a strong love ...

be asking questions of why
be in doubt

realize that was a strong love ...
realize that she was the woman's life
realize that she has chosen you

love è bellissimo
l'amore è guerra
l'amore è darsi le proprie gioie
l'amore è condividere la propria vita con la compagna

rifletti, lascia il tuo tempo per le ferite, ricominci
deve essere questo il mio mantra...

...ciao Anna...

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Raphael Armattoe The Lonely Soul


not watch it.
could fool yourself. If
crosses his eyes for you is over.
fall apart and you feel your insecurity is not true.
Despite the feeling of pleasure, new to te, non apprezzeresti questo momento.
Non riusciresti.

Pausa caffè
Silenzio che fa credere ad un accenno di pensiero utile a qualcosa.


Perché ti svegli ogni mattina?
Perché ti addormenti ogni notte?
Perché il vuoto ti spaventa?
Perché la folla ti spaventa?
Perché il rumore ti spaventa?
Perché il silenzio ti spaventa?
Perché vorresti sapere le risposte a queste domande?

Tamburelli le dita su una liscia superficie, più volte lucidata.
Il ritmo è fastidioso, ma non riesci a fermarti.
Impronte.Esisti, buon segno.
Rumori.Sai creare qualcosa, buon segno.
Movimento.Puoi cambiare il tuo presente, buon segno.

Chiudi gli occhi,deluso e ritorna ad immaginare qualcosa di concreto.
L'apice indiscusso della tua "non vita" inizia proprio ora.
Lo sai e ritorni a sorridere.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Christy Canyon Ohio 2009

say you will do much "noise"? 2009 STANDINGS

Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ...
perché un suono più importante c'è già.
Io l0 voglio riascoltare...
e sono stanco di tutti i vostri bla bla bla nonsense.
pseudo problems,
beliefs, fears
social masks.

"Tell that scare anyone?"
Maybe he should scare you.
Maybe you should listen to the echo of that noise.
everything seems clearer ...
silence while the threat of return.

Compering For Welcome

  1. Patrick Watson - Wooden Arms
  2. Zu - Carboniferous
  3. Odawas - The Blue Depths
  4. Ramona Falls - Intuit
  5. Crippled Black Phoenix - 200 Tons of Bad Luck
  6. Vic Chesnutt - At The Cut
  7. Mono - Hymn To The Immortal Wind
  8. Antony and the Johnsons - The Crying Light
  9. Isis - Wavering Radiant
  10. Horse The Band - Desperate Living
  11. Mastodon - Crack The Skye
  12. Karnivool - Sound Awake
  13. The theater of horrors - In Cold Blood
  14. Ministers - Dark Times
  15. Thrice - Beggars
  16. Dredg - The Pariah, The Parrot, The Delusion
  17. Silversun Pickups - Swoon
  18. Baroness - Blue
  19. Record Fine Before You Came - Hex
  20. Dorena - Holofon